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Thema: Hearts of Iron 2 - Events

  1. #1
    Raistlin-ak der Lodernde Avatar von Sarim
    Registriert seit

    Hearts of Iron 2 - Events

    Hier kann man nützliche events posten.

    Hier eines das ich aufgrund von Netbandits Beschwerde gemacht habe.

    Achtung Spoiler:
    # Öl gefunden
    event = {
    id = 99999
    random = yes

    name = "Ölvorkommen entdeckt"
    desc = "Forscher haben ein Ölvorkommen entdeckt."
    picture = "private_sector"
    style = 0

    action_a = {
    name = "Lasst uns das Vorkommen erschließen!"

    command = { type = add_prov_resource which = -1 value = 10 where = oil }
    command = { type = money value = -200 }


    action_b = {
    name = "Das ist zu teuer."

    command = { }


    Das -1 bedeutet, dass es eine zufällige Provinz ist. Wenn man die Provinz-ID eingibt, kann man es einer bestimmten Provinz zuordnen.
    Beim where kann man die Resource ändern (z.B. energy für Energie).
    Und value gibt den Prozentsatz um den es erhöht wird an. Was die Bezugsgröße ist, weiß ich nicht. Aber beim DR im 36er wären das am Anfang 9 Öl.

  2. #2
    I'M NOT A BIRD, YOU KNOW! Avatar von noxx-0
    Registriert seit
    Achtung Spoiler:
    # Hitler weg?
    event = {
    id = 50008
    random = no
    country = GER

    name = "Bürgerbräu-Attentat!"
    desc = "Während einer Propaganda Rede Hitlers wurde ein Attentat auf ihn durchgeführt"
    picture = "Warsaw_Uprising"
    style = 0

    date = { day = 8 month = november year = 1939 }
    offset = 1
    deathdate = { day = 9 month = november year = 1939 }

    action_a = {
    name = "Eine Katastrophe, der Führer ist ermordet worden! Eine Übergangsregierung muss her!"
    ai_chance = 10
    command = { type = sleepminister which = 1 }
    command = { type = sleepminister which = 2 }
    command = { type = sleepminister which = 56 } #
    command = { type = sleepminister which = 108 } #
    command = { type = sleepminister which = 10 } #

    command = { type = sleepleader which = 505 }
    command = { type = sleepleader which = 440 }
    command = { type = dissent value = 10 }
    command = { type = sleepteam which = 23 }
    action_b = {
    name = "Wir hatten nochmal glück, Anschlag löste nur Sachschaden aus..."
    ai_chance = 90
    command = { type = sleepevent which = 50009 }

    # Neue Regierung
    event = {
    id = 50009
    random = no
    country = GER

    name = "Die neue Regierung"
    desc = "Eine neue Regierung muss her"
    picture = "Albania"
    style = 0

    date = { day = 15 month = november year = 1939 }
    offset = 1
    deathdate = { day = 20 month = november year = 1939 }

    action_a = {
    name = "Holt den Kaiser!"
    ai_chance = 33
    command = { type = dissent value = -8 }
    command = { type = set_domestic which = democratic value = 4 }
    command = { type = set_domestic which = political_left value = 4 }
    command = { type = domestic which = freedom value = 3 }
    command = { type = headofstate which = 36 }
    command = { type = headofgovernment which = 44 }
    command = { type = foreignminister which = 60 }
    command = { type = armamentminister which = 96 }
    command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 121 }
    command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 144 }
    command = { type = chiefofstaff which = 7 }
    command = { type = chiefofarmy which = 174 }
    command = { type = chiefofnavy which = 198 }
    command = { type = chiefofair which = 208 }

    action_b = {
    name = "Wir wollen den Thronfolger!"
    ai_chance = 33
    command = { type = dissent value = -8 }
    command = { type = set_domestic which = democratic value = 4 }
    command = { type = set_domestic which = political_left value = 3 }
    command = { type = domestic which = freedom value = 2 }
    command = { type = headofstate which = 37 }
    command = { type = headofgovernment which = 45 }
    command = { type = foreignminister which = 61 }
    command = { type = armamentminister which = 92 }
    command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 115 }
    command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 146 }
    command = { type = chiefofstaff which = 159 }
    command = { type = chiefofarmy which = 175 }
    command = { type = chiefofnavy which = 199 }
    command = { type = chiefofair which = 209 }

    action_c = {
    name = "Dönitz bleibt am Ruder!"
    ai_chance = 34
    command = { type = dissent value = -8 }


    Damit kriegt man den Adolf weg

    edit: 3.000er Post

  3. #3
    Raistlin-ak der Lodernde Avatar von Sarim
    Registriert seit
    Es gibt doch schon ein geschriebenes Event, welches ihn per "Attentat" entfernt.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Raistlin-ak der Lodernde Avatar von Sarim
    Registriert seit
    Das stimmt.
    Mal schauen was ich heute noch so an Events mache. Auf jedenfalls für mein SU Spiel die Ölvorkommen auf Sakhalin entdecken und erschließen.

