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Thema: XCOM-Stammtisch

  1. #91
    Sozialschmarotzer Avatar von Rince Wind
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    Also meine Sniper machen sich nicht schlecht. Dank squadsight als erstem Perk sind sie auch von Anfang an nützlich und man muss sie nicht mit sich herumschleppen bis sie das bekommen. Scharfschützengewehr hat immer noch eine gute critchance.
    In Vanilla sind die Sniper imo den anderen Klassen voraus, jetzt nicht mehr.
    Mit Marksman Rifle können sie übrigens sehr wohl schießen und sich bewegen.

  2. #92
    aka Skarbog Avatar von Bomm3l
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    Zitat Zitat von Rince Wind Beitrag anzeigen
    Also meine Sniper machen sich nicht schlecht. Dank squadsight als erstem Perk sind sie auch von Anfang an nützlich und man muss sie nicht mit sich herumschleppen bis sie das bekommen. Scharfschützengewehr hat immer noch eine gute critchance.
    In Vanilla sind die Sniper imo den anderen Klassen voraus, jetzt nicht mehr.
    Mit Marksman Rifle können sie übrigens sehr wohl schießen und sich bewegen.
    Habe zwar den Mod nicht gespielt, aber im normalen Spiel finde ich es weitesgehend schon ausgelichen. Schwach finde ich eigentlich dort nur die schweren Soldaten (Weil sie eben alles kleinhacken und man auf die Ressourcen angewiesen ist). Am Liebsten habe ich dort z.B. die "Stürmer" dabei, hinrennen und wegcritten.

    Klar, ein Sniper mit Sicht auf alles und 2 Schuss zum Start (auch wenn es erst spät geht) ist schon übel. Aber die Karten erlauben oft gar nicht solche Vorgehensweisen, zumindest in den Schiffen geht das quasi nicht sehr effizient.
    Sobald es viele Ecken/Winkel/Nischen gibt finde ich den Skill bei den "Nahkämpfern" besser wo sie schiessen sobald sich jemand auf 4 Felder nähert.
    Barcelona 5 : 3 [Ansammlung krimmineller Subjekte]

    "Ich weiß, dass das doof ist. Aber ich zahle volle Steuern." Wurstuli
    "Ach die waren noch nicht 18?" Franky
    "Das ist meine Uhr!!!" KHR
    "Ich bin Feuer&Flamme" Breno

  3. #93
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Zitat Zitat von Rince Wind Beitrag anzeigen
    Also meine Sniper machen sich nicht schlecht. Dank squadsight als erstem Perk sind sie auch von Anfang an nützlich und man muss sie nicht mit sich herumschleppen bis sie das bekommen. Scharfschützengewehr hat immer noch eine gute critchance.
    In Vanilla sind die Sniper imo den anderen Klassen voraus, jetzt nicht mehr.
    Mit Marksman Rifle können sie übrigens sehr wohl schießen und sich bewegen.
    Und dann hast du 50% oder 60% Trefferchance was mich wircklich stört mit nem Sniper hat man mehr zu haben überhaupt wenn man von oben herab schießt.

    Zitat Zitat von Bomm3l Beitrag anzeigen
    Habe zwar den Mod nicht gespielt, aber im normalen Spiel finde ich es weitesgehend schon ausgelichen. Schwach finde ich eigentlich dort nur die schweren Soldaten (Weil sie eben alles kleinhacken und man auf die Ressourcen angewiesen ist). Am Liebsten habe ich dort z.B. die "Stürmer" dabei, hinrennen und wegcritten.

    Klar, ein Sniper mit Sicht auf alles und 2 Schuss zum Start (auch wenn es erst spät geht) ist schon übel. Aber die Karten erlauben oft gar nicht solche Vorgehensweisen, zumindest in den Schiffen geht das quasi nicht sehr effizient.
    Sobald es viele Ecken/Winkel/Nischen gibt finde ich den Skill bei den "Nahkämpfern" besser wo sie schiessen sobald sich jemand auf 4 Felder nähert.
    2 Sniper 2 Schwere die Schweren nicht in Deckung bewegen damit sie mit ihren Raketen überall hinballen können (also beim vorrücken).Beim Aufdecken darauf achten das man zuerst nen Stürmer bewegt und immer nur mit halbaktionen.
    Bei Feindkontakt Deckung wegschießen dann kommen die Sniper drann mit Truppsicht die man Idealerweise irgendwo oben platziert hat. Wenn der Sniper die letze beförderung hat darf er wenn er jemand ohne Deckung tötet nochmal Schießen so erledigt er einiges auf einmal ich hab zum schluss nur noch mit 1 nem Sniper gespielt hat auch gereicht .

