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Thema: A tool to make maps stackable?

  1. #1
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von John Henry Eden
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    A tool to make maps stackable?


    I am currently working on a re-imagining, if you so will, of an old favorite scenario of mine.

    My main point is to make it more PBEM-friendly, and to that end I want to make terrain stackable. Obviously this is almost impossible to do by hand, so I wonder if there is a tool which makes maps (with cities and units already on it, preferably) stackable?

    For that matter, is there a tool to remove railroads (which are annoyingly also in the scenario)?

  2. #2
    Europäer Avatar von Radyserb
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    serbska stolica Budyšin a němska stolica Berlin
    It's a lot of work, but you can do it by hand. Stackable is in fact just a fortress

    You can remove railroad by the remove of the technology Railroad from the tech tree

  3. #3
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von John Henry Eden
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    Zitat Zitat von Radyserb Beitrag anzeigen
    It's a lot of work, but you can do it by hand. Stackable is in fact just a fortress

    You can remove railroad by the remove of the technology Railroad from the tech tree
    Yes, but the map has railroads already on it, which I could remove manually, I guess.

    But making the map stackable seems impossible by hand. The map is huge, it would take ages.

    I'm sure there is a tool to do this, considering all the stackable scenarios on different maps that have come out.

  4. #4
    Das Spice muss fließen!!! Avatar von Barthi
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    Tool name: CivStack.exe for many Civ2 tools need you vbrun300.DLL

    Fragen/Download = PN an mich:

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    Star Trek Galaxy, Sezessionskrieg, Star Wars: Rise and Fall*

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    *in Arbeit, # auf Eis gelegt

  5. #5
    VfB ein Leben lang! Avatar von Historical Atze
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    Zitat Zitat von John Henry Eden Beitrag anzeigen
    Yes, but the map has railroads already on it, which I could remove manually, I guess.

    But making the map stackable seems impossible by hand. The map is huge, it would take ages.

    I'm sure there is a tool to do this, considering all the stackable scenarios on different maps that have come out.
    I remember such a tool. I think, AiC mentioned it some years ago, but I am quite sure that some of the Scen-Editors use it, too. Ask Eivind or McMonkey if they know about it.
    V f B  e i n  L e b e n  l a n g

    "Kein Mensch hat seinen Freunden so viel Gutes erwiesen und seinen Feinden so viel Böses angetan, dass ich, Sulla, ihn nicht noch übertroffen hätte."
    Lucius Cornelius Sulla (138-78 v.Chr.) Dictator von Rom

    "Sonst ein gar stiller Mann, doch wenn er angreift, wie der böse Teufel..."
    über König Rudolf I. von Habsburg aus Grillparzer - König Ottokars Glück und Ende

    Zitat Zitat von simsahas Beitrag anzeigen
    nich wundern, bin nich analphabed geworden....mein hardes "d" auf der dasdadur isd kapudd :donk: :donk: Meine freundin had das nudella-messe auf die dasdadur fallen lassen :donk: :donk:

  6. #6
    zwangsweise inaktiv
    Registriert seit
    Hannover, Germany
    set Railroad, 6, 0, SE, Bri, 2, 1 ; RR
    Railroad, 6, 0, no, no, 2, 1 ; RR

    and set prerequisites of any technology that uses RR to SE or Bri

    Industrialization, 6, 0, RR, Ban, 2, 1 ; Ind
    Industrialization, 6, 0, SE, Ban, 2, 1 ; Ind

  7. #7
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von John Henry Eden
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    I found the tool on Mercator's site, thanks everyone.

    Work on the scenario has slowed a bit, but I'll finish it soon enough.

  8. #8
    VfB ein Leben lang! Avatar von Historical Atze
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    What's it about?
    V f B  e i n  L e b e n  l a n g

    "Kein Mensch hat seinen Freunden so viel Gutes erwiesen und seinen Feinden so viel Böses angetan, dass ich, Sulla, ihn nicht noch übertroffen hätte."
    Lucius Cornelius Sulla (138-78 v.Chr.) Dictator von Rom

    "Sonst ein gar stiller Mann, doch wenn er angreift, wie der böse Teufel..."
    über König Rudolf I. von Habsburg aus Grillparzer - König Ottokars Glück und Ende

    Zitat Zitat von simsahas Beitrag anzeigen
    nich wundern, bin nich analphabed geworden....mein hardes "d" auf der dasdadur isd kapudd :donk: :donk: Meine freundin had das nudella-messe auf die dasdadur fallen lassen :donk: :donk:

  9. #9
    Blue Lion Avatar von Civinator
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    Even to use that tool triggers a lot of additional work, as all unit defense stats (or attack stats) must be reworked.


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