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Ergebnis 2.491 bis 2.496 von 2496

Thema: PB 65 - Europa leuchtet

  1. #2491
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Mir hat das Spiel auf jeden Fall viel Spaß gemacht. Ich kann aber auch gut verstehen, dass einem das Spiel VIEL zu viel Aufwand ist, wenn man nicht gerade mit Spaß dabei ist. Zulan und ich hatten es in der Hinsicht denke ich in gewisser Weise einfacher, weil uns als wir übernommen haben schon klar war, dass die Runden lang werden und viel Krieg bevorsteht.
    Ich würde mauz gerne nochmal danken, dass er den Schiedsrichterjob übernommen hatte. Das war für die paar Runden schon wirklich viel Arbeit und die meisten oder sogar alle Anfragen kamen denke ich von uns.

    Nachdem mit den Osmanen und uns immerhin noch zwei der drei großen Reiche Interesse am weiterspielen hätten, würde ich mich immer noch sehr freuen, wenn es doch irgendwie weitergehen könnte. Es muss doch irgendjemanden geben, der gerne riesige Materialschlachten ausfechtet. W-P hätte nach dem Konflikt mit Holland doch bestimmt auch Interesse daran, gegen uns nochmal Krieg zu führen. Also wenn bei einigen von euch noch Lust da wäre weiterzuspielen, könnten wir wegen mir nochmal intensiv nach Ersatzspielern suchen. War leider die letzten Tage recht beschäfigt, sonst hätte ich das früher geschrieben.

  2. #2492
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    If some players wana continue, i gona continue too. If you want to stop, i wont be against.
    That's a cool game, and some players really deserve we continue seeing the huge amount of time they dedicate to it.
    For my part, i lost some motivation when i realised i was before the 2 top player (mali and germany). That's was too hard for me to win, especially with most of my empire being costal (i couldnt fight Mali on sea as he had a huge ship production capacity with his 2 costal lands (portugal + mali)). Even if we wasnt at war, we was, in theory, all 3 in war. Then i had to fight germany when he tried to conquier ottomans, i had to fight mali when he conquered France/dutch etc... I twice destroyed huge army of germany but this wasnt really helpful for me (as i wasnt conquiering cities) but i had to or he would have taken a too big advantage. This is really impossible to fight 2 huge empire like that.
    + the fact that Mali conquiered easily 2 more lands (zulu/persia) and had a huge avantage (production, land, food etc...) that i think i couldnt counter.

    Then what other choice i had than to try to attack mali when he had most of his army out in persia?
    I tried, i failled and then get countered and couldnt do anything (boats everywhere, i couldnt defend everywhere).

    I could have done a bit better maybe, but i didnt throw up or drop the game. I want this to be clear as i am a serious player. But you can blame me not to dedicate as time as some players there. I agree, i feel sorry for that but i really cant dedicate so much time (multiple connections, staying connected in the game for hours!!! etc..). But i think i did ok even without that, at least i tried my best (or 85% my best let's say).

    Now (for me), i cant really do anything else than wait defending. This is not super fun, but as said, if you wana continue, i'll keep playing too, and maybe, if i am lucky, destroy some mali bastard troops for my revenge!!

  3. #2493
    Say My Name Avatar von Zulan
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    Moineau, not spending many hours on tactics or micromanagement is certainly fine. Also your geostretgical position was really unlucky. But there are a few things that I really don't get about your game:

    Why did you switch and stay in state property thus disabling CreaCon?
    Researching Fiber Optics, disabling the Kremlin?
    In Turn 5 of the war still undefended Islands and coastal cities in Italy?

    I would suggest one thing if possible: We collect the passwords (change them if you use them elsewhere) of all nations and a final save. That way there is a slight chance the game could live on if there are enough crazy players.

  4. #2494
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    I would suggest one thing if possible: We collect the passwords (change them if you use them elsewhere) of all nations and a final save. That way there is a slight chance the game could live on if there are enough crazy players.
    I would like to be one of those crazy players.

  5. #2495
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    hab das aktuelle spiel gespeichert und erstmal beendet, falls ichs doch wieder anschmeißen soll sagt bescheid

  6. #2496
    Civ-Rentner Avatar von HeymlicH
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    Zitat Zitat von Moineau Beitrag anzeigen
    For my part, i lost some motivation when i realised i was before the 2 top player (mali and germany). That's was too hard for me to win, especially with most of my empire being costal (i couldnt fight Mali on sea as he had a huge ship production capacity with his 2 costal lands (portugal + mali)).
    I think, your major mistake was to declare war against mali. It was obvious, that you can't defend all those coastal cities, and they had no strategical interest in confronting you.

    Probably you didn't realize, how good peace with you was for mali. As long, as you didn't attack them, it wouldn't have made sense for them, to attack you as well. A cooperation against Germany would have been a good idea for both of you, and because of the geography this would have been an advantage for you. The central position is not easy to play, but I think, a cooperation against Germany would have resulted in some territorial gains for you, and due to past events it would have been very likely, that the Ottomans helped you against mali later. Jesper wouldn't forget, how you helped them earlier.

    Mali couldn't allow for Germany to take over the north unchallenged. Just building an army and staying out of trouble, and taking their side, when they finally decide to act against Germany - that would have been much better

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