  4. #94
    aka Skarbog Avatar von Bomm3l
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    Hab auch selten mehr als einen dabei gemacht. Hatte lieber einen bunt gemischten Trupp dabei. Das Fischerdorf z.B. hat sich mit den ganzen "Nahkämpfern" fast von alleine gespielt

    Aber klar, zum Wegräumen der Deckung ist das schwere Volk in der Tat gut am Start
    Barcelona 5 : 3 [Ansammlung krimmineller Subjekte]

    "Ich weiß, dass das doof ist. Aber ich zahle volle Steuern." Wurstuli
    "Ach die waren noch nicht 18?" Franky
    "Das ist meine Uhr!!!" KHR
    "Ich bin Feuer&Flamme" Breno

  5. #95
    Cerberus Rekonstruktion Avatar von The Illusive Man
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    Also ich kämpfe immer noch mit dem Fischerdorf. Letzter Versuch war mit 2 Sturm. 1 Mech Faust, 1 Sniper und 1 Support.

  6. #96
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Paidos
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    Die neue Version von Long War ist draußen

    Und das Changelog ist wirklich enorm

    Achtung Spoiler:
    * Functionality for new soldier voice packs is in game. Completed voicepacks that will be included in B15 release: British English Male (3), Irish Male (1), Australian Female (1), Australian Male (2), SE Asian Male (1). Voicepacks will be assigned to soldiers of the appropriate nationality and may manually be assigned to any soldier of the designated gender. More voicepacks are in production and this list will be updated when they are complete. Many props to Long War Sound Editor TrackTwo for his tireless efforts getting this working, and special thanks to Firaxis, who helped us with some processing settings to get the voicepacks sounding similar to the vanilla ones.
    * A new bonuses system is in place: 1) Players may choose from a number of starting bonuses tied to which of the 16 council countries you put your first satellite. You have multiple options for some countries. The bonuses aren't balanced against each other, so to some degree this is a way to play a somewhat customized campaign. 2) When launching a satellite, a player gains a specific country bonus. These are less powerful than the starter bonuses, and some of the countries that offer less monthly $$ have stronger bonuses to make them attractive. Some costs were rebalanced in light of bonuses now available. 3) Continent bonuses are now gained with ONLY full satellite coverage over all countries on the continent. Some have been rebalanced and the OTS discount is no longer tied to any continent. The strength of each bonus, and the country assignment, can be modified in DGC.ini.
    * XCOM will draw soldiers from roughly 90 new countries (with unique flags) in addition to the existing group, with dozens of new namelists by Uzifeline. Countries include all of Europe (save microstates) and South America, with almost all of Central America and Asia, and lots of African countries. And New Zealand. Players can still control frequency of all countries providing soldiers with ini edits. Van Doorn gets UN flag, because he really represents all of us. SHIVs get XCOM flag in strategy game lists.
    * Major overhaul to Not-So-Long-War, which has been renamed Dyanmic War. Instead of planning missions monthly, with this option the aliens will check supply and threat to launch most missions constantly. This allows mission frequency in NSLW to be tunable with the ini setting -- even setting it to 1.0 will provide a different feel than regular LW, as missions per month isn't set, but probabilistic (although the variables are set to *on average* generate the same mission count if set to 1.0). You can set it to .3 for a much shorter campaign, or above 1 for even greater mission density.
