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Thema: Szenario Perserkriege (5 Jhd. v.Chr.)

  1. #31
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Portus Planus, Oretanium
    Zitat Zitat von JohnDay Beitrag anzeigen

    Maybee something went wrong with two city names:


    Shall I rename it by myself? I don´t know how it works and what NAME_B103 means?
    Oops! I thinked TXT_KEY_CITY_CARTENNA was in BTS files, but it seems it isn't. I'm changing city names in civilizations.xml, and that only is in my files. Sorry. Rename it meanwhile.
    XT_KEY_CITY_NAME_B103 It's missing a initial "T" letter: TXT_KEY_CITY_NAME_B103. It's Corsi its name, and when it is conquered, it will be renamed to C103, Alalia.

    Zitat Zitat von JohnDay Beitrag anzeigen
    Second, if you put a ram in the Xerxes Stack, the hole stack won´t attack Leonidas after. It´s in the game meachanics I think? I don´t know, but the ram is the first unit who turn back to homeland and all other will do the same after. You can´t give them a ram if the goal is that Leonidas have to die in the first turn (if you dont play the persian as human player by yourself). I know, you don´t like a suicide attack, but it was a suicide attack in history I think.
    If Xerxes had some trebuchet with him, be sure Leonidas won´t stand the hole Persian army for three days like in real history. In history the Persians say they will use so many bow´s and arrows that the day will turn into darkness if they use them, and the Spartians laughing about it, and saying: So we will fight in the shadow.
    You see, there was no ram and no trebuchet, the fight at the Thermopylen was more a fight man against man.
    But if I put some bowman in the Xerxes Stack, it´s the same like with the ram. They turn back to homeland and that´s why I can´t give it to them.

    Another way to stop this is to give every persian city up to four units. If I do so, the ram and bowman will stay and Xerxes attack´s, Leonidas dies and I am happy, but if I realy do so, there won´t be a build up phase in the game anymore. Because, if I do it for the persians, I have to do it for all and the scenario is a hole battle everywhere right from the start. That´s to much, that´s realy to much sorry and no way. That´s not what I want be sure and yes, I tryed it out.

    So I took the rams out, soory. After this, Xerxes troops attack and kill Leonidas, like it should be again.
    That's true, but Persians built bridges over Hellespontos, to cross his troops. And it possible it built siege units in own Greece. With that units, I'm considering to advance in Greece and trying to beat Leonidas. The other way, I won't try it. For what? For losing pointlessly that units in Greece? I repeat, I prefer to come back units and try to conquer Asia Minor cities. With only two basic siege units is not a difference for conquered a city in Greece. It'll still be very difficult to conquered a city in Greece with that defenses, but at least it's a possibility. Perhaps it not be historical, but less historical is that Battle of Termopilas ever doesn't happen.

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    Third ... if you change Iberia to a civilisation with five city´s? Tell me what do to next with Iberia? If you do so, Iberia is mighty and dangerous right from the start. That´s realy to much, so I changed two city´s back to the Barbarians. There should be a to overcome difficulties for every civilisation, also for the Iberians. To rule Hispania should be a problem for the Iberians, not a gift free from the start.
    Also ... you have to remanage the resources after those changes. Every civilisation need some resources, and some it may conquer. If you change city´s you have to have a spezial look at the resource mannagement of those civilisations.
    It will work right know again, because I changed a lot of resources for Iberia. Iberia is able to build a broze foundry again for example.
    Question is: What is Iberia or Iberians for you? Ancient Iberia is all entire peninsula named by Phoenicians and Greeks, named Hispania by Carthaginians and Romans. Iberians was a group of tribes in east and south of Iberian Peninsula. In rest of peninsula existed Celts and Celtiberians (and Lusitani perhaps it could be a different group of all them) and in Mediterranean coast Phoenicians and Greek colonies. It's true Iberian, Celts and Celtiberians tribes fought between them, but they are threatened by Gauls. Gauls should be in the same situation, but they have a lot of cities and easily will conquer its surroundings. Iberian civ is easily condemned to disappear.

