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Thema: Szenario Perserkriege (5 Jhd. v.Chr.)

  1. #46
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Zitat Zitat von JohnDay Beitrag anzeigen
    Hi Rual and Flunky,

    the greek colonys like Massilia and maybee Tarent (Iraklion at the moment) are wishes of Pie. He asks me to do so and and sure I like to do so. The right name should be a part of a discussion between us? Maybe (maybe is right with one e; ah my english sorry ). Maybe we can name it Tarent. This should to be no problem.
    I think Tarent is more known that Herakleia/Iraklion. Besides, there was more cities named like that. It could be confused.

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    This is the same for all civilisations in the beginning Rual and if you try to make these armys bigger, you have to do it for all and it´s maybe to easy after. Remember after some turns your civilisation build some troops and you can do what ever you want. At the start, it should be a little bit difficult because it´s to easy later. That´s what I think about it.
    Not for all civs. Civs with no barbarian in his borders are easier to conquer further barbarian cities, like romans and etruscan.

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    I have no problem with this, it´s like it should be. In history Rom do the same but conquered more than half of Italy first. Now Rom is trying to conquer this city´s first, because they are Barbariens. I don´t know how to change this, without declaring war between Rom and Etruskia right from the start? Is the a solution? What do you think about it Rual?
    Yes, I don't know either how solution is better. AI always goes to conquer barbarian cities, even if it has to cross on one side of the map to the other. Maybe, war between Romans and Etruscan. We'll have to testing it.

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    This is ... not good. I tested a lot and a problem was Massilia in my past testgames. In my testgames, it was always conquered by Barbarians without the watchtower and his extra unit. But this was the situation before you changed Iberians from west to east. We have to check this out and if Massila can stand alone ok. If Massilia is conquerd after 10 turns, that´s not what I have in mind if I was making this. But maybe we have to speak about this later. First we have to test it if it works, and if it do so, maybe I have only to change my mind? Let us speak about this later again, ok?
    In my games, Massilia never was conquered by barbarians. Maybe by bored Etruscans. They are always moving his army. Perhaps a solution to the watchtower is to change Iberian capital from Cossetani to Edetani, although Cossetani is more accurate.

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    That´s good I think. You have to think twice about what you are doing if you are playing. It is not easy and no only one way is the right way to play. If you do something the game is answering and something heappens to you. And no risk no fun I think. You don´t love this Rual?
    But you should think in both AI and HI performance. That it's good for AI, perhaps is not good for HI and vice versa. HI can risk or not, but AI easily suicide units needlessly.

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    Me - What about the School of Pytagoras? At Croton (Etrusker city) maybee? It´s the right time, it´s not?

    Ok, but in history it was Croton look at wikipedia. What do you prefer? Shall we put it on the map and if so which city should get it? Please tell me what you think about it.
    Yes, that's true. But flunky also said, Croton was a Greek city when School was built, not Etruscan. If you put Croton as a representation of Brutii, then the school should be in Herakleia or Tarent...

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    Ohhh, that´s sounds interresting! You make me curious . If you find a good solution, ok. This will be a big surprise for me. I hope I like it. How do you do it? I will see it, if I find the time to open it. Maybe later tonight .
    That's caused for nearly Iberian capital. As I said before, we can change the capital from Cossetani to Edetani...

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    Great I think, no risk no fun and that´s why every game is little bit different. Sometime I win three Bedunine (Syrian Guars) units and sometimes I win non. If I catch enough special units it´s easy to conquer other cities, if not ... the player need more turns to build his own army. I think this is good, you don´t?

    If you do so, you change the hole concept of the scenario. Maybe we can do so, but this is a different type of game after I think. Maybe you need another type (other units) of army after for every civilisation?

    I don´t know ... I realy don´t know but I think, I don´t like it. Maybe we have to dicuss this ... ok?
    In my game with Carthaginians, I had tempted to attack Persia and his vassals, for the powerful army I had obtained with bedouins and sirian guards, and besides my elephants. They hadn't units so powerful to stop me...
    Yes, it's lucky, but can unbalance the game...

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    Numidians also? Sure? They need horses, that´s for sure but elephants? Really? Please tell me more about it.
    You should know it. I don't put an elephant recourse close to a Numidian city

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    Why it seems not possible? I tryed to use real general names I find in the telling about this time. It is normaly easy to change them? This makes me a little bit confusing?
    I think it was easy, but units names doesn't get txt_key tags. I never tried this, but now I tried but no works. It appears "TXT_KEY_UNIT_NAME_XERXES" instead of "Xerxes".