  6. #6
    für Freiheit +Grundrechte Avatar von Der Falke
    Registriert seit
    Erlangen, Franken ---- _______ ‡‡ Muschelsucherehrenlegion ██ Civ4WL-DG1-Team: SU ████ Civ4BtS-DG2-Team: Junta ███████ Civ4BtS-DG3-Team: SU ████
    Das sind Zusatzevents für MDS2, u.a. Bundestagswahlen 2005 & 2009.

    event = {
    	id = 246224
    	random = no
    	country = GER
    	name = "Elections for Parliament 2005"
    	desc = "It's Time For Elections."
    	style = 0
    	trigger = {
    		government = democratic
    		ideology = social_liberal
    	date = { day = 22 month = november year = 2005 }
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Vote Right"
    		ai_chance = 45
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = 2 }
    		command = { type = headofgovernment which = 31014 } # Angela Merkel
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -2 }
    		command = { type = dissent value = -3 }
    		command = { type = foreignminister which = 31040 } # Frank Walter Steinmeier 
    		command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 31072 } # Wolfgang Schäuble
    		command = { type = armamentminister which = 31069 } # Franz Josef Jung
    		command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 31049 } # Ernst Uhrlau
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246239 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246226 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246240 }
    	action_b = {
    		name = "Vote Left"
    		ai_chance = 20
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = 2 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = 3 }
    		command = { type = dissent value = -2 }
    		command = { type = headofgovernment which = 31018 } # Joschka Fischer
    		command = { type = foreignminister which = 31040 } # Frank Walter Steinmeier
    		command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 31097 } # Fritz Kühn
    		command = { type = armamentminister which = 31043 } # Peter Struck
    		command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 31049 } # Ernst Uhrlau
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246239 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246226 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246240 }
    	action_c = {
    		name = "Keep the current government"
    		ai_chance = 35
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246239 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246226 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246240 }
    event = {
    	id = 246239
    	random = no
    	country = GER
    	name = "Elections for Parliament 2005"
    	desc = "It's Time For Elections."
    	style = 0
    	trigger = {
    		government = democratic
    		ideology = market_liberal
    	date = { day = 22 month = november year = 2005 }
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Vote Right"
    		ai_chance = 40
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = 2 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -2 }
    		command = { type = dissent value = -2 }
    		command = { type = headofgovernment which = 31063 } # Edmund Stoiber
    		command = { type = foreignminister which = 31021 } # Guido Westerwelle
    		command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 31072 } # Wolfgang Schäuble
    		command = { type = armamentminister which = 31117 } # Andreas Pinkwart
    		command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 31075 } # Eckart von Klaeden
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246224 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246226 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246240 }
    	action_b = {
    		name = "Vote Left"
    		ai_chance = 40
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = 2 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = 2 }
    		command = { type = dissent value = -2 }
    		command = { type = headofgovernment which = 31036 } # Franz Müntefering
    		command = { type = foreignminister which = 31095 } # Claudia Roth
    		command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 31048 } # Kurt Beck
    		command = { type = armamentminister which = 31043 } # Peter Struck
    		command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 31049 } # Ernst Uhrlau
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246224 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246226 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246240 }
    	action_c = {
    		name = "Keep the current government"
    		ai_chance = 20
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246224 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246226 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246240 }
    event = {
    	id = 246226
    	random = no
    	country = GER
    	name = "Elections for Parliament 2005"
    	desc = "It's Time For Elections."
    	style = 0
    	trigger = {
    		government = democratic
    		ideology = social_democratic
    	date = { day = 22 month = november year = 2005 }
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Vote Right"
    		ai_chance = 45
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = 2 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -3 }
    		command = { type = dissent value = -3 }
    		command = { type = headofgovernment which = 31036 } # Franz Müntefering
    		command = { type = foreignminister which = 31095 } # Claudia Roth
    		command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 31048 } # Kurt Beck
    		command = { type = armamentminister which = 31043 } # Peter Struck
    		command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 31049 } # Ernst Uhrlau
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246224 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246239 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246240 }
    	action_b = {
    		name = "Vote Left"
    		ai_chance = 20
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = -2 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = 3 }
    		command = { type = dissent value = -2 }
    		command = { type = headofgovernment which = 31212 } # Oskar Lafontaine
    		command = { type = foreignminister which = 31095 } # Claudia Roth
    		command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 31223 } # Hans Modrow
    		command = { type = armamentminister which = 31026 } # Renate Künast
    		command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 31225 } # Dietmar Bartsch