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    By the way, I changed a lot more resources of the hole map. Because Carthago owns a Kolonie in Hispalis now (Gadir) and they need to change some resources too, after this. If I do it for the Iberian, and Carthago, I do it for all a little. I hope it´s better know.
    No problem for that.

    Zitat Zitat von JohnDay Beitrag anzeigen
    Other changes:

    I changed zoroastrianism and sumerian gods as religion for Persia and Babylon, because I read a little bit more about it. This this now the right way of every civilisation like it shut be in real.
    I thought the same, but I don't know if Zoroastrianism was already founded. In tech tree I think it isn't.

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    Macedonia need Megalithic tombs and no Tumulus, sorry. It´s changed ...
    I didn't see that

    Zitat Zitat von JohnDay Beitrag anzeigen
    I put in a Viking ship with four berseks as a surprise for Iberia .
    And that for what? I didn't understand this decision. Iberian definitively is condemned to disappear...

    Zitat Zitat von JohnDay Beitrag anzeigen
    Changed some more city of persia to fertility cult and Sardis to a cult of Cybele.

    Put in the dionysus cult in greek and macedonia, but not in every city.

    Changed the cult of Cybele cult center to Ephesos.

    Changed the cult of dionysus cult center to Athen.

    Changed Byzantion to a culture of one and edit three Slaves and a treasure unit to them. (Like a city persia conquerd just before.)
    I'm agree.

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    And I put in a new greek city called Tyras, because I read a lot of the situation of that time and the greek colonies around the Black Sea are very important. I hope it will be fun to play them .
    Yes, Chersonesus was a import colony in Black Sea.
    In this map, shows the most important colony in Black Sea, including Tyras and Olbia:

    Zitat Zitat von JohnDay Beitrag anzeigen
    But it is realy late and I want to go to sleep. I hope you can life with my changes Rual, I tryed to explain it why I did so. I like to test a little bit more, maybee tomorow I like to post it. Maybee you have a look at it again after Rual? This would be very nice if you do so ...

    Greetings John
    Of course, I'll look it
    Geändert von Rual (11. September 2013 um 16:28 Uhr)

  2. #32
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von JohnDay
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    Hi Rual,

    I have changed the city names, and named it Cartenna and give a T to B103 (Corsika?).

    But what shall I do with the city of the Quades? In german "Stamm der Quaden". In English it should be named as "Tribe of Quades", but it is still named "Stamm der Quaden". Thats wrong, but if I name it in the german version Tribe of Quades, it will be the only city with a english name. Do you know any solution for this problem Rual?

    Anyway, you wrote to me last.

    Zitat Zitat von Rual Beitrag anzeigen
    Perhaps it not be historical, but less historical is that Battle of Termopilas ever doesn't happen.
    I think at this point like you Rual, and if a human player plays as persia, it´s his own dessision. But if persia is played by the Ai, there should be a attack. Ore maybee I have to deled Xerxes and Leonidas from the map. That´s another solution ...
    Anyway, if persia land in greek and they got enough time and space, sure Xerxes like to build something to bring enemy walls down. But there wasn´t enough time, and no space for persia at this special point.

    Something else you wrote to me.