    * You can now build seven MEC suits. MEC-1 is tier one, MEC-2 and MEC-3 are tier 2, and MEC-4 through MEC-7 are tier 3. They split along survivability/mobility lines and some grant body shield or jet boot module perks. MEC suit bonus will has gone down somewhat, and some MEC perk trees significantly reworked.
    * Critical wound bleed out timer now randomized between 2 and 5 turns. The timer is concealed to the player.
    * Respirator implant item now does the following: (in addition to strangle and partial acid immunity) 1) Causes first death of mission to instead automatically be a critical wound; 2) Adds 2 turns to bleed out timer; 3) Transmits bleed-out timer data to central. It does not prevent will loss. Raised price for item.
    * Long War classes have distinct icons now
    * You can always enter build facility detail screen for readout on requirements, even if you have insufficient resources for build
    * Commander's Choice (pick each soldier class) now available as a Second Wave option. Removed "Alternate Sources" SW option. Thanks to Peasly Wellbott for letting us pick this up.
    * Missions that can expire now have a countdown timer on the Geoscape UI. Geoscape will also pause when a mission is about to expire.
    * Activated Tandem Warheads perk, which causes explosives to do full regular and environmental damage to the extent of their area of effect. This will be a high-level perk appearing on the Rocketeer, Engineer and Archer trees.
    * Added UFO Scanners foundry project. This is an upgrade for your interceptors that will show precise damage taken by UFOs in air combat (using XMarksTheSpot's new interception UI mod) If you have already completed the analysis of the UFO class you are facing.
    * Small items that grant non-perk bonuses (like Ceramic Plating or Armor Piercing Ammo) will now be described in your F1 HUD in tactical and have an icon with all your perks on the main tactical screen. You'll see a bit of doubling up of icons, 'cause we're out.
    * Individual aliens and Exalts with certain perks will show different names in F1 detail if you have autopsied the species, giving a clue to their capabilities (and providing some flavor). eg Mutons with "Covering Fire" will be called "Muton Sentry" unless they have a stronger perk that takes precedence.
    - Spruced up the MEC conversion UI.
    - Reinstituted MEC repair and added repair of regular soldier items. Many items can now be damaged during (technically, after) combat and will have an increasing chance of needing repair following combat based on how many 'true' (non-armor) hp a soldier has lost. (Items will always function for the duration of a battle.) Armor, weapons, and small items that aren't infinite or fundamentally consumable (like grenades and ammo) are in the mix, although the chances they'll need repair is capped even if a soldier is killed varying on how likely something is to get damaged (armor=higher chances; pistol=lower chances, etc). Cybernetics Lab is now called "Repair Bay," is much cheaper, and may be built from campaign start. Cost to repair an item is initially set of 20% cash, meld, alloy and elerium cost, and a formula for time to repair is also in place that starts with a baseline of 60% of build time but goes down as you develop Advanced Repair and add engineers to your staff (minimum is 72 hours). The following items are ini-adjustable: repair time% of baseline build time, resource cost as% of baseline resource cost, and you can turn off repair requirements entirely with one variable. Removed Second Wave option "More than Human" and replaced with Wear and Tear, which gives a chance that items will be damaged on missions and require repairs even when a soldier isn't hurt. The chance is initially set at 20% per item, and this value is ini-moddable. Many item costs are being adjusted downward to make up for reduced utility when they are in the shop.