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246224 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246239 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246240 }
    	action_c = {
    		name = "Keep the current government"
    		ai_chance = 35
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246224 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246239 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246240 }
    event = {
    	id = 246240
    	random = no
    	country = GER
    	name = "Elections for Parliament 2005"
    	desc = "It's Time For Elections."
    	style = 0
    	trigger = {
    		government = democratic
    		ideology = social_conservative
    	date = { day = 22 month = november year = 2005 }
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Vote Right"
    		ai_chance = 20
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = -2 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -3 }
    		command = { type = dissent value = -2 }
    		command = { type = headofgovernment which = 31063 } # Edmund Stoiber
    		command = { type = foreignminister which = 31066 } # Thomas de Maiziere
    		command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 31072 } # Wolfgang Schäuble
    		command = { type = armamentminister which = 31069 } # Franz Josef Jung
    		command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 31075 } # Eckart von Klaeden
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246224 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246239 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246226 }
    	action_b = {
    		name = "Vote Left"
    		ai_chance = 45
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = 2 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -2 }
    		command = { type = dissent value = -3 }
    		command = { type = headofgovernment which = 31017 } # Guido Westerwelle
    		command = { type = foreignminister which = 31066 } # Thomas de Maiziere
    		command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 31121 } # Silvana Koch-Mehrin
    		command = { type = armamentminister which = 31117 } # Andreas Pinkwart
    		command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 31125 } # Alexander Graf Lambsdorf
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246224 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246239 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246226 }
    	action_c = {
    		name = "Keep the current government"
    		ai_chance = 35
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246224 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246239 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246226 }
    event = {
    	id = 246228
    	random = no
    	country = GER
    	name = "Elections for President 2004"
    	desc = "It's Time For Elections."
    	style = 0
    	trigger = {
    		government = democratic
    		ideology = social_conservative
    	date = { day = 1 month = july year = 2004 }
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Roland Koch - Christian Democratic Union"
    		ai_chance = 70
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = -1 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -1 }
    		command = { type = headofstate which = 31061 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246229 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246230 }
    	action_b = {
    		name = "Horst Köhler - Christian Democratic Union"
    		ai_chance = 30
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = 1 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = 1 }
    		command = { type = headofstate which = 31011 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246229 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246230 }
    event = {
    	id = 246229
    	random = no
    	country = GER
    	name = "Elections for President 2004"
    	desc = "It's Time For Elections."
    	style = 0
    	trigger = {
    		government = democratic
    		OR = {
    			ideology = market_liberal
    			ideology = social_liberal
    	date = { day = 1 month = july year = 2004 }
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Horst Köhler - Christian Democratic Party"
    		ai_chance = 50
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = 1 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -1 }
    		command = { type = headofstate which = 31011 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246228 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246230 }
    	action_b = {
    		name = "Gesine Schwan - Social Democratic Party"
    		ai_chance = 50
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = 1 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = 1 }
    		command = { type = headofstate which = 31033 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246228 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246230 }
    event = {
    	id = 246230
    	random = no
    	country = GER
    	name = "Elections for President 2004"
    	desc = "It's Time For Elections."
    	style = 0
    	trigger = {
    		government = democratic
    		ideology = social_democratic
    	date = { day = 1 month = july year = 2004 }
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Oskar Lafontaine - Social Democratic Party"
    		ai_chance = 70
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = -1 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = 1 }
    		command = { type = headofstate which = 31212 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246228 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246239 }
    	action_b = {
    		name = "Franz Müntefering - Social Democratic Party"
    		ai_chance = 30
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = 1 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -1 }
    		command = { type = headofstate which = 31034 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246228 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246239 }
    event = {
    	id = 246231
    	random = no
    	country = GER
    	name = "Johannes Rau died"
    	desc = "Johannes Rau died at the 27th January 2006, eleven days after is 75th birthday."
    	style = 0
    	trigger = {
    		NOT = { headofstate = 31001 }
    		random = 5
    	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 2003 }
    	offset = 5
    	deathdate = { day 31 month = december year = 2199 }
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Rest in Peace"
