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Thema: Stellaris 2.0.1 patch released

  1. #31
    Neigt zur Überreaktion Avatar von DerMonte
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    Zitat Zitat von PCGamer Beitrag anzeigen
    Oder aber ganz einfach pP.

  2. #32

  3. #33
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Calibas
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    Du hast auch Abkürzungen.

  4. #34
    Blue Lion Avatar von Civinator
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    Zitat Zitat von Nightmare Beitrag anzeigen
    Aha...und da ist es besser das die Leute ständig neue Themen auf machen weil Sie nach der gleichen Logik auch kein Bock haben auch nur auf die untere Hälfte der ersten Seite zu scrollen, geschweige denn mal Seite zwei auf zu machen?
    Threads zu einzelnen Sachthemen können zusammengeführt werden, aber das Sachthema ist für jeden klar ersichtlich. Bei großen Sammelthreads (mit Dutzenden von Seiten) fehlt es an jedem Überblick über den Inhalt.

  5. #35
    Peace through power! Avatar von Nightmare
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    Hab gehört das Foren Suchfunktionen haben.
    Frieden durch Macht!
    Bruderschaft von Nod

  6. #36
    also Gimli Avatar von Gloinssohn
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    linker Niederrhein
    Zitat Zitat von Nightmare Beitrag anzeigen
    Hab gehört das Foren Suchfunktionen haben.
    Gerüchte der Opposition 😂
    Alles herhören:
    Niemand hat irgend jemanden zu steinigen,
    bevor ich nicht diese Pfeife geblasen habe.
    Habt ihr verstanden?
    Selbst wenn,
    und ich möchte,
    dass das absolut klar ist,
    selbst wenn irgend jemand Jehova sagt...

  7. #37
    ...dankt für den Fisch! Avatar von luxi68
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    SG - Burg
    Zitat Zitat von Nightmare Beitrag anzeigen
    Hab gehört das Foren Suchfunktionen haben.
    Auch mit der Suchfunktion ist es viel einfacher Threads zu einem Thema zu finden, als aus einem unübersichtlichen Sammelthread Einzelbeiträge rausziehen zu müssen. Gar nicht zu reden davon, dass man bei sich wiederholenden Fragen leichter auf einen Thread verlinken kann, als auf irgendeinen Beitrag in einem Konfus-sammel-thread.
    Somewhere over the rainbow...
    ...there's no place like home.

    Judy Garland, The Wizard Of OZ

    Ci[Wii]lization @ 1292 6114 9198 7307

  8. #38
    Bái Zuô! Avatar von monkeypunch87
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    Threads zu einzelnen Sachthemen können zusammengeführt werden, aber das Sachthema ist für jeden klar ersichtlich. Bei großen Sammelthreads (mit Dutzenden von Seiten) fehlt es an jedem Überblick über den Inhalt.
    Zitat Zitat von luxi68 Beitrag anzeigen
    Nein, ist er nicht. Wer soll denn da was wiederfinden?

    Hier im Civforum darf jeder Threads eröffnen wie er mag. Wenn es thematisch passt wird gesammelt, aber es wird nicht alles in Stammtische oder "Kleine-Fragen"-Threads zusammengepfercht.

    Ordnung in einem unübersichtlichen Sammelthread? Lieber hundert verschiedene Threads als hundert Fragen im Stammtisch.
    Zitat Zitat von luxi68 Beitrag anzeigen
    Auch mit der Suchfunktion ist es viel einfacher Threads zu einem Thema zu finden, als aus einem unübersichtlichen Sammelthread Einzelbeiträge rausziehen zu müssen. Gar nicht zu reden davon, dass man bei sich wiederholenden Fragen leichter auf einen Thread verlinken kann, als auf irgendeinen Beitrag in einem Konfus-sammel-thread.
    Stimme ich allem zu.

    Gerade Luxis Satz "Hier im Civforum darf jeder Threads eröffnen wie er mag." halte ich für wichtig. Es kann auch nicht sein, dass plötzlich im Stellaris-Unterforum andere Regeln als im restlichen Forum gelten.
    Das Bemühen um mehr soziale Gleichheit hat ebenfalls seine Schattenseite:
    So erzeugen manche Verfechter von Gleichheit und Akzeptanz selbst Ungleichheit und Inakzeptanz – weil auch sie nur jene akzeptieren, die ihren eigenen Werten entsprechen. Alle anderen werden beschuldigt, beschämt, moralisch verurteilt oder sonstwie verächtlich gemacht. Das begünstigt Kulturkämpfe und eine immer stärkere Polarisierung der Gesellschaft.