    Zitat Zitat von Rual Beitrag anzeigen
    Question is: What is Iberia or Iberians for you? Ancient Iberia is all entire peninsula named by Phoenicians and Greeks, named Hispania by Carthaginians and Romans. Iberians was a group of tribes in east and south of Iberian Peninsula. In rest of peninsula existed Celts and Celtiberians (and Lusitani perhaps it could be a different group of all them) and in Mediterranean coast Phoenicians and Greek colonies. It's true Iberian, Celts and Celtiberians tribes fought between them, but they are threatened by Gauls. Gauls should be in the same situation, but they have a lot of cities and easily will conquer its surroundings. Iberian civ is easily condemned to disappear.
    Yes you are right Rual, and that´s why I like to test those situations out. If Iberia and Gallia is both played by the Ai, it need´s some turns and Iberia owns what I call Spain today. So it works for me. Gallica is in nore of my testgames invading Iberian space.
    Look at the situation and yes sure you are right. Gallica and Iberia and also Germania, they are all the same at this point. Nore of them are realy one tribe. They all are many tribes, but if I do the same with Gallica like I did with Iberia, it won´t work in the game. Gallica is not able to win another two cities back. Why? I don´t know? Maybe they are not aggressiv enough? Burdigala is a town like this. Gallia is not recapuring this town, even if Barbariens owns it for a long long time in the game if I tested this. Gallica fight most battles at Belgian space after some turns in the beginning. This is nothing what I can change and that´s why Burdigala is a Gallica town right from the start. Iberia works perfect and fight for his space like in history, Gallica won´t do it. Sorry, test it out by your own.

    But sure Iberia is a little bit behind, that´s true. It´s easier to play as Gallica, but for me it is fun. If it is to easy, it´s not worse to be played . I gave Iberian more promotions at there army stack now, and remember these two city are without fortifications. It´s easy to take them for Iberia.

    Vikings, I tested this. Right know they are out again. They are to heavy for Iberia in the beginning if a Ai is playing this situation. I thought it was fun, but this is to heavy.

    New Changes:

    - remanged the dense forrests of germany
    - changed something near Ragusa and set wine near. It produces more food now.
    - Massinissa didn´t saw the attacking Beduine (know he do)
    - changed the culture of many cities.
    Massilia should now conquer Balears with only culture after some turns.
    Utica should now conquer Hippo with only culture after some turns.
    Olbia should now conquered only through greeks culture of Tyras and Chersonesos. (This is something I have to test a little bit more.
    - put in some animals. one lion, three bears, two wolfs, two deers, a wild boar ... I need more space for those jingles, grrr !!! one hyaene and not enough space for more. But I need to test this ...

    If you like, here is a new version. Sorry I named it PAE480bcV3Rual16

    Zitat Zitat von Rual Beitrag anzeigen
    Of course, I'll look it
    Thank you Rual! And please tell me what you think about it.

    Greetings John
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  3. #33
    Whovian Avatar von antriot
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    TARDIS Type 40
    Zitat Zitat von JohnDay Beitrag anzeigen
    But what shall I do with the city of the Quades? In german "Stamm der Quaden". In English it should be named as "Tribe of Quades", but it is still named "Stamm der Quaden". Thats wrong, but if I name it in the german version Tribe of Quades, it will be the only city with a english name. Do you know any solution for this problem Rual?
    You could create a text link like TXT_KEY_CITY_STAMM_DER_QUADEN.
    Tick tock goes the clock...

  4. #34
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von JohnDay
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    Hi antriot,

    ich kenne diese Funktion nicht, echte Wissenlücke bei mir ... kannst du mich mal aufklären?

    Was bedeutet: You could create a text link like TXT_KEY_CITY_STAMM_DER_QUADEN.

    Wo, wie, was? Noch verstehe ich es nicht.

    Grüße John und Dank im vorraus

  5. #35
    Whovian Avatar von antriot
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    TARDIS Type 40
    Ganz einfach:
    Nun musst du nur noch in einer Textdatei folgenden Eintrag hinzufügen:
    Dann wird für jede Sprache der entsprechende Name angezeigt.
    Tick tock goes the clock...

  6. #36
    PAE.Macht.Antike! Avatar von Pie
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    Du kannst dir eine eigene Text.xml im XML/Text/ Ordner für das Szenario machen und diverse Leadernamen und Städtenamen dort eintragen. Das ganze importiere ich dann ins Texttool und es kann in allen Sprachen übersetzt werden.
    Pie's Ancient Europe (PAE)
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    Mit bahnbrechenden Erweiterungen und vielen ein- und erstmaligen Features.

    ... im Übrigen bin ich der Meinung, dass Karthago wieder aufgebaut werden muss!