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246232 }
    		command = { type = sleepminister which = 31001 }
    event = {
    	id = 246232
    	random = no
    	country = GER
    	name = "Johannes Rau died"
    	desc = "Johannes Rau died at the 27th of January 2006, eleven days after is 75th birthday."
    	style = 0
    	trigger = {
    		headofstate = 31001
    		random = 5
    	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 2003 }
    	offset = 5
    	deathdate = { day 31 month = december year = 2199 }
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Rest in Peace"
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246231 }
    		command = { type = sleepminister which = 31001 }
    		command = { type = headofstate which = 31034 }		
    event = {
    	id = 246233
    	random = no
    	country = GER
    	name = "Franz Müntefering is leaving the Policy"
    	desc = "At the 21st of November 2007 Franz Müntefering abdicated from all his governmental charges, because of the cancer of his wife."
    	style = 0
    	trigger = {
    		random = 10
    	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 2003 }
    	offset = 30
    	deathdate = { day 31 month = december year = 2199 }
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Good Bye Franz"
    		command = { type = sleepminister which = 31034 }
    		command = { type = sleepminister which = 31036 }		
    event = {
    	id = 246234
    	random = no
    	country = GER
    	name = "Elections for Parliament 2009"
    	desc = "It's Time For Elections."
    	style = 0
    	trigger = {
    		government = democratic
    		OR = {	ideology = market_liberal
    			ideology = social_liberal }
    	date = { day = 3 month = october year = 2009 }
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Vote Right"
    		ai_chance = 40
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = 2 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -2 }
    		command = { type = dissent value = -2 }
    		command = { type = headofgovernment which = 31064 } # Christian Wulff
    		command = { type = foreignminister which = 31120 } # Silvana Koch-Mehrin
    		command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 31072 } # Wolfgang Schäuble
    		command = { type = armamentminister which = 31115 } # Jörg van Essen
    		command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 31075 } # Eckart von Klaeden
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246235 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246236 }
    	action_b = {
    		name = "Vote Left"
    		ai_chance = 40
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = 2 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = 2 }
    		command = { type = dissent value = -2 }
    		command = { type = headofgovernment which = 31039 } # Kurt Beck
    		command = { type = foreignminister which = 31095 } # Claudia Roth
    		command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 31097 } # Brigitte Zypries
    		command = { type = armamentminister which = 31043 } # Peter Struck
    		command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 31049 } # Ernst Uhrlau
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246235 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246236 }
    	action_c = {
    		name = "Keep the current government"
    		ai_chance = 20
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246235 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246236 }
    event = {
    	id = 246235
    	random = no
    	country = GER
    	name = "Elections for Parliament 2009"
    	desc = "It's Time For Elections."
    	style = 0
    	trigger = {
    		government = democratic
    		ideology = social_democratic
    	date = { day = 3 month = october year = 2009 }
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Vote Right"
    		ai_chance = 45
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = 2 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -2 }
    		command = { type = dissent value = -3 }
    		command = { type = headofgovernment which = 31037 } # Peter Struck
    		command = { type = foreignminister which = 31066 } # Thomas de Maiziere
    		command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 31046 } # Siegmar Gabriel
    		command = { type = armamentminister which = 31043 } # Peter Struck
    		command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 31075 } # Eckart von Klaeden
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246234 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246236 }
    	action_b = {
    		name = "Vote Left"
    		ai_chance = 20
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = -2 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = 3 }
    		command = { type = dissent value = -2 } 
    		command = { type = headofgoverment which = 31212 } # Oskar Lafontaine
    		command = { type = foreignminister which = 31003 } # Joschka Fischer
    		command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 31222 } # Katja Kipping
    		command = { type = armamentminister which = 31216 } # Wolfgang Methling
    		command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 31224 } # Hans Modrow
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246234 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246236 }
    	action_c = {
    		name = "Keep the current government"
    		ai_chance = 35
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246234 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246236 }
    event = {
    	id = 246236
    	random = no
    	country = GER
    	name = "Elections for Parliament 2009"
    	desc = "It's Time For Elections."
    	style = 0
    	trigger = {
    		government = democratic
    		ideology = social_conservative
    	date = { day = 3 month = october year = 2009 }
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Vote Right"
    		ai_chance = 20
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = -2 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -2 }
    		command = { type = dissent value = -2 }
    		command = { type = headofgovernment which = 31065 } # Günther Oettinger 
    		command = { type = foreignminister which = 31067 } # Philipp Mißfelder
    		command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 31072 } # Wolfgang Schäuble
    		command = { type = armamentminister which = 31115 } # Jörg van Essen
    		command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 31075 } # Eckart von Klaeden