    Achtung Spoiler:
    * Code that was rolling up leaders at somewhat too high of a level and occasionally letting Temple Ship aliens out on regular missions
    * Restored code allowing 50/50 chance for recovery of gear on soldier MIA/death + mission failure. Also MEC suits from dead soldiers can be recovered again.
    * Adjusted some spawn code to reduce incidence of aliens spawning in range of soldiers at mission start (without pressing them all against the back wall of the map as was happening previously)
    * Some overloud stacking sounds (overwatch all and research new-item alert) won't be so loud
    * You will no longer get meld from failed alien and Exalt base assaults (vanilla bug)
    * Mayhem will apply +4 damage bonus precision shot for snipers with sniper rifles (instead of +2)
    * Rounding error that was causing Ethereal Psi Drain to not gain any HP when Ethereal was down only 1 hp
    * Repair perk will provide correct bonus arc thrower charges now
    * Flush will not cause flying units to attempt to move
    * Mimic Beacon throw range correctly limited
    * Various fixes to Critical Hit chances and interactions. Targeting Module (which isn't broken, contrary to reports) fix to displayed crit chance in some circumstances.
    * Mayhem will now provide SAW/LMG damage bonus when using Rapid Fire and Flush
    * Reward soldiers should now adopt your class coloration and headgear settings when class is selected
    * Building/Tearing Down GeneLab/PsiLab should provide immediate impact on lab bonuses
    * Having the Snap Shot perk and 1) carrying any primary weapon without the movelimited property (ie strike rifles) or 2) using the second shot of double tap confers a corrective to the snap shot aim penalty, canceling it out in those cases, as long as the calculated to-hit before the corrective is greater than 1%. This mostly corrects a vanilla bug.
    * Smoke and Dense Smoke will now provide defense to flanked targets on the condition that the attacker's chance to hit is otherwise less than 100. If the chance to hit is 100, smoke/dense smoke provides a flat -10/-20 defense, because we are unable to access how much greater than 100 the pre-smoke to-hit is.
    * Interceptor aim module now turns two misses into hits, instead of just making sure the next two shots hit regardless of roll. This fixes a bug in which Sparrowhawks were counting as an aim module hit if it was going to hit anyway.
    * Fixed, at long last: Bug in which flanking bonuses for to-crit and ITZ purposes were not being applied to Squadsight shots.
    * Fixed bug in which Fortiores Una wasn't conferring enough Damage Reduction. Changed its mechanics so it doubles base cover bonus, (so low is about 1.3, and high is 2.0).
    * Fixed bug in which Mind Control wasn't supplying PsiXP.
    * Bring 'Em On now counts enemies at Squadsight ranges in crit bonus calculation
    * Alien Salvage actually provides salvage now
    * Council Reward probability shift when you have a bunch of engineers should work properly now
    * Adrenaline Surge perk actually provides crit bonus now
    * Chameleon Suit actually provides bonus defense when using Lightning Reflexes (ouch)
    * Aliens will now run harvest missions as intended at supply 1, threat 4 on mission matrix. Also a couple of other adjustments on the matrix.
    * A soldier with both Concealment (old Psi Shadow) and Low Profile will no longer conceal, move to low cover, and immediately reveal; instead they won't conceal at all. This should allow a soldier with Lightning Reflexes, Low Profile and Concealment to trigger OW shots and retain high cover bonus by moving to a low cover spot.
    * Attempted fix: Shouldn't face any fresh panic checks when reloading a game with a critically wounded soldier
    * Triggering the HQ Defense mission will no longer crash game while Skyranger is in flight
    * Fixed some map bugs on police station, small scout nuked city, furies