  2. #47
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von JohnDay
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    Hi Rual,

    it needs more time that I thought, but finaly I found the time to look at it. I have to say I love it! But I hope no one would tell us that Iberia is not on the right place. May you have to argue for this if it heappen .
    I found no time to test it by now. This will need some time till weekend. I hope you can wait for that and let me say thank you Rual.

    I like to post a new version on saturday maybee sunday night.

    What´s to do:

    to have a look at the culture of every city.
    School of Pytagoras (decide heraleia, tarent, croton?) croton maybe greek? but greeks maybe to powerful after?
    A don´t like between Rome and Carthage
    A special look at the situation in Italy (maybe war from the start between Etrusken and Rome)
    find a solution for the watchtower at massilia and the capitol city of Iberia
    to decide lojalty promotion for barbs ore not
    to dicide elephants for numidians?

    Maybe I find some more to do, but that´s what I remember first at the moment. If you remember more of what to do, please tell me Rual.

    And let me say thank you Rual, you do good work!

    Greetings John

    P.S. The most citiy names are looks like TXT_CITY_ XXX for me now. Maybe you have to send me the data sets? This would be very nice.

  3. #48
    PAE.Macht.Antike! Avatar von Pie
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    Wenn dir die Griechen zu mächtig werden könnten:
    Hast du noch einen CIV-Platz frei? (max 18)
    Dann könntest du die Spartaner einfügen. Mit einem Verteidigungsbündis mit Griechenland. Die Spartaner haben Sparta und Tarent (Italien). In Tarent gibst du Pythagoras' Schule rein.

    Krieg zw. Rom und Etrusker

    Keine Elefanten für Numidien.
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    ... im Übrigen bin ich der Meinung, dass Karthago wieder aufgebaut werden muss!

  4. #49
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Zitat Zitat von JohnDay Beitrag anzeigen
    Hi Rual,

    it needs more time that I thought, but finaly I found the time to look at it. I have to say I love it! But I hope no one would tell us that Iberia is not on the right place. May you have to argue for this if it heappen .
    I found no time to test it by now. This will need some time till weekend. I hope you can wait for that and let me say thank you Rual.

    I like to post a new version on saturday maybee sunday night.
    It's a pleasure and don't worry, we aren't in a hurry

    School of Pytagoras (decide heraleia, tarent, croton?) croton maybe greek? but greeks maybe to powerful after?
    If you don't want change Croton to Greek, I think it's better in Tarent or Herakleia. It's a possibility for powerful Greeks, yes, but Greeks had a region named Magna Graecia for a reason...

    A special look at the situation in Italy (maybe war from the start between Etrusken and Rome)
    Perhaps a look to both armies too. Maybe Etruscan could be too powerful.

    find a solution for the watchtower at massilia and the capitol city of Iberia
    I only find to change capital to maintain the watchtower for Greeks...

    to decide lojalty promotion for barbs ore not
    Most powerful at least I think.

    to dicide elephants for numidians?
    I think no elephants for Numidians, at least to the beginning.

    P.S. The most citiy names are looks like TXT_CITY_ XXX for me now. Maybe you have to send me the data sets? This would be very nice.
    Have you downloaded 7z file in his post: ? It contains XML file for scenario TXT_KEY. Put it in XML/Text folder.

    Zitat Zitat von Pie Beitrag anzeigen
    Wenn dir die Griechen zu mächtig werden könnten:
    Hast du noch einen CIV-Platz frei? (max 18)
    Dann könntest du die Spartaner einfügen. Mit einem Verteidigungsbündis mit Griechenland. Die Spartaner haben Sparta und Tarent (Italien). In Tarent gibst du Pythagoras' Schule rein.
    Maybe, more civs in a small map are too much, but it could be a solution.

  5. #50
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    How about splitting Magna Graeca from Greece as a Civ of its own? Then you don't have to put Etruscans south of Rome, and Greece is not overpowered.
    They can have a defensive treaty with each other.

  6. #51
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von JohnDay
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    I run into a problem with my PAE version yesterday.