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246234 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246235 }
    	action_b = {
    		name = "Vote Left"
    		ai_chance = 45
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = 2 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = 3 }
    		command = { type = dissent value = -3 } 
    		command = { type = headofgoverment which = 31014 } # Angela Merkel
    		command = { type = foreignminister which = 31040 } # Frank Walter Steinmeier
    		command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 31072 } # Wolfgang Schäuble
    		command = { type = armamentminister which = 31043 } # Peter Struck
    		command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 31049 } # Ernst Uhrlau
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246234 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246235 }
    	action_c = {
    		name = "Keep the current government"
    		ai_chance = 35
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246234 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246235 }
    event = {
    	id = 246237
    	random = no
    	country = GER
    	name = "Elections for President 2009"
    	desc = "It's Time For Elections."
    	style = 0
    	trigger = {
    		government = democratic
    		OR = {
    			ideology = market_liberal
    			ideology = social_liberal
    	date = { day = 1 month = july year = 2009 }
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Horst Köhler - Christian Democratic Union"
    		ai_chance = 50
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = 1 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -1 }
    		command = { type = headofstate which = 31011 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246238 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246239 }
    	action_b = {
    		name = "Wolfgang Thierse - Social Democratic Party"
    		ai_chance = 50
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = 1 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = 1 }
    		command = { type = headofstate which = 31035 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246238 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246239 }
    event = {
    	id = 246237
    	random = no
    	country = GER
    	name = "Elections for President 2009"
    	desc = "It's Time For Elections."
    	style = 0
    	trigger = {
    		government = democratic
    		ideology = social_democtratic
    	date = { day = 1 month = july year = 2009 }
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Gregor Gysi - The Left Party"
    		ai_chance = 70
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = -1 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = 1 }
    		command = { type = headofstate which = 31013 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246237 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246239 }
    	action_b = {
    		name = "Wolfgang Thierse - Social Democratic Party"
    		ai_chance = 30
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = 1 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -1 }
    		command = { type = headofstate which = 31035 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246237 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246239 }
    event = {
    	id = 246238
    	random = no
    	country = GER
    	name = "Elections for President 2009"
    	desc = "It's Time For Elections."
    	style = 0
    	trigger = {
    		government = democratic
    		ideology = social_conservative
    	date = { day = 1 month = july year = 2009 }
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Wolfgang Schäuble - Christian Democratic Union"
    		ai_chance = 70
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = -1 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -1 }
    		command = { type = headofstate which = 31060 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246237 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246238 }
    	action_b = {
    		name = "Horst Köhler - Christian Democratic Union"
    		ai_chance = 30
    		command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = 1 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = 1 }
    		command = { type = headofstate which = 31011 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246237 }
    		command = { type = sleepevent which = 246238 }
    event = {
    	id = 246241
    	random = no
    	country = KOR
    	name = "North-Korean Aggression"
    	desc = "The North-Korean Program of development for wepons of mass destruction is an endangerment for our Country, we have to defend ourself. "
    	style = 0
    	trigger = {
    		OR = {	technology = { country = U09 value = 5720 }
    			technology = { country = u09 value = 5550 } 
    		not = { OR = {	alliance = { country = KOR  country = U09 }
    				alliance = { country = JAP  country = U09 }
    	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 2000 }
    	offset = 5
    	deathdate = { day = 31 month = december year = 2199 }
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Ask Japan for Help"
    		ai_chance = 80
    		command = { type = trigger which = 246242 }
    		command = { type = relation which = U09 value = -100 }
    		command = { type = relation which = CHC value = -50 }
    		command = { type = dissent value = 5 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = 3 }
    	action_b = {
    		name = "Let us be passive"
    		ai_chance = 20
    		command = { type = relation which = U09 value = 25 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = -3 }
    event = {
    	id = 246242
    	random = no
    	country = JAP
    	name = "South-Korea asks for help"
    	desc = "South-Korea asks four our help against the North-Korean aggression."
    	style = 0
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Found the Far-East-Asian-Defence-Organisation"
    		ai_chance = 80
    		command = { type = trigger which = 246243 }	# Taiwan
    		command = { type = trigger which = 246244 }	# Philippines
    		command = { type = trigger which = 246245 }	# Malaysia
    		command = { type = trigger which = 246246 }	# Indonesia
    		command = { type = trigger which = 246247 }	# Singapur
    		command = { type = trigger which = 246248 }	# Thailand
    		command = { type = trigger which = 246249 }	# Cambodja
    		command = { type = trigger which = 246250 }	# Vietnam
    		command = { type = trigger which = 246251 }	# Laos