    Achtung Spoiler:
    * Alien roster for XCOM HQ Assault will scale up in difficulty a little more slowly
    * Not So Long War SW option now applies modifier to soldier timeout and interceptor repair time -- meaning they will both be out longer
    * UFO upgrades to accuracy, damage and hit points now stop at 32 months (alien research 960) so interception game doesn't become truly impossible for persistent-game players
    * Significant nerf to the power of large lab blocks to reduce research time
    * Packmaster provides +1 Proximity Mine charge instead of +2
    * Dramatic increase in Weapon Fragments required for various technologies
    * Increased Neuroregulator psi bonus; wearing it 3 times will reduce missions to level up by 1. Adjusted PsiXP to normalize missions per level at 5 for all levels and 3 on current (.6) NSLW setting. NR grants +10 will.
    * Armor Piercing Ammo item now nullifies 2 points of enemy DR. Armor Piercing Ammo item now available to MECs, SHIVs and Engineers, but won't help with shotguns or sidearms.
    * HEAT Ammo and HEAT Warheads damage reduced to +50% from 75%. HEAT Ammo perk made available to engineer class at Gunnery Sergeant rank (in place of RFA). HEAT Ammo will not work if carrying a shotgun. Both HEAT Ammo and HEAT Warheads will provide a minimum of 2 bonus damage. Both HEAT Ammo and HEAT Warheads bonus exposed in separate ini variables, using up our last two spare floats for ini settings.
    * Weapon-tech damage-bonus items (alloy jacketed rounds, enhanced beam optics, plasma stellerator) now usable by humans, SHIVs and MECs. Depleted Elerium Rounds, Laser Pumper, Zevatron Booster removed from game.
    * Laser Sight and Hi Cap Mags now usable by humans, SHIVs and MECs. Weapon Gyros and Autoloader removed from game.
    * Targeting Module now provides +8% crit and +1 base damage when critical hits occur (so 1.5 critical damage).
    * Abductions will be spaced out over an entire month regardless of how many the aliens plan. Previously they were stacked in the early month. Reduced allowed Abduction response time.
    * Reduced meld from dead aliens to make you go after cans more. Exposed a couple of alien meld variables to the ini.
    * Ghost Grenades renamed "Shadow Device" and no longer gain additional charges from Packmaster or Smoke and Mirrors.
    * Engineers may now use shredder ammo small item. Added engineer-specific item property for additional modding.
    * Recovering from being strangled reduces your grenade throw range.
    * Increased damage and reduced AOE of Proximity Mines. AOE and trigger range should now match.
    * Increased AOE of grenade launcher grenades.
    * Reaction Fire against Mecs, Mectoids, SHIVs and Sectopods (what we're calling large mechanized units) is more accurate unless the targeted unit has Lightning Reflexes, or attacker has Opportunist / Advanced Fire Control (which already provide this accuracy bonus). Specifically, added a variable to cancel the REACTION_PENALTY (which is 0.7) when firing at these units. Dashing bonus still in effect. This can be removed with an ini edit. Purpose is to reduce effectiveness of big tanky units as super-dodgy Reaction Fire busters (although their DR will still help), and enhance utility of Lightning Reflexes perk on scouts.
    * Equipping multiple Kinetic Strike Modules now confers +3 damage for each extra module equipped. Stacks with Thumper and MEC Close Combat advances.
    * Firing a rocket/shredder rocket now grants +1 mobility for the remainder of the mission (for each rocket fired)
    * Major Rework of rocketeer tree, some changes all other trees
    * Sightline HUD (red alien heads) will now display up to 20 aliens in view instead of 10
    * Phoenix Cannon is back (replacing Phoenix Coilgun). It is available at Alien Materials and is probably a middling upgrade to the missiles -- it has base laser cannon armor piercing (enough to do full damage to Raiders) and slightly higher damage per second than Avalanche, and all the shots should mean it should provide more consistent results than the missiles.
    * Added foundry project "Quenchguns" that triples the anti-DR capability of Gauss weapons (to 1) and is available after researching Advanced Gauss Weapons.
    * Added foundry project "Phoenix Coilguns" that improves all existing Phoenix Cannon to Phoenix Coilgun stats and is available after researching Gauss Weapons.
    * Foundry projects will be more moddable in the ini now.
    * Strategy Game alien resource numbers moddable in the ini now.
    * Improved impact of Snap Shot for rocketeers.
    * Mimic Beacon item provides 1 base charge, not 2
    * Increased "Reasonable Attack Range" for drones and flying units in hopes of reducing derpy behavior
    * Aliens with Lightning Reflexes will now care much less about overwatchers when deciding what to do
    * Offscreen kills on terror missions will be proportionally reduced with the number of aliens you can see. To compensate, aliens can rarely kill 3 civilians a turn if you have revealed few or no aliens.