  9. #39
    Ad Astra Avatar von Ronnar
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    Zitat Zitat von monkeypunch87 Beitrag anzeigen
    Es kann auch nicht sein, dass plötzlich im Stellaris-Unterforum andere Regeln als im restlichen Forum gelten.
    Tun sie auch nicht. Jeder darf hier einen Themen-Thread aufmachen, wenn es noch keinen passenden gibt.

    Und hier geht's bitte ab sofort wieder um den aktuellen Patch!

  10. #40
    Bái Zuô! Avatar von monkeypunch87
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    Nur das er nicht mehr aktuell ist...

    Aber wenn es ja geklärt ist, dann verschwinden jetzt auch die dauernden Hinweise auf den Stammtisch- und Fragenthread?

    Edit: Sorry, habe erst danach das Statement im Stammtisch gelesen. Ich bin jetzt ruhig.
    Geändert von monkeypunch87 (05. März 2018 um 16:05 Uhr)
    Das Bemühen um mehr soziale Gleichheit hat ebenfalls seine Schattenseite:
    So erzeugen manche Verfechter von Gleichheit und Akzeptanz selbst Ungleichheit und Inakzeptanz – weil auch sie nur jene akzeptieren, die ihren eigenen Werten entsprechen. Alle anderen werden beschuldigt, beschämt, moralisch verurteilt oder sonstwie verächtlich gemacht. Das begünstigt Kulturkämpfe und eine immer stärkere Polarisierung der Gesellschaft.

  11. #41
    Transhumanist Avatar von Herminafried
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    2.0.2c (BETA) 09.03.18

    Achtung Spoiler:
    ######################## VERSION 2.0.2c ###########################

    # Feature
    * Fixed Gestalt Consciousness empires using Trading Hub starbase module and Offworld Trading Company starbase building, they now use Resource Reprocessor and External Acquisitions Area (name/flavor difference only)
    * It is now possible to test-fire world cracker on habitable (but uninhabited) planets in your space
    * Added tier 5 Dark Matter thrusters that can only be gained by scavenging Fallen Empire ships
    * Transcendent Learning ascension perk has been added to the game, and it increases leader level cap and empire leader cap
    * Megastructures resources are now affected by country modifiers
    * Ship sizes now have a default combat behavior and will prefer computers of that type if auto-generated (Picket for Destroyers, etc)
    * Added some more logic for making sure ship auto-complete doesn't switch your desired combat role
    * Space stations now use the country_mult modifier instead of the tile_mult modifier and no longer get the tile_add modifier
    * When a new ruler is elected, the previous ruler that was elected out of office (if alive) will now attempt to take over the job that was opened up by the newly elected ruler, assuming the leader class matches. Back to the mines, Mr. Ex-President.
    * You are no longer forced to make peace at 100% war exhaustion, instead your Influence and Unity monthly gains are reduced to 0 and a happiness penalty is applied to all Pops until you make peace
    * Occupation no longer contributes to War Exhaustion, but instead is displayed as a separate factor in war overview, to make it clearer what you need to do in order to enforce demands
    * War Overview no longer attempts to calculate a winner in battles, but simply displays war exhaustion gained by each side
    * Marauder raiding fleets are now neutral to everyone except their intended target
    * Added event that lets countries with a Chosen One become a Divine Empire
    * Adjusted fleet formations so that titans try to position themselves more in the middle of a fleet and avoid face-tanking the enemy
    * Grasp the Void ascension perk has been added to the game. It increases starbase capacity by +4
    * Increased max starbase capacity to 100
    * Ether Drake Hatchling and Psionic Avatar can no longer be merged into other fleets or assigned leaders
    * Assist Research is no longer researched by technology, and is instead unlocked by a Discovery tradition