    		command = { type = relation which = U09 value = -100 }
    		command = { type = relation which = CHC value = -50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = 50 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = 3 }
    		command = { type = alliance which = KOR } 
    	action_b = {
    		name = "We can't help them"
    		ai_chance = 20
    		command = { type = relation which = U09 value = 50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = CHC value = 25 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = -3 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = -100 }
    event = {
    	id = 246243
    	random = no
    	country = TRA
    	name = "Founding of the F.E.A.D.O."
    	desc = "South-Korea and Japan founded an alliance against the Peoples Republic of China and North-Korea, maybe we should join them."
    	style = 0
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Join the Alliance"
    		ai_chance = 80
    		command = { type = relation which = U09 value = -100 }
    		command = { type = relation which = CHC value = -50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = 50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = JAP value = 50 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = 3 }
    		command = { type = alliance which = JAP } 
    	action_b = {
    		name = "We don't want to provoke"
    		ai_chance = 20
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = -3 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = -25 }
    		command = { type = relation which = JAP value = -25 }
    event = {
    	id = 246244
    	random = no
    	country = PHI
    	name = "Founding of the F.E.A.D.O."
    	desc = "South-Korea and Japan founded an alliance against the Peoples Republic of China and North-Korea, maybe we should join them."
    	style = 0
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Join the Alliance"
    		ai_chance = 70
    		command = { type = relation which = U09 value = -100 }
    		command = { type = relation which = CHC value = -50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = 50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = JAP value = 50 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = 3 }
    		command = { type = alliance which = JAP } 
    	action_b = {
    		name = "We don't want to provoke"
    		ai_chance = 30
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = -3 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = -25 }
    		command = { type = relation which = JAP value = -25 }
    event = {
    	id = 246245
    	random = no
    	country = MLY
    	name = "Founding of the F.E.A.D.O."
    	desc = "South-Korea and Japan founded an alliance against the Peoples Republic of China and North-Korea, maybe we should join them."
    	style = 0
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Join the Alliance"
    		ai_chance = 60
    		command = { type = relation which = U09 value = -100 }
    		command = { type = relation which = CHC value = -50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = 50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = JAP value = 50 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = 3 }
    		command = { type = alliance which = JAP } 
    	action_b = {
    		name = "We don't want to provoke"
    		ai_chance = 40
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = -3 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = -25 }
    		command = { type = relation which = JAP value = -25 }
    event = {
    	id = 246246
    	random = no
    	country = INO
    	name = "Founding of the F.E.A.D.O."
    	desc = "South-Korea and Japan founded an alliance against the Peoples Republic of China and North-Korea, maybe we should join them."
    	style = 0
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Join the Alliance"
    		ai_chance = 60
    		command = { type = relation which = U09 value = -100 }
    		command = { type = relation which = CHC value = -50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = 50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = JAP value = 50 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = 3 }
    		command = { type = alliance which = JAP } 
    	action_b = {
    		name = "We don't want to provoke"
    		ai_chance = 40
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = -3 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = -25 }
    		command = { type = relation which = JAP value = -25 }
    event = {
    	id = 246247
    	random = no
    	country = SIK
    	name = "Founding of the F.E.A.D.O."
    	desc = "South-Korea and Japan founded an alliance against the Peoples Republic of China and North-Korea, maybe we should join them."
    	style = 0
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Join the Alliance"
    		ai_chance = 60
    		command = { type = relation which = U09 value = -100 }
    		command = { type = relation which = CHC value = -50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = 50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = JAP value = 50 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = 3 }
    		command = { type = alliance which = JAP } 
    	action_b = {
    		name = "We don't want to provoke"
    		ai_chance = 40
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = -3 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = -25 }
    		command = { type = relation which = JAP value = -25 }
    event = {
    	id = 246248
    	random = no
    	country = SIA
    	name = "Founding of the F.E.A.D.O."
    	desc = "South-Korea and Japan founded an alliance against the Peoples Republic of China and North-Korea, maybe we should join them."
    	style = 0
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Join the Alliance"
    		ai_chance = 60
    		command = { type = relation which = U09 value = -100 }
    		command = { type = relation which = CHC value = -50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = 50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = JAP value = 50 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = 3 }
    		command = { type = alliance which = JAP } 
    	action_b = {
    		name = "We don't want to provoke"
    		ai_chance = 40
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = -3 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = -25 }
    		command = { type = relation which = JAP value = -25 }
    event = {
    	id = 246249
    	random = no
    	country = CMB
    	name = "Founding of the F.E.A.D.O."