  7. #37
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von JohnDay
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    Ich gestehe, ich tue mich immer schwer mit so für mich neuen Sachen, bis ich mich damit angefreundet habe. Und ich erinnere mich jetzt auch dunkel daran, dass Pie mir davon schon mal etwas erzählt hat. Nur war ich da noch ganz neu hier und hatte es noch nicht kapiert. Es wird wohl wie üblich ganz einfach sein ... ok mal schauen.

    Gibt es irgendwo ein Beispiel dafür an dem ich mich orientieren kann? Eventuell bei den Scenarien die schon mit dabei sind gelle? Wobei, nein denn die Daten wirst du schon importiert haben. Hm wie komme ich denn da mal an ein Beispiel?
    Bisher habe ich noch nie eine XML Datei gemacht. Was muss denn da drin stehen? Was macht es zur xml Datei nur die Endung, oder auch ein bestimmter Inhalt. Das kann ich auch ergoggeln, ok.

    antriot schreibt von einer txt Datei und das ist ja schon mal ein Beispiel? Nur ist das auch gleichzeitig eine xml Datei? Und welchen Namen muss die jetzt eintragen? Der erste Teil vom Beispiel stammt ja aus einer Scenario Datei, wenn ich das richtig verstehe. Nach dem Motto, das ist der Original Name der Stadt, so muss es in die neue Datei. Nur wie soll diese neue Datei dann benannt werden? xxxxx.xml denke ich dann mal, nur wie genau? Wobei wenn Pie das importiert, dann nimmt er ja nur den Inhalt der Datei. Dann ist der Name der Datei ja völlig egal, jedenfalls wenn ich das jetzt richtig verstehe. Es geht ja nur um den Inhalt, oder?

    Das Beispiel war:


    Frage, muss ich das so fortsetzen? Oder kann ich auch französisch und spanisch als Beispiel weglassen? Was passiert, wenn ich es ohne die beiden Sprachen kopiere und wenn ich die beiden Sprachen doch drin lassen muss, was passiert, wenn ich zum Beispiel bei französisch nichts eingebe. Oder ist es dann besser, selbst bei französisch lieber irgend etwas einzutippen (auch wenn es falsch ist, da es zum Beispiel eindeutig englisch ist?) Also ich weiß jedenfalls nicht wie Lissabon zum Beispiel auf Französisch genannt bzw geschrieben wird daher meine Frage.

    Wie würde sich denn bei diesem Beispiel die nächste Stadt anschliessen? Hier nur eine verkürzte Version als Beispiel, aber ist das dann so richtig?

    <TEXT> Anfangszeichen vermute ich.

    Inhalt erste Stadt in verschiedenen Sprachen

    </TEXT> Endzeichen vermute ich
    <TEXT> Neues Anfangszeichen einfach anschliessen ohne Leerzeichen?

    Inhalt zweite Stadt

    </TEXT> Endzeichen?

    Hm Fragen über Fragen habe ich dazu wie ihr seht. Wenn es nicht zu viel Arbeit macht ... kann mich da noch mal jemand aufklären? Ich schau aber morgen auch noch mal paralel, ob ich was dazu finde, ohne dass ich das Thema gleich studieren muss. Wahrscheinlich stelle ich es mir nur gerade zu kompliziert vor und es wird ganz einfach sein. Ich muss jetzt erstml los.

    Grüße John

  8. #38
    PAE.Macht.Antike! Avatar von Pie
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    Nein, du brauchst nichts parallel dazu zu studieren. Geh ins Verzeichnis Assets/XML/Text/ und nimm dir die Datei PAEV_Orient.xml her.
    Speichere sie unter einem anderen Namen, wie bspw. PAEV_480BC.xml
    Darin kannst du alle TEXT_KEY_XY einfügen, die du für dein Szenario brauchst. Dabei kopierst du die ganzen Zeilen mit <Text> bis </Text>.
    Für französisch, italienisch ud spanisch brauchst du nix eintragen. Die gesamte Datei importiere ich sowieso ins Online Tool.
    Achja und folgende TEXT-Tags werd ich auch noch brauchen:
    natürlich auch ein
    Pie's Ancient Europe (PAE)
    Erlebe mit dieser CIV IV Mod(ifikation) hautnah das Zeitalter der Antike bis ins letzte Detail!
    Mit bahnbrechenden Erweiterungen und vielen ein- und erstmaligen Features.