    # Balance
    * Increased energy upkeep of all Starbase sizes by +1. Outposts now cost 1 energy maintenance
    * Base unity income increased from 1 to 2
    * Base tradition cost increased from 56 to 100 (does not affect the cost increase from number of traditions)
    * Tradition unity cost per system reduced from 2% to 1%
    * Corvette/Destroyer/Cruiser/Battleship build speed techs now also reduce build cost of that ship type by 5%
    * Habitats now have their own fortress building (Security Zone) that is effective at unrest reduction but provides only a few defense armies and no FTL inhibitor or bombardment protection
    * It is now possible to mod away serviles & pre-sapient traits if you have completed biological ascension
    * Egalitarian ethics effect on faction influence increased from +15%/30% to +25%/50%
    * Corvette Focus trait now requires Destroyers tech (as it's hardly a 'focus' if it's the only ship type possible)
    * Scout admiral trait reduced from 20% to 10% speed (so Gale-Speed is faster)
    * Admiral now always dies when last ship in fleet is destroyed and there are no disengaged ships to move to
    * Drone Mining Lasers are now a bit worse against hull and a bit better against shields
    * Broken and shattered planets spawned on galaxy generation can now have deposits
    * Thrusters now cost different amounts of minerals and give different amounts of evasion based on which ship size they are for (corvette thrusters are cheaper and add more evasion, etc)
    * Reduced cost of hiring Marauder leaders to 2000 energy
    * Militarist ethics now gain -10%/-20% war exhaustion gain instead of army damage bonus
    * Technologies that reduce claim cost now also decrease war exhaustion gain
    * Having an enclave in your border now gives +1 opinion per year instead of +1 opinion per month, as the latter made all other opinion boosts rather meaningless
    * Increased opinion bonuses for ally of ally and mutual rivals
    * Increased opinion penalties of allying rivals
    * Tributary wargoal is now a bit easier to enforce
    * Reduced War Exhaustion per ship and army killed
    * Combat computers now give evasion_mult instead of evasion_add
    * Asteroid Sighted can no longer pop after the first 50 years, to avoid it happening in large sprawling empires with limited time to respond
    * First pirate event now tells you the system where they are based
    * Increased time limits of all Special Projects requiring a ship in orbit (new minimum is 3 years)
    * Federation fleet is now limited to an absolute max naval capacity of 500
    * It is now possible to get the gateway activation tech if you know any other empire that has the technology
    * You now get war exhaustion a bit slower while fighting a Liberation War
    * When a Federation enforces ideology on an empire, that empire now gets opinion boosts with the entire federation
    * AI Empires now gets pirates
    * Normalized unique Leviathan building costs. Ether Drake Shrine, Dragonslayer Monument, and Stellar Devourer Trophy now all cost 800 minerals and take one year to build
    * Post-Apocalyptic civic starts with a more balanced home world, because even Max Rockatansky cannot live on gasoline alone
    * The "Scout" Admiral trait will now first appear after Gravitic Sensors tech has been researched
    * Global Pacifier and Neutron Sweep can now be used to neutralize Prethoryn infested worlds
    * Added a 20 year cooldown before the AI can hire a Marauder raid against the same target again
    * Increased combat disengage chance for Titans
    * Increased max number of Titans from to 3 to 20
    * Resource Replicators mineral production increased from 30 to 40
    * Raised starbase max cap to 999
    * Raised naval max cap to 9999
    * Psionic Shields can no longer be reverse-engineered
    * Purifiers, Devouring Swarms and Exterminators can now be spontaneously raided by Marauders, and can also offer tribute

    # Civics
    * Citizen Service civic now also increases unity output from fortress and strongholds by 1
    * Aristocratic Elite civic now gives +2 leader cap and +2 governor max level instead of +4 leader cap and -50% leader recruitment cost
    * Distinguished Admiralty civic increases leader cap by +2
    * Driven Assimilators now express their raison d'etre by having the 'Assimilate' total war CB
    * Purifier and anti-Purifier CBs no longer require neighboring status (was confusing and unintuitive to players)
    * Nationalistic Zeal civic now gives -10% war exhaustion gain instead of +1 rivalries
    * Free Haven now gives xeno migration attraction instead of migration attraction