    	desc = "South-Korea and Japan founded an alliance against the Peoples Republic of China and North-Korea, maybe we should join them."
    	style = 0
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Join the Alliance"
    		ai_chance = 50
    		command = { type = relation which = U09 value = -100 }
    		command = { type = relation which = CHC value = -50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = 50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = JAP value = 50 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = 3 }
    		command = { type = alliance which = JAP } 
    	action_b = {
    		name = "We don't want to provoke"
    		ai_chance = 50
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = -3 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = -25 }
    		command = { type = relation which = JAP value = -25 }
    event = {
    	id = 246250
    	random = no
    	country = WLL
    	name = "Founding of the F.E.A.D.O."
    	desc = "South-Korea and Japan founded an alliance against the Peoples Republic of China and North-Korea, maybe we should join them."
    	style = 0
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Join the Alliance"
    		ai_chance = 30
    		command = { type = relation which = U09 value = -100 }
    		command = { type = relation which = CHC value = -50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = 50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = JAP value = 50 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = 3 }
    		command = { type = alliance which = JAP } 
    	action_b = {
    		name = "We don't want to provoke"
    		ai_chance = 70
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = -3 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = -25 }
    		command = { type = relation which = JAP value = -25 }
    event = {
    	id = 246251
    	random = no
    	country = LAO
    	name = "Founding of the F.E.A.D.O."
    	desc = "South-Korea and Japan founded an alliance against the Peoples Republic of China and North-Korea, maybe we should join them."
    	style = 0
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Join the Alliance"
    		ai_chance = 30
    		command = { type = relation which = U09 value = -100 }
    		command = { type = relation which = CHC value = -50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = 50 }
    		command = { type = relation which = JAP value = 50 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = 3 }
    		command = { type = alliance which = JAP } 
    	action_b = {
    		name = "We don't want to provoke"
    		ai_chance = 70
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = -3 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = -25 }
    		command = { type = relation which = JAP value = -25 }
    event = {
    	id = 246252
    	random = no
    	country = U09
    	name = "Should we claim whole Korea?"
    	desc = ""
    	style = 0
    	action_a = {
    		name = "We are the only true korean state"
    		ai_chance = 80
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = -100 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = defense_lobby value = 3 }
    		command = { type = setflag which = U09claim_korea }
    		command = { type = addcore which = 1194 }
    		command = { type = addcore which = 1195 }
    		command = { type = addcore which = 1196 }
    		command = { type = addcore which = 1197 }
    		command = { type = addcore which = 1198 }
    		command = { type = addcore which = 1199 }
    	action_b = {
    		name = "We don't want to provoke"
    		ai_chance = 20
    		command = { type = domestic which = defense_lobby value = -3 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = 100 }
    event = {
    	id = 246253
    	random = no
    	country = KOR
    	name = "Should we claim whole Korea?"
    	desc = ""
    	style = 0
    	action_a = {
    		name = "We are the only true korean state"
    		ai_chance = 80
    		command = { type = relation which = U09 value = -100 }
    		command = { type = domestic which = defense_lobby value = 3 }
    		command = { type = setflag which = KORclaim_korea }
    		command = { type = addcore which = 1200 }
    		command = { type = addcore which = 1201 }
    		command = { type = addcore which = 1376 }
    		command = { type = addcore which = 1391 }
    		command = { type = addcore which = 1392 }
    		command = { type = addcore which = 1393 }
    	action_b = {
    		name = "We don't want to provoke"
    		ai_chance = 20
    		command = { type = domestic which = defense_lobby value = -3 }
    		command = { type = relation which = U09 value = 100 }
    event = {
    	id = 246254
    	random = no
    	country = U09
    	name = "Mass Demonstration in Pyongyang"
    	desc = "The People don't want to hunger any more, they want free pass into the south, democracy and particulary food."
    	style = 0
    	trigger = {
    		random = 10
    		OR = { 	government = communist
    			government = fascist
    	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 2000 }
    	offset = 30
    	deathdate = { day = 31 month = december year = 2199 }	
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Shoot them down"
    		ai_chance = 100
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = -100 }
    		command = { type = dissent value = 50 }
    		command = { trigger which = 246255 }
    	action_b = {
    		name = "Let's make democratic reforms"
    		ai_chance = 0
    		command = { type = set_domestic which = democratic value = 3 }
    		command = { type = set_domestic which = free_market value = 5 }
    		command = { type = set_domestic which = freedom value = 5 }
    		command = { type = relation which = KOR value = 200 }
    		command = { type = dissent value = 20 }
    event = {
    	id = 246255
    	random = no
    	country = U09
    	name = "Massacre in Pyongyang"
    	desc = "The north-korean army killed thousands of demonstrants, should we intervene?"
    	style = 0
    	action_a = {
    		name = "Time for Intervention"
    		ai_chance = 70
    		command = { type = relation which = U09 value = -200 }
    		command = { type = war which = U09 }
    	action_b = {
    		name = "It's not our matter"
    		ai_chance = 30
    		command = { type = domestic which = interventionism = -2 }
    		command = { type = dissent value = 10 }
    Nicht vergessen: 1118 Tage lang war die freiheitlich-demokratischen Grundordnung durch Regierung und Parlament in Bund und Ländern aufgehoben! Die Verantwortlichen müssen vor Gericht gestellt werden!

