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Thema: 88 naufragar ist Montezuma

  1. #16

  2. #17
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von naufragarRB
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    Ich machte eine Bauchentscheidung.

    It would take me forever to explain in my broken German what makes this start interesting, so I'll try English for this. The problem of the Aztecs is that their techs are terrible. Hunting/Mysticism is the second worst pair after Mining/Mysticism. This problem is exacerbated by the difficulty (Gottheit) and the size (Huge). We are essentially 20 turns behind opponents with techs that speed them to Bronze Working and Pottery. Even if I could get a bunch of workers out quickly, they would barely have anything to do. Eventually they could chop, but what would they chop? We won't have granaries for a while. We don't want even more workers with nothing to do. We could easily produce more settlers than our economy could support.

    To look on the bright side, this means we don't need many early workers, which, in turn, means that we can get an early settler. Despite being Agg/Org, we should be able to get a settler down around turn 36. In my sandbox, I found this city to share a food resource with the capital, but maybe there are better city sites nearby. It's very important that we work the silver mine for as many turns as possible. It makes a huge difference to our tech rate.

    After a (somewhat) quick first settler, the next settler isn't for a while. On the one hand, I don't want to found cities before I can give them granaries and tiles to work. On the other hand, in PB73 some opponents were 7 tiles away. Some were 12 tiles away. If I'm next to Joao and Catherine, for example, we probably need to throw down cities before it's comfortable to do so.
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken

  3. #18
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Maugitar
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    So you have founded/ will found on the plain hill?

  4. #19
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von naufragarRB
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    Yup. As a rule, it’s almost always better to found on a plains hill if it only costs a turn of movement. I didn’t found on the plains hill in the first start because the faster worker would have very many idle turns. Because I now have a river and a hill pigs, the worker can make more than one improvement with only one tech, whether that’s Agriculture or Mining. (Probably going to be Agriculture.)

  5. #20
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Maugitar
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    Hey, are there any news from the Aztecs?

  6. #21
    Disturbed Avatar von DaHexxor
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    Civ3-PBEMs: 214 (gewonnen) / 225 (beendet) / 234 / 235 (beendet) / 237 / 239 / 240 / 242 (beendet) / 246 / 247 / 250 / 251

    Civ5-PBEMs - beendet -: 22 / 27 / 32 / 36

    HoI-2 Story

  7. #22
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von naufragarRB
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    Nicht viel. Wir haben ein neu Nahrungsressi finden, aber es ist zu entfernt fuer unserem erstem Siedler:

    Der Info-Bildschirm anzeigt, das ein Spieler (at least!) nicht im Huegel siedlt.
    (How do you say "plains hill" in German?) I had said that settling on a plains hill is almost always better, but the big exception is if you want to get a work boat out as fast as possible. Perhaps this is what the person with 2 food/ 5 production is doing.
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken

  8. #23
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von naufragarRB
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    Ok. Ich muss fragen. Wie sind Nahoimis und Der Grafs Storys acht Seite lange??? Es ist Runde 4!

  9. #24
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Maugitar
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    It's difficult to write something without saying to much. First it helps a lot to post about your thoughts. E.g. where do you want to settle, what are your plans for your research and why do you have decided to take them. Also some players create sandboxes in the map editor with the information they already have to investigate what the best strategy might be and ask the audience what they think about.

    And also there are some popular players here in the forum who draw people like moths to the flame. E.g. the Graf has played a lot of stories and he has a very funny way to write them.

    I hope this helps to understand it

  10. #25
    Avatar von Lord of the Civ
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    Zitat Zitat von naufragarRB Beitrag anzeigen
    Ok. Ich muss fragen. Wie sind Nahoimis und Der Grafs Storys acht Seite lange??? Es ist Runde 4!
    Beide spielen in Teams, da muss am Anfang jeder Kriegerzug abgesprochen werden.

  11. #26
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Maugitar
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    By the way. It's a world map. So I think your starting position could be in northern Poland (Gdynia), but the dessert field you have found confuses me a lot. So I'm not sure anymore.

  12. #27
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von naufragarRB
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    Beide spielen in Teams, da muss am Anfang jeder Kriegerzug abgesprochen werden.
    Indeed! I hadn't realized they were teams until I tried to find out who Nahoimi was playing and saw he was with Frozen. Two of the Realms Beyond teams are at 5+ pages. Much debate, I'm sure.

    Also some players create sandboxes in the map editor with the information they already have to investigate what the best strategy might be and ask the audience what they think about.
    This is partly my point. I'm surprised that there's much to talk about. Generally, people post a lot when they want to try a crazy idea. Early religion or kriegerrush. I could post my plans in detail but they are very boring: build a worker, improve tiles, build a settler. I have no idea what Der Graf and theindless are planning, but Frozen and Nahoimi should be going for religion. The extra commerce from a Fishing start will let them beat the other Mysticism civs, and Isabella can catch up in expansion with Exp. (I know you can't comment.)

    I'll think about posting my sandbox, but because of my techs, I am constrained to a few paths, so there are fewer interesting choices.

    Pseudo-edit: Maugitar, I saw your second post while writing this. I am almost certain I'm in northern Poland. It's possible that the desert tile is for game balance. I won't try to read the map makers' minds, but I wondered if the nice river areas are the midpoint between players that must be fought over.

  13. #28
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    And don't forget, there is alot of trashtalk in the longer Storys.

  14. #29
    Disturbed Avatar von DaHexxor
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    Zitat Zitat von Jaeg Beitrag anzeigen
    And don't forget, there is alot of trashtalk in the longer Storys.
    You've called for me?

    Civ3-PBEMs: 214 (gewonnen) / 225 (beendet) / 234 / 235 (beendet) / 237 / 239 / 240 / 242 (beendet) / 246 / 247 / 250 / 251

    Civ5-PBEMs - beendet -: 22 / 27 / 32 / 36

    HoI-2 Story

  15. #30
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Schafspelz
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    Heho, lese auch mit. Vielen Dank für die Story.

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