    * Master Sergeants will roll for a +1 bonus to a random stat (offense, defense, will, hit points) every 4th mission. 10% chance of hit point, 30% chance of one of the other three.
    * Transports (UFOs) will tend to have more troops than previously.
    * You will see more alien 'monsters' (level 9 leaders) by the by on alien base assaults, larger UFOs and late-game council missions.
    * Resources reworked a bit. Reduced base alloys from each UFO class by about 30%. Increased average alloys and elerium recovered on UFO crash missions. Foundry alloy and elerium projects now provide 20% bonus to ALL alloys and elerium recovered from missions. UFO Analysis techs provide 20% bonus to alloys and elerium recovered from that specific class of UFO after mission win (crashed or landed). Slight increase in chances of UFO Power and Nav Computer surviving mission. Altered how EMP Cannon works (bonus to artifact survival instead of flat chance). Slight decrease in alloys recovered from certain alien species. The goal here is to steady out your resource income and force some investment to improve it, particularly in the early game (making bagging a big landed UFO a little less swingey in overall campaign progression), make an early alien materials tech path more enticing, and make crashes somewhat more rewarding.
    * Reduced base flamethrower damage by 2. Jellied Elerium foundry project now provides only bonus panic chance on its own, but it also unlocks a small item, the Incinerator Module, that provides +3 flamethrower damage.
    * Reduced Chryssalid will by 10 or 15 or so.
    * MEC Railgun will now use Minigun model and effects. Laser/Pulse Lance will use Railgun model and effects.
    * Arc Rifle now available to all squishy classes but gunner and rocketeer. You may now move and fire it without penalty. It still suffers close-range penalties like sniper rifles (This a technical limitation -- disabling shot can't be divorced from short-range penalty), but otherwise operates like a rifle. It no longer operates at beyond visual range. It confers +10 aim.
    * Alloy Belt item removed from game. Alloy Carbide Plating provides Extra Conditioning bonus (2-4 HP) but no DR.
    * All MEC units gain +4 hp upon conversion instead of +2. MEC Armors lowered by 2 hp.
    * Reworked DR calculation formula so additive modifiers are calculated before multiplicative ones, with the exception of cover DR. This reduces the effect of Absorption Fields and Shock Absorbent Armor.
    * MECs have slightly higher average timeout between missions
    * New Item: Flak Ammo. Unlocked by Floater Autospy and MEC Warfare Systems. Can be equipped by anybody. Works like HEAT Ammo, granting greater of +2 or +20% base weapon damage against airborne units with primary weapon and rockets, and allows MECs with Collateral Damage to target airborne units with its AOE weapon attack (and gain the damage bonus).
    * Reduced damage for MEC Minigun, Laser Lance, Railgun by 1, so it scales up by 1 at each tech level like every other weapon.
    * Combined Arms perk now nullifies 1 point of all DR, not just cover-based DR. (Note all MECs have this perk innately).
    * Attempted to make EXALT less suicidal in rushing transmitter volume with AI change to GetMaxDangerLevelForMovement
    * Vital Point Targeting no longer applies to Collateral Damage ability (was never intended to). Ranger, and Shredded effects still do.
    * HEAT now applies a flat +2 damage bonus when used with collateral damage against robotic enemies.
    * Increased harder aliens' damage by 2 on Impossible, and easier aliens by 1. Increased alien research rate on Brutal from 105% to 110%, and 120 to 130% on Impossible.
    * Mid-level Cyberdisc and Sectopod leaders will get HEAT ammo. A few alien leaders/navigators will get Combined Arms.
    * Increased meld cost to convert a soldier to a MEC. Decreased meld cost of all suits.
    * Converting to a MEC confers a loss of one level (rank) and a proportionate reduction in XP; that is, a Sergeant 50% of the way to TSGT converts and becomes a Corporal 50% of the way to Sergeant with XP. MSGTs reset to minimum XP to become GSGT.
    * Gave SHIVs a little armor HP that won't need time in the shop if lost. Regular SHIV now has 15 defense (vice 10); Alloy SHIV has 10 defense (vice 15).
    * Rework of equip UI so it alerts you when you are equipping an ammo type or other small item that isn't compatible with one of your primary weapons, and unequips the small item if you swap to an incompatible primary weapon. Damage enhancer ammos will no longer apply bonuses to sidearms. If I get another spare item, I"ll think about a pistol damage enhancer item as an option.
    * Three special ammo items -- Flak, Shredder and AP -- cannot stack.