    Die Meldepflicht muss zudem noch immer aufgehoben werden.

    "Es ist die Schicksalsfrage Deutschlands: Wir stehen vor der Wahl zwischen Sklaverei und Freiheit. Wir wählen die Freiheit!" - Konrad Adenauer
    "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

  7. #7
    Templer Avatar von Dark Scipio
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von noxx-0 Beitrag anzeigen
    stimmt aber das triggert später und entfernt wesentlich mehr, ausserdem kann man da nich den kaiser oder thronfolger holen

    Dafür bekommt man da den lieben Beck.
    Ein Klick auf jeder Seite jeden Tag hilft dem Regenwald.

  8. #8
    Just a normal family Avatar von Chris
    Registriert seit
    Hinterm Mond gleich links
    Die blöden Kanadier wollen mir, Mexiko, nicht den Oberbefehl geben, um die USA fertig zu machen. Aber genau die Ablenkung bräuchte ich

    Ich habe es schon mit acceptall versucht, aber das funzt nicht, obwohl da steht
    AI now folds to all demands and suggestions!

    Wer schreibt mir ein Event?
    "As we leave the moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave it as we came and, God willing, we shall return with peace and hope for all mankind"
    Eugene A. Cernan

    [Civ4] Mod Chooser
    100 Gute Gründe

    Hier nicht klicken! sonst wirst Du als Extremist eingestuft (s.

  9. #9
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von GFM Pascalovic
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von Chris Beitrag anzeigen
    Die blöden Kanadier wollen mir, Mexiko, nicht den Oberbefehl geben, um die USA fertig zu machen. Aber genau die Ablenkung bräuchte ich

    Ich habe es schon mit acceptall versucht, aber das funzt nicht, obwohl da steht

    Wer schreibt mir ein Event?
    auch noch cheaten

    aber es geht auch ohne event...
    der cheat muesste funktioniern ...

    "Die Hauptsache ist, dass der Geist der Sache erfasst wird und nicht die bloße Form!."

  10. #10
    Just a normal family Avatar von Chris
    Registriert seit
    Hinterm Mond gleich links
    Nich quatschen, Event schreiben
    "As we leave the moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave it as we came and, God willing, we shall return with peace and hope for all mankind"
    Eugene A. Cernan

    [Civ4] Mod Chooser
    100 Gute Gründe

    Hier nicht klicken! sonst wirst Du als Extremist eingestuft (s.

  11. #11
    für Freiheit +Grundrechte Avatar von Der Falke
    Registriert seit
    Erlangen, Franken ---- _______ ‡‡ Muschelsucherehrenlegion ██ Civ4WL-DG1-Team: SU ████ Civ4BtS-DG2-Team: Junta ███████ Civ4BtS-DG3-Team: SU ████
    Gibt es überhaupt einen Code für Oberbefehl geben?
    Nicht vergessen: 1118 Tage lang war die freiheitlich-demokratischen Grundordnung durch Regierung und Parlament in Bund und Ländern aufgehoben! Die Verantwortlichen müssen vor Gericht gestellt werden!

    Die Meldepflicht muss zudem noch immer aufgehoben werden.

    "Es ist die Schicksalsfrage Deutschlands: Wir stehen vor der Wahl zwischen Sklaverei und Freiheit. Wir wählen die Freiheit!" - Konrad Adenauer
    "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

  12. #12
    Just a normal family Avatar von Chris
    Registriert seit
    Hinterm Mond gleich links
    Ja, irgendwas mit access denk ich, aber ich kenn mich einfach zu wenig aus und dachte einer von Euch könnte das mal eben aus der Hüfte schiessen. Sieht aber nicht so aus
    "As we leave the moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave it as we came and, God willing, we shall return with peace and hope for all mankind"
    Eugene A. Cernan

    [Civ4] Mod Chooser
    100 Gute Gründe

    Hier nicht klicken! sonst wirst Du als Extremist eingestuft (s.

  13. #13
    Raistlin-ak der Lodernde Avatar von Sarim
    Registriert seit
    access war doch Durchmarrecht?
    @GFM: Beim Oberbefehl bringt der Cheat nichts. Da gelten die normalen voraussetzungen.
    Ich schau mal, ob ich was finde. Zur Not, müsste man noch das Save editieren können.

  14. #14
    Beyond Mars Avatar von [VK]
    Registriert seit
    Das Einzige was mir jetzt einfallen würde wäre IK in provinz X auf 500 hoch überbefehl übernehmen Ik wieder runter aber ob der Oberbefehl da bleibt?

  15. #15
    Raistlin-ak der Lodernde Avatar von Sarim
    Registriert seit
    In der event commands hab ich nichts gefunden.

    Also würde ich vorschlagen, das Save zu ändern.
    Starte den Editor im HoI2 Verzeichnis.
    --> Scenarios
    --> Browse
    --> Save suchen und öffnen
    --> Load
    --> CAN auswählen
    --> Country
    --> Foreign affairs
    --> MEX in der Liste auswählen
    --> Haken bei Is under mil. control from setzen
    --> Save

    Nun kannst du es bei den Szenarien auswählen.

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