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Thema: Crusader Kings 2

  1. #841
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Mark
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    Habe in Conklave bisher nur mal reingeschaut. Sehe ich das richtig, dass man Steuern und Aufgebote seiner Fürsten nicht mehr schlicht separat erhöhen oder senken kann - sondern nun statt dessen den Regler zur einen Seite (mehr Geld, weniger Truppen) oder anderen Seite (weniger Geld, mehr Truppen) schieben kann? Erinnert mich an den Politik-Regler aus Hearts of Iron 2.
    Übersicht meiner bisherigen und laufenden Storys hier im Forum

    Und durch seine Klugheit wird ihm der Betrug geraten, und er wird sich in seinem Herzen erheben, und mitten im Frieden wird er viele verderben und wird sich auflehnen wider den Fürsten allen Fürsten.

  2. #842
    Rebellenschreck Avatar von Großadmiral Thrawn
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    Neues Entwicklertagebuch:

    Hello all. I decided that my thoughts on phones last week didn’t really count as a DD, so we are still on #2.This week I’m going to talk about a new set of features we’ve made for the upcoming but as of yet unannounced DLC: Symptoms, diseases, and doctors.

    Firstly, doctors, or more accurately, Court Physicians. Court Physician is a new minor title which you can give out to a well-learned person which makes them responsible for diagnosing and treating illnesses in your court.

    Now, symptoms! No longer will you simply become “Ill” through an event, instead you will receive one of a variety of symptoms and over time you could become sicker, either you will gain more symptoms or they will evolve into a full blown disease, or perhaps you simply just had a cough and it will pass in time. When you first get a symptom if you have a Court Physician they will first attempt to diagnose what the cause is, and then administer a treatment - if their diagnosis was correct it’s more likely the treatment will be successful.

    Here we can see the unfortunate Doge Orso becoming unwell:

    The full list of symptoms is: Cough, Fever, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