    * Moderate rework of some aim and defense: Items will gain aim/crit/defense on a 4/6/8/12 scale rather than a 5/7/10/15. Perk gains unchanged. Soldier aim gains on level ups will range from 18 to 28, with 18 or 21 for most classes (Scout is 25, Sniper is 28 ). Soldier recruit aim range changed from 55 to 75 to 58 to 72. Wider range for MECs, with a peak at 28 again for the Jaeger. (Note MECs can use Scope now.) Adjusted rocketeer scatter so a point of aim is worth slightly more, as they have fewer perk-based options to increase aim. Aliens lose some defense on level-ups. This is intended to do several things: 1) increase value of aim and defense-related perks on the trees, most of which are conditionally activated, challenging you to employ them effectively. 2) Increase value of cover and flanking mid-to-late game by reducing impact of general purpose defense. 3) Make it harder to reach 100 to hit 4) Flatten aim differences between classes somewhat and help supports be somewhat useful riflemen.
    * Three aim gainers -- Scope, Neural Gunlink and Illuminator Gunsight -- can no longer stack. Neural Gunlink and Illuminator Gunsight now provide +12 aim/crit. Scope provides +8.
    * Platform Stability now available on Sniper, Gunner and Rocketeer trees. Platform Stability now helps reduce rocket scatter.
    * Alloy Bipod is now a flat aim/crit gainer equippable only by snipers, providing +6 aim at zero weight.
    * Slight bump in XP to reach high ranks. (Master Sergeant is 4200 instead of 4000).
    * Squadsight shots now suffer only a -20% crit penalty
    * LMG series no longer provides a 5% crit bonus
    * In the Zone hits do one less damage with each ITZ kill in a round. ITZ crit per kill penalty reduced to -10% per kill from -25%. (And note Squadsight ITZ-related bugfix above).
    * Titan armor is now .5 DR, 12 HP, and carries the Damage Control perk.
    * Rework to simplify and bugfix explosives and perk interactions. Sapper now provides +1 damage to HE, AP, Alien, and Grenade Launcher grenades and Prox Mines. Mayhem applies +2 damage to all those weapons and +2 to rockets. Completing the alien grenade foundry project applies +2 damage to Needle and Grenade Launcher grenades and a 60% AOE bonus to HE grenades. So a maxed out Needle Grenade can get 9 damage, alien grenade 8 damage, HE Grenade 6 damage + large AOE, Grenade Launcher grenade 9 damage (with Ranger) and Proximity Mine (again with Ranger) 13 damage. Rockets go from 7, 9 and 12 to top out at 11, 13 and 17 with Mayhem, Ranger, and damage enhancers.
    * Trying to train drones and Mechtoids not to double move when enemies are around.
    * Trained drones to use their overload ability in certain special conditions (Without giving up the triggers, I'm showing some restraint here.) Debating whether to up the damage a bit.
    * Trying to train aliens to set up overwatch walls when they are defending landed ships and their own bases.
    * Removed Smartgun Kit item (Advanced Fire Control is now on Gunner tree). Replaced with Advanced Suppression Module for SHIVs, which grants Danger Zone perk.
    * Memorial now displays soldier class of deceased soldiers
    * Savior now also provides 2 item-free medikit charges and +4 healing bonus.
    * The first soldier on your roster will always be from XCOM's home country.
    * Taking Battlescanner perk now lets you throw scanners a distance equivalent to having Grenadier and Bombardier perks. Those perks will also increase BS throw distance, but it won't stack with perk bonus.
    * Regen Biofield now has a 50/50 chance (in separate rolls) of curing poison and reducing panic duration of nearby soldiers, in addition to healing bonus. Adjusted psi perk tree so Regen Biofield is level 1, Psi Inspiration and Distortion Field are level 2, and Psi Panic and Mind Merge are level 3. (Changed requirements a bit too). Psi fatigue increased to 24 hours for first level, and then to 6 hours for 2nd and 3rd level to increase cost of spamming low-level psis just to get at the gear.
    * Combat Stims grants adrenaline surge perk (+10 aim, +10 crit if you get wounded) for duration of mission, in addition to current use.
    * Slowed down pace of country item requests slightly.
    * Chameleon Suit now provides immunity to Opportunist crits
    * Psi Shadow perk renamed "Concealment" and removed from Psi Tree. Now a MSGT perk on Scout tree. Hacking an Exalt array and capturing meld now reveals hidden soldiers.
    * Slight reduction in flight fuel for flying armors and hover shiv
    * Larger UFOs have more hit points and go slower on the strategic map, allowing for more interceptions while they are on missions.
    * Dense Smoke perk no longer provides AOE bonus for smoke grenades.
    * UFO initial base will not be on your starting continent.
    * Doubled alien alloys and elerium income from UFOs, missions and aliens. Doubled alloys and elerium costs for techs and items. Reduced $$ cost for alloys and elerium. Increased usual amount for council item requests of alloys and elerium. This makes the repair system a little more granular -- the amount of alloys/elerium needed to repair early game items (0/1/2, etc) was making too big a difference in the utility of the item. Otherwise the overall economy should be the same.

