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Thema: 2metraninja plays PB87

  1. #31
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von dvametraNINJA
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    Sorry, I was traveling and generally being quite busy.

    The war turned to be just so Hubabls evacuate his warrior, who got trapped after my capitol's culture popped up, so nothing spectacular happened. Hubabl / Metal had sent me 10-turns peace deal, which wears off the next turn.

    And here is the question I wanted to ask you. Now I am last to play in this turn. What if I do move, end turn, then move again in the beginning of the turn, double-moving while in peace, end the turn and still not declaring war, and then I declare just the turn after the next - hopefully playing first, but even second is OK, not big deal. Is this OK play?

  2. #32
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Suite
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  3. #33
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von dvametraNINJA
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    Thanks. So I advance to seek revenge for him declaring war to me

  4. #34
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Suite
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    Hm...I don't see any advance here

  5. #35
    Avatar von Lord of the Civ
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    So I advance to seek revenge for him declaring war to me
    Yes, it's his fault entirely.

  6. #36
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von wadabu
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  7. #37
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von dvametraNINJA
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    Hm...I don't see any advance here
    Here it is:

    I already stated my disappointment from having Boudica as a leader and having a neighbor THAT close, but I decided to use what cards I've been dealt the best way I could. To be honest, to archer/warrior rush my neighbor was the first thought I had after seeing Boudica and France so close at the start. Boudica is not the best leader for developing and when some guys say: invest most efforts to improve what you naturally lack, I do prefer to put in use the traits I excel at and shine there, even if only in specific areas, than to try to be all-round good at everything and not excellent in anything. So war it is from the warrior-Queen.

    I am not sure if I can conquer Hubabl/Metal's capitol (why is this double naming btw? Are those 2 guys playing as partners or Metal is Hubabl's artistic name?). If he was relying on the fact that he have the initial archer in his capitol and the fact that we had 10-turn enforced peace and did not built additional units, and I have good rolls with RNG, I can take his capitol. And this will be such a boost, that it is hardly to believe. But even if not, I plan to choke the heck out of him and hopefully finish him later when I improve my production and economics and use my superior units, while he tries to get rid of my pesky chokers.
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken

  8. #38
    Avatar von Lord of the Civ
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    If he was relying on the fact that he have the initial archer in his capitol and the fact that we had 10-turn enforced peace and did not built additional units, and I have good rolls with RNG, I can take his capitol.
    The initial archer is going to be a problem, I think. But we'll see, if Hubabl is prepared for this or not.

    And yes, Hubabl=metal, just one player.

  9. #39
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von dvametraNINJA
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    The initial archer is going to be a problem, I think.
    If it is only the initial archer, I think I will take his capitol. Of course depends on luck. Worst thing is if my first attacker archer dies without even scratching his archer. Then I call off the attack. But it is common misconception that Archers are very hard to kill with other archers or warriors. Or to defend with warriors against chariots. Or axes vs maces. It is just a numbers game. Or attacking units in cities or forests. You bring enough units and you can even get ahead in the hammer-to-hammer game.

    The first attacker will have awful odds - like 1% but those are odds for winning. Winning is not for him unfortunately (for him that is, he will serve us good with his sacrifice) All we need is the defender to get wounded. As I said, worst case scenario is the defender does not get wounds at all - flawless victory. Our first attacker sacrificed himself in vain, poor and stupid bastard But if he does some damage to the defender, the next attacker suddenly have like 40-50% odds and with some luck and bringing enough units everything is possible. All this strategy relies on the hope of people who feel secure and do not build much units, but rely on their supposed superiority - being it strong defensive position or hitpoints advantage.

    This is on theory of course, let's see how things develop

  10. #40
    schläft Avatar von Frozen
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    Did you check your chance of winning in total?

    Boudicca and archers

    Ps: If you only fight the archer with your 2 archers and 2 warriors you have a winning chance of around 75%.
    If he has an additional non fortified warrior you only have around 30%.
    If he has 2 warriors you only have 3%.
    Geändert von Frozen (30. Oktober 2019 um 12:35 Uhr)
    Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose

  11. #41
    ε•ω=1 Avatar von Ramkhamhaeng
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    Did you check your chance of winning in total?

    Boudicca and archers
    I was curious and checked 2 Archers+2 Warriors against 1 fortified Archer+1 Warrior with Vodka: Chance is approx 25%.

  12. #42
    schläft Avatar von Frozen
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    I used Vokda too
    Did you give the warriors combat 1 promotion?
    Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose

  13. #43
    ε•ω=1 Avatar von Ramkhamhaeng
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    I used Vokda too
    Did you give the warriors combat 1 promotion?
    No, I forgot

  14. #44
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von dvametraNINJA
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    Very very useful this Vodka tool is. WIll save me tens and tens of reloads in simulations

    On the actual game - boring boring boring stuff. My initial attack had failed, as my first archer could do only .5 damage, so I called off the rest of the attack and started siege. Hubabl started to build warriors just as expected, got his worker back in his cap, I took the nearby forested hill, went to pillage his corn farm and we did just this - he building warriors, I building worker while teching bronze working. For me, copper is in my BFC and I am already improving it, while Hubabl's copper is way way off his reach, given the circumstances.

    He did a sally last turn with 2 warriors. I tried my luck with my superior AGG warriors but lost the first battle at 67%. Finished his wounded warrior with second warrior and now we look at each-other again. He can kill my warrior too, but I will kill his too, so we are 1:1 in hammer to hammer exchange rate.

    I am building barracks while I wait for the copper to be connected and collecting money for 1 warrior upgrade to axe.

    Dull affair, but it have to be done and move on.

  15. #45
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von dvametraNINJA
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    Sigh, after chain of bad plays and overlookings, now comes the bad luck. Lost a 7.8% and 23% battles and Metal broke the siege and I am back to the drawing board

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