    ... im Übrigen bin ich der Meinung, dass Karthago wieder aufgebaut werden muss!

  9. #39
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Portus Planus, Oretanium
    Don't worry JohnDay, I can do xml file.

  10. #40
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Portus Planus, Oretanium
    Created and ready for fill it
    Edited scenario with new txt_key

    I changed Aquitani by Cossetani. Burdigala use the space for Aquitani.

    Some cities that I added are in my list of cities for next patch (someday I'll finish it ). I don't know if I should repeat them in scenario file...

    About Iberian, they were in eastern Spain not west. The west cities were celts, so I think it's better that cities as barbarians. Also, Massilia shouldn't conquer Balears by culture. There was a Phoenician colony in the islands, but there wasn't a Greek colony.
    Although I have to test scenario some more time...
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  11. #41
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von JohnDay
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    Dankeschön Pie für die Erklärung. Man muss es nur einmal durchschauen und nun weiß ich, worum es geht.

    Zitat Zitat von Rual Beitrag anzeigen
    Created and ready for fill it
    Edited scenario with new txt_key

    I changed Aquitani by Cossetani. Burdigala use the space for Aquitani.

    Some cities that I added are in my list of cities for next patch (someday I'll finish it ). I don't know if I should repeat them in scenario file...

    About Iberian, they were in eastern Spain not west. The west cities were celts, so I think it's better that cities as barbarians. Also, Massilia shouldn't conquer Balears by culture. There was a Phoenician colony in the islands, but there wasn't a Greek colony.
    Although I have to test scenario some more time...
    Great Rual, I will check it tomorow and let me say thank you.

    If you change Iberian City from the east to the west, please do some testgames after. I hope, those cities you have changed are captured after 20 maybe 25 turns by the Iberians? If not, it is not working ok? If they are captured by phoezian ore any other after 30 maybee 35 turns in your test, you will know, Iberia is totaly ignoring those cities. If Iberia will capture this cities I say hey (great) and ok, if not ... sorry.

    Some other thoughts about the scenario:

    - I was thinking about giveing Rom a little bit bigger army?

    - What about the School of Pytagoras? At Croton (Etrusker city) maybee? It´s the right time, it´s not?

    - A don´t like between Rom and Carthago?

    - Iraklion in Italy is wrong named. Heraklion is the right name.

    Zitat Zitat von Rual Beitrag anzeigen
    Also, Massilia shouldn't conquer Balears by culture. There was a Phoenician colony in the islands, but there wasn't a Greek colony.
    Yes that´s true, but remember this is a very smal map Rual. There is no space to put this iland elsewhere. I tryed a lot and think by myself, take it as a feature. Maybee it is wrong, but it heappens, so try to let it work for you, not against you. Rual this map is to smal, anyone who controls Massilia will take it by culture after some turns. So what do you need? A good idea is all you need. Think about it like me and maybee we will find a good solution?

    Have to go. See you later and greetings John

  12. #42
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    Wo lag denn Heraklion/Iraklio/Herakleion in Italien? Ich kenn nur des auf Kreta und in Ägypten, und Google mag mir auch keins in Italien finden.

    Ah, ich hab noch 3 gefunden:
    Eine spartanische Gründung mitten in Griechenland.
    Ein Außenposten der dorischen Gründung Selinunt auf Sizilien. Selinunt kämpfte 480 (noch?) auf Seiten Karthagos, seit dem vierten Jahrhundert dann unter karthagischer Kontrolle.
    Und eine Ausgründung von Tarent in an der Südostküste Italiens, die aber erst 432 v.Chr. gegründet wurde
    Geändert von Flunky (15. September 2013 um 16:46 Uhr)

  13. #43
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Portus Planus, Oretanium
    I think he refers to this city:
    I think it's better Tarent too...