    Vor allem die Länderboni, die neuen Mec-suits und die Tarnung beim Scout klingen nach viel Spaß Leider werde ich wohl erst Mittwoch zum intensiven Ausprobieren kommen

  7. #97
    Registrierter Uses Avatar von fuchs87
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    Braucht man für den Mod die Erweiterung? Ich habe ja nur EU.

  8. #98
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Paidos
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    Für die neue Version ja. Es gibt auch eine ältere, die mit EU funktioniert, aber da muss man wohl vorher irgendwie einen Patch zurückgehen oder so

  9. #99
    Hexenmeister Avatar von DerFünfteElefant
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    @ Sniper ohne Mod: Ich finde sie nicht generell zu stark aber in manchen Situationen sind sie es. Mein letztes beendetes Spiel mit EW: Letzte Karte, letzter Raum wird betreten, Obermotz in Sicht des Scouts, Scharfschützin steht kilometerweit entfernt aber dank Truppsicht kein Problem. Nach einem Schuß ist der Obermotz schwer angekratzt ... doppelte Portion ---> Obermotz tot, Spiel erfolgreich beendet, abgesehen von ihr hat keiner im Team einen Finger rühren müssen
    ... jetzt kennt Sie nur noch fressen und morden,
    denn Sie selbst ist zur Bestie geworden.

    Meine Storys:
    Laufend: HoMM3-ein-Armageddon-kommt-selten-(von)-allein
    Vollendet: Black-Mesa/HL1 - oder wie ich lernte die Aliens zu lieben
    Pausiert/beendet/abgebrochen: EU 3 DW: Polens-Griff-nach-den-Sternen-ein-EU3-Divine-Wind-Tutorial DAO: Dragon Age Origins:wenn der Drache tieffliegt werfen auch Zwerge lange Schatten

  10. #100
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Zitat Zitat von The Illusive Man Beitrag anzeigen
    Also ich kämpfe immer noch mit dem Fischerdorf. Letzter Versuch war mit 2 Sturm. 1 Mech Faust, 1 Sniper und 1 Support.
    Es kommt halt auch sehr darauf an was man geforscht hat. Zb. Forsche ich zuerst immer Waffen denn meiner Meinung wenn man alles wegballert kann es nicht zurückschießen und dann braucht man auch keine Rüstung.
    Wenn die Stürmer dann Laserwaffen oder gar besseres haben und die Fähigkeit das sich sobald sich wer 4 Felder nähert schießen schauen die Nahkampfaliens dann bald blöd aus der Wäsche.

  11. #101
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Wolfsbrigade
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    Spielt gerade wer auch die version 15 von Long War Mod, habt ihr das auch das alle Rookies nur 10-30% Treffsicherheit haben auch wenn freies feld ist?
    Si vis pacem, para bellum

    Wenn du frieden willst, bereite dich auf den Krieg vor.

  12. #102
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von tacticaldisaster
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    Ja ich spiele auch die neue Version B15. Ich kann die geringe Trefferchance auf freistehende Gegner allerdings nicht bestätigen. Schau mal in die Let's Plays die du in meiner Signatur findest. Ich habe auf Gegner in Halber Deckung so ca. 30-40%.
    Let's Play - XCOM 2 Season 1 --> Long War 2 - Legend - Ironman - Deutsch (grandios gescheitert)
    Let's Play - XCOM 2 Season 2 --> Long War 2 - Legend - Ironman - Deutsch (noch dabei grandios zu scheitern)

    Foren-Rekruten für die Front gesucht. Hohe Sterblichkeitsrate garantiert!

  13. #103
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Wolfsbrigade
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    Bei dem Forumtread mit deinen Videos kann ich keins angucken steht immer error.
    Si vis pacem, para bellum

    Wenn du frieden willst, bereite dich auf den Krieg vor.

  14. #104
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von tacticaldisaster
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    Sehen eigentlich alle i.O. aus. Geht es noch jemand anderem so?

    Versuche alternativ mal den Aufruf direkt auf Youtube über die Playlist:
    Let's Play - XCOM 2 Season 1 --> Long War 2 - Legend - Ironman - Deutsch (grandios gescheitert)
    Let's Play - XCOM 2 Season 2 --> Long War 2 - Legend - Ironman - Deutsch (noch dabei grandios zu scheitern)

    Foren-Rekruten für die Front gesucht. Hohe Sterblichkeitsrate garantiert!

  15. #105

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