    # Traditions
    * Expansion adoption effect now gives +50% colony development speed (down from +100%)
    * Galactic Ambition expansion tradition now gives -20% starbase upkeep instead of +2 starbase capacity
    * Fleet Levies now makes all subject (not just vassal) Pops count towards overlord's naval capacity instead of giving a fraction of vassal naval capacity (as the latter resulted in getting huge amounts of naval capacity from techs of 1-system vassals)
    * Faith in Science now gives 3 months of Unity production per tech unlocked instead of adding Unity production to assist research
    * To Boldly Go now gives +50% science ship disengage chance instead of +30 science ship evasion
    * Planetary Survey Corps has been replaced with Databank Uplinks; which unlocks Assist Research (techs related to Assist Research are no longer researchable, and base effect was buffed)

    # Ascension Perks
    * Shared Destiny effect on integration cost reduction changed from -50% to -75%
    * Nihilistic Acquisition can now be taken by purifier-style empires
    * Executive Vigor effect on edict duration reduced from +100% to +50%
    * Grasp the Void effect on starbase capacity increased from +4 to +5

    # Edicts
    * Drone Campaign food cost increased from 100 to 500
    * Learning Campaign food cost increased from 50 to 500
    * War Drone Campaign food cost increased from 50 to 500
    * Patrol Drones planetary edict is now available to all Gestalt Consciousness-empires

    # UI
    * Added building descriptions to traditions that unlock buildings
    * Starbase upgrade cost and Module/Building building cost now properly show modifiers affecting them
    * Renamed Growth Speed to Pop Growth Speed to be clearer
    * Added the correct icons for megastructures and starbases in the control-groups UI
    * Contacts view has been improved
    * Government view now displays ruler & heir skill stars
    * Heir tooltip no longer displays skill effects (as heir has no skill effects until they become ruler)
    * Clicking your ruler or heir name in Government View will now allow you to change their name and/or title
    * Galaxy resources now show the amount actually collected, and the tooltips give you the list of applied modifiers
    * Resource modifiers no longer show decimal values
    * Removed pointless decimals for starbase caps, planet caps, naval command cap, and naval capacity
    * Added the country resources add and multipliers modifiers to the budget tab
    * Improved how the speed modifiers are shown in the starbase upgrade time tooltip
    * Added a more clear warning that deleting templates will also disband ships
    * Fixed several instances of a Status Quo peace being called a White Peace in peace messages
    * Alert for High War Exhaustion is now more helpful
    * Traits that are already present in species can now always be re-added while in process of modifying template
    * Aura tooltip now differentiates between system-wide friendly auras and fleet-only friendly auras
    * Changed the current value of template designs in fleet manager to show the current amount of ships including ones that only are scheduled for retrofit
    * Clicking your own empire shield on colonized systems in the galaxy map will now open planet view and cycle between colonies in that system

    # AI
    * AI now activates some of its anti-crisis logic when under threat from a mid-game crisis like the Great Khan
    * AI no longer picks shared destiny unless it has at least one vassal
    * Added separate definitions for mid-game and end-game crisis factions, with slightly different AI logic to respond to them
    * Fixed another cause of AI endlessly inviting player to the same war

    # Modding
    * Added a country modifier for war exhaustion gain (when multiple countries are involved on the same side in a war, the averaged modifier of all of them is used)
    * add_threat effect now once again takes country scope (generates threat scaled towards whole target empire)
    * Expanding changes from "distance" trigger to "distance_to_empire" trigger distance_to_empire = { who = <target> type = <hyperlane/euclidean> uses_bypass = <yes/no> } uses hyperlane and bypasses by default, the empire in "who" is used to determine bypass usage
    * Reworked distance trigger. It now works: distance = { source = <target> min = 50 max = 120 type=<hyperlane/euclidean> uses_bypass=<yes/no> bypass_empire=<empire> min_jumps = 2 max_jumps = 10 }" ); type = hyperlane/euclidean (hyperlane by default) uses_bypass: yes/no (yes by default) whether to use bypasses (wormholes/gateways) when evaluating distance bypass_empire is used to determine what bypass can be used. This parameter is ignored if uses_bypass=false if unset, bypasses will be ignored min_jumps and max_jumps work the same as min/max, except in number of jumps instead of distance units. These parameters are ignore if 0, or if the type isn't hyperlane