    Zitat Zitat von JohnDay Beitrag anzeigen
    If you change Iberian City from the east to the west, please do some testgames after. I hope, those cities you have changed are captured after 20 maybe 25 turns by the Iberians? If not, it is not working ok? If they are captured by phoezian ore any other after 30 maybee 35 turns in your test, you will know, Iberia is totaly ignoring those cities. If Iberia will capture this cities I say hey (great) and ok, if not ... sorry.
    In my tests, Iberians try to conquer them, but I think they haven't enough army. Lusitani is a difficult city to conquer. The problem is that Etruscan always go to conquer Iberia's barbarian cities, if Romans don't declare war on them.
    Also, Wachturm near Massillia is now Iberian by culture. I try to reduce culture in Cossetani, but it doesn't change.

    Some other thoughts about the scenario:

    - I was thinking about giveing Rom a little bit bigger army?
    As I said before, it depends if Etruscan Army goes to conquer barbarian cities. If they go, Romans can conquer one or two cities, before Etruscan Army come back...

    - What about the School of Pytagoras? At Croton (Etrusker city) maybee? It´s the right time, it´s not?
    I think it's better in a Greek city. In a few turns, someone build it... In my last game, it was Persians...

    - A don´t like between Rom and Carthago?
    Of course

    - Iraklion in Italy is wrong named. Heraklion is the right name.
    That's strange. I set:
    In vanilla files:
    And also, I don't know why TXT_KEY_CITY_NAME_VENETI changes to Ravenna after Gaul's conquer. It should be if the city is TXT_KEY_CITY_NAME_B04, but it isn't this case.
    Yes that´s true, but remember this is a very smal map Rual. There is no space to put this iland elsewhere. I tryed a lot and think by myself, take it as a feature. Maybee it is wrong, but it heappens, so try to let it work for you, not against you. Rual this map is to smal, anyone who controls Massilia will take it by culture after some turns. So what do you need? A good idea is all you need. Think about it like me and maybee we will find a good solution?
    Now Balearen is disputed by both Iberian and Greeks, and can change to one of them. Although barbarians soon reconquest it.

    I played with Carthaginians and it's very difficult to destroy a Syrian Guard with no elephants. Barbarians rapidly destroy elephant camp... And I think that barbarian units should have loyalty promotion. If I have luck, I can have a powerful army of units with strength 10 and 12.
    Perhaps, also Numidians shouldn't have access to elephants. Although I didn't see that built anyone...

    I renamed Sarden to Caralis. It's a Carthaginian city not barbarian...

    I've tried to change generals units name, but it seems doesn't possible...
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  14. #44
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von JohnDay
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    Hi Rual and Flunky,

    the greek colonys like Massilia and maybee Tarent (Iraklion at the moment) are wishes of Pie. He asks me to do so and and sure I like to do so. The right name should be a part of a discussion between us? Maybe (maybe is right with one e; ah my english sorry ). Maybe we can name it Tarent. This should to be no problem.

    Zitat Zitat von Rual Beitrag anzeigen
    In my tests, Iberians try to conquer them, but I think they haven't enough army.
    This is the same for all civilisations in the beginning Rual and if you try to make these armys bigger, you have to do it for all and it´s maybe to easy after. Remember after some turns your civilisation build some troops and you can do what ever you want. At the start, it should be a little bit difficult because it´s to easy later. That´s what I think about it.

    Zitat Zitat von Rual Beitrag anzeigen
    Lusitani is a difficult city to conquer. The problem is that Etruscan always go to conquer Iberia's barbarian cities, if Romans don't declare war on them.
    I have no problem with this, it´s like it should be. In history Rom do the same but conquered more than half of Italy first. Now Rom is trying to conquer this city´s first, because they are Barbariens. I don´t know how to change this, without declaring war between Rom and Etruskia right from the start? Is the a solution? What do you think about it Rual?