    Yesterday I was working on the scenario, trying to build up differnt scenario saves. One to test it with another civilisation, another with a very powerful greek and one more. At the moment I was trying to test this out I run into breaks. Sometimes after the second turn! I was not able really to do what I want. A week ago I have to reinstall PAE and this seems to be the problem with a reinstall of PAE at the moment. Maybe it´s different if you install Patch 7 over Patch 6 it seems to working ... but I need the hole night to figure this out and it seems only to be stable after this for me. I need more time to work on this and that´s why I like to say thank you Rual for this sentence. Rual: "It's a pleasure and don't worry, we aren't in a hurry." Great, because I realy need more time .

    Greetings John

  7. #52
    PAE.Macht.Antike! Avatar von Pie
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    Und John? Gibts bereits eine Text-XML Datei für dein Szenario, die ich ins Online Text-Tool importieren kann?
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    ... im Übrigen bin ich der Meinung, dass Karthago wieder aufgebaut werden muss!

  8. #53
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von JohnStockton
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    Habe gesehen, dass alle Civs sowohl römisches als auch greichisches Wissen haben. Das müsste noch korrigiert werden.

  9. #54
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von JohnDay
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    Und John? Gibts bereits eine Text-XML Datei für dein Szenario, die ich ins Online Text-Tool importieren kann?
    Aber ja, das hatte Rual schon erstellt und seit dem musste glaube ich, nichts mehr daran geändert werden. In diesem Treat auf Seite 3 Post 41 und dann der Dowload von Rual.

    Was das Scenario angeht: Rual und ich sind ja nur am Feineinstellen quasi, wobei mir das Spiel beim Spieletesten im Moment immer abstürzt und mich das ziemlich frustriert muss ich sagen. Daher würde ich damit warten wollen bis Patch 8 draussen ist und auch bei mir hoffentlich wieder alles stabil läuft. Im Moment macht das leider keinen Spaß ... aber dafür ja wieder demnächst um so mehr (mit Patch 8) eben .

    Grüße John

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    Habe gesehen, dass alle Civs sowohl römisches als auch greichisches Wissen haben. Das müsste noch korrigiert werden.
    Danke für das Bescheid sagen! Das haben wir schon, nur noch nicht in einer neue Version veröffentlicht. Wenn dir an der späteren Version noch etwas auffällt immer her damit .

    Grüße John

    For Rual:

    Let me say sorry.

    This takes so much time and that´s borring I know!

    Let me say thank you for your work for this.

    All your changes are recognized and I think they are great. I try to decide to put another civilisation in ore not. But I think like you Rual, this is all to much and it´s only a really smal map. I made three files, one with a big greek and two with another civilisation and I really want to try this out, but I can´t at the moment. I have to wait for the next Patch I think and thats why I have to say sorry at the moment. I know you will be working with me on this in the near future and that´s great!

    Greetings John
    Geändert von JohnDay (29. September 2013 um 17:08 Uhr)

  10. #55
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    No problem John We'll wait for next patch

    Pie, in this post: is the xml file for scenario. Although there is to fill descriptions But the tags are ready.

  11. #56
    PAE.Macht.Antike! Avatar von Pie
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    ok thx. the file is imported into my online text tool.

    which is the latest version of your szenario? I'd like to have a look now.
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    ... im Übrigen bin ich der Meinung, dass Karthago wieder aufgebaut werden muss!

  12. #57
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von JohnDay
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    Wie schon im Tread geschrieben, ich habe im Moment drei Files zur Auswahl.

    Einen mit einem groß Grichenland, zwei mit jeweils einer neuen Zivilisation zusätzlich, aber wie schon gesagt, die Map ist sehr klein. Das sind gewichtige Änderungen und das muß ich erstmal ausprobieren, aber testen ist im Moment nicht wirklich möglich ... leider. Doch Ausstellen mag ich das so noch nicht, denn ich will erst entscheiden welche Version davon Sinn macht. Sonst ist mir das zu unbalanced sozusagen ... also das wird wohl erst etwas nach Patch 8 .

    Grüße John

  13. #58
    PAE-MOD V-Betatester Avatar von Hannibal a. p.
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    Wir warten, Geduld ist eine Tugend!
    mfG. Hannibal "ante portas"

    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam
    Denn so verlief die Geschichte!

  14. #59
    PAE.Macht.Antike! Avatar von Pie
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    John: ok. Dein Wunsch ist mir Befehl.
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    ... im Übrigen bin ich der Meinung, dass Karthago wieder aufgebaut werden muss!

  15. #60
    SNAFU Avatar von Tschuggi
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    I ran into a repeatable ctd... played Babylon-occ on deity, was fun, especially at the beginning with the Beduins. Here is the save:
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    Πάντα χωρεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει

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