    # Bugfix
    * Fixed system/colony tradition costs being multiplied on each other instead of additive
    * Fixed additional potential out of sync issues in multiplayer
    * Afterburners can no longer be installed on defense platforms, as lovely as it was to uselessly vent fuel in to space as a gesture of contempt to environmentalists
    * Deep Space Black Site now requires you to own a planet in the system, instead of erroneously using the same trigger as trading hub
    * All Satrapies are now properly liberated when the Horde fractures into the Diadochi
    * Fixed bug where the planet class transition effect started too late
    * Fixed adopting the Domination tradition tree not unlocking certain diplomatic actions for eligible Machine Empires
    * Fixed auto-exploring science ships doubling up (exploring the same system simultaneously)
    * Fixed a CTD. Could sometimes try to merge invalid fleets.
    * No longer possible to hold Casus Belli on non-empire factions such as Crises and Marauders
    * Galactic core visibility is now lifted when you explore all systems adjacent to it, instead of just one
    * Fixed empires not being able to see primitives in other empires' space due to lack of comms spread
    * Ships merging in to fleets directly from stations now behave properly
    * Fixed scientists not dying when their science ship was destroyed in battle
    * Fixed raiding stance not having bombardment graphics on planet being raided
    * Fixed tooltips for status column in contacts view to accurately reflect what they represent
    * Fixed raiding not always abducting pops when it should, due to bad habitability calculation
    * Fixed raiding stance not having the correct pop limit (would abduct at >6 instead of >4 pops)
    * Fixed a freeze when trying to upgrade technologies more than their max levels
    * Fixed Determined Exterminators starting with a farm building
    * Construction is now paused for starbases in combat
    * Fixed force ethics not correctly calculating a government for the defeated empire's new ethics
    * Enigmatic fortress now properly disables even after saving and loading the game (status was not properly saved)
    * Iron Fist governor trait is no longer available for Hive Minds, making it disabled for all types of Gestalt Consciousness-empires
    * Fixed being unable to land armies on a colony seized by Mutants
    * Fix bug where queued items wasn't moved to the new fleet design when a design upgrade gets available
    * Fixed Slaving Despots being far too common an AI personality because of wrongly scripted weights
    * Disables the bypass cache when calculating the distance to capital modifier, hopefully solving an OOS issue
    * Fix a crash when quitting to the main menu in the middle of a war
    * It should no longer be possible to try to spawn a star system with an invalid star class
    * Fixed crash when comparing the relative power of a country that has no power
    * Prevented fake country from trying to initialize a technology module it does not have for some reason
    * UNE now uses correct name list when spawned in Commonwealth games
    * Fixed revolting slaves greedily snatching the capital planet when they're not supposed to
    * No longer possible to force ideology on Fallen Empires
    * Fixed Omega Theory tech sometimes not appearing at the end of the Horizon Signal chain
    * Fixed an event-spawned science ship not getting a hyperdrive
    * Fixed planet unrest modifiers not being properly recalculated
    * Fixed Ascension Theory tech not being available to players who do not own Apocalypse
    * Fixed being able to build Trading Hubs in primitive systems
    * Defense platforms that are over cap are now deleted when downgrading a starbase
    * Unless a megastructure is set to be built outside gravity wells it MUST have a planet set to be built
    * Description texts for the exterminator civic updated to reflect ship build cost
    * Colony ships now also get reduced ship cost if there is a modifier for it
    * Fixed a bug where tradition cost did not increase per planet, but rather cost per system twice instead
    * Fixed issue where Prethoryn Defeated happiness modifier was not applied to militarists correctly
    * Fixed a crash when sorting the war logs more than once
    * Crashfix when trying to send a message that couldn't be created
    * You can no longer stop the building of other empire's robot
    * You can no longer save a ship design if that name is already used by a ship design for another ship size
    * Fixed a bug where polytechnic education tradition effect did not match tooltip
    * Fixed so that expansion traditions adopt bonus is now the same for all types of empires, instead of using the old value for hive minds and machine empires
    * Contingency sterilization hubs can now be properly neutralized by World Crackers and Global Pacifiers
    * Fixed species being able to spawn with Serviles trait
    * Fixed Colossus and Containment CBs not being correctly applied
    * No longer possible to lose a rival you're at war with due to strength differences
    * Growing pops are now always killed when a planet is bombarded into a tomb world
    * Fixed a bug where Prethoryn could end up with non-infested planets which could not be bombarded
    * Fleet capacity now displayed correctly for fleets that should not have any. Also, the "open fleet manager" button in the fleet view is disabled for fleets that the player does not have a fleet template for (alliance fleets)
    * Fixed misaligned constructed ringworld segments
    * Fixed Casus Belli notification spam
    * Synthetically Ascended empires no longer get the Ghost Signal modifier on newly constructed Pops
    * Fixed issue with Gateway construction event incorrectly firing when someone else activated a Gateway in your system
    * Wormholes and Gateways are now taken into consideration when checking if empires are neighbors
    * Fixed "Go To" location and typo in "Habitat Complete" event
    * Event ships now get proper fleets with templates, but are blocked from cheat building through fleet manager
    * Marauder raiding fleets now go after mining/research stations of their intended target, and scale properly according to difficulty
    * Robotic workers are now automatically allowed when you synthetically ascend

    Wenn Bewußtsein nicht mehr bedeutet als einen Lichtblick zwischen zwei Ewigkeiten der Dunkelheit, dann gibt es nichts Elenderes als die menschliche Existenz.

  12. #42
    love is love Avatar von -Maya-
    Registriert seit
    da immer alle Änderungen von 2.0.2. aufgelistet werden hier nur die neuesten Änderungen

    Achtung Spoiler:

    * Ether Drake Hatchling and Psionic Avatar can no longer be merged into other fleets or assigned leaders
    * Assist Research is no longer researched by technology, and is instead unlocked by a Discovery tradition

    * Increased max number of Titans from to 3 to 20
    * Resource Replicators mineral production increased from 30 to 40
    * Raised starbase max cap to 999
    * Raised naval max cap to 9999
    * Psionic Shields can no longer be reverse-engineered
    * Purifiers, Devouring Swarms and Exterminators can now be spontaneously raided by Marauders, and can also offer tribute

    * Faith in Science now gives 3 months of Unity production per tech unlocked instead of adding Unity production to assist research
    * To Boldly Go now gives +50% science ship disengage chance instead of +30 science ship evasion
    * Planetary Survey Corps has been replaced with Databank Uplinks; which unlocks Assist Research (techs related to Assist Research are no longer researchable, and base effect was buffed)

    * Grasp the Void effect on starbase capacity increased from +4 to +5

    * Clicking your own empire shield on colonized systems in the galaxy map will now open planet view and cycle between colonies in that system

    * Expanding changes from "distance" trigger to "distance_to_empire" trigger distance_to_empire = { who = <target> type = <hyperlane/euclidean> uses_bypass = <yes/no> } uses hyperlane and bypasses by default, the empire in "who" is used to determine bypass usage
    * Reworked distance trigger. It now works: distance = { source = <target> min = 50 max = 120 type=<hyperlane/euclidean> uses_bypass=<yes/no> bypass_empire=<empire> min_jumps = 2 max_jumps = 10 }" ); type = hyperlane/euclidean (hyperlane by default) uses_bypass: yes/no (yes by default) whether to use bypasses (wormholes/gateways) when evaluating distance bypass_empire is used to determine what bypass can be used. This parameter is ignored if uses_bypass=false if unset, bypasses will be ignored min_jumps and max_jumps work the same as min/max, except in number of jumps instead of distance units. These parameters are ignore if 0, or if the type isn't hyperlane7

    * Growing pops are now always killed when a planet is bombarded into a tomb world
    * Fixed a bug where Prethoryn could end up with non-infested planets which could not be bombarded
    * Fleet capacity now displayed correctly for fleets that should not have any. Also, the "open fleet manager" button in the fleet view is disabled for fleets that the player does not have a fleet template for (alliance fleets)
    * Fixed misaligned constructed ringworld segments
    * Fixed Casus Belli notification spam
    * Synthetically Ascended empires no longer get the Ghost Signal modifier on newly constructed Pops
    * Fixed issue with Gateway construction event incorrectly firing when someone else activated a Gateway in your system
    * Wormholes and Gateways are now taken into consideration when checking if empires are neighbors
    * Fixed "Go To" location and typo in "Habitat Complete" event
    * Event ships now get proper fleets with templates, but are blocked from cheat building through fleet manager
    * Marauder raiding fleets now go after mining/research stations of their intended target, and scale properly according to difficulty
    * Robotic workers are now automatically allowed when you synthetically ascend
    "...that which holds the image of an angel becomes itself an angel..."

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