    Zitat Zitat von Rual Beitrag anzeigen
    Also, Wachturm near Massillia is now Iberian by culture. I try to reduce culture in Cossetani, but it doesn't change.
    This is ... not good. I tested a lot and a problem was Massilia in my past testgames. In my testgames, it was always conquered by Barbarians without the watchtower and his extra unit. But this was the situation before you changed Iberians from west to east. We have to check this out and if Massila can stand alone ok. If Massilia is conquerd after 10 turns, that´s not what I have in mind if I was making this. But maybe we have to speak about this later. First we have to test it if it works, and if it do so, maybe I have only to change my mind? Let us speak about this later again, ok?

    Zitat Zitat von Rual Beitrag anzeigen
    As I said before, it depends if Etruscan Army goes to conquer barbarian cities. If they go, Romans can conquer one or two cities, before Etruscan Army come back...
    That´s good I think. You have to think twice about what you are doing if you are playing. It is not easy and no only one way is the right way to play. If you do something the game is answering and something heappens to you. And no risk no fun I think. You don´t love this Rual?

    Me - What about the School of Pytagoras? At Croton (Etrusker city) maybee? It´s the right time, it´s not?
    Zitat Zitat von Rual Beitrag anzeigen
    I think it's better in a Greek city. In a few turns, someone build it... In my last game, it was Persians...
    Ok, but in history it was Croton look at wikipedia. What do you prefer? Shall we put it on the map and if so which city should get it? Please tell me what you think about it.

    Zitat Zitat von Rual Beitrag anzeigen
    Now Balearen is disputed by both Iberian and Greeks, and can change to one of them. Although barbarians soon reconquest it.
    Ohhh, that´s sounds interresting! You make me curious . If you find a good solution, ok. This will be a big surprise for me. I hope I like it. How do you do it? I will see it, if I find the time to open it. Maybe later tonight .

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    I played with Carthaginians and it's very difficult to destroy a Syrian Guard with no elephants.
    Great I think, no risk no fun and that´s why every game is little bit different. Sometime I win three Bedunine (Syrian Guars) units and sometimes I win non. If I catch enough special units it´s easy to conquer other cities, if not ... the player need more turns to build his own army. I think this is good, you don´t?

    Zitat Zitat von Rual Beitrag anzeigen
    Barbarians rapidly destroy elephant camp... And I think that barbarian units should have loyalty promotion. If I have luck, I can have a powerful army of units with strength 10 and 12.
    If you do so, you change the hole concept of the scenario. Maybe we can do so, but this is a different type of game after I think. Maybe you need another type (other units) of army after for every civilisation?

    I don´t know ... I realy don´t know but I think, I don´t like it. Maybe we have to dicuss this ... ok?

    Zitat Zitat von Rual Beitrag anzeigen
    Perhaps, also Numidians shouldn't have access to elephants. Although I didn't see that built anyone...
    Numidians also? Sure? They need horses, that´s for sure but elephants? Really? Please tell me more about it.

    Zitat Zitat von Rual Beitrag anzeigen
    I've tried to change generals units name, but it seems doesn't possible...
    Why it seems not possible? I tryed to use real general names I find in the telling about this time. It is normaly easy to change them? This makes me a little bit confusing?

    I need more time hehe. Ok Rual, give me a chance to think this all over and let me have a look at the map. I hope I can do it tonight, and if not I try this tomorow. I want to see this changes as soon as posible. Please wait for my next answer with new changes.

    Greetings John
    Geändert von JohnDay (15. September 2013 um 23:26 Uhr)

  15. #45
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    Croton ist recht für Pythagoras, sollte dann aber den Griechen gehören. Position 2-3 Felder südlich von Tarent. Die Stadt fiel erst im 3. Jh. vor an die Römer und Etrusker waren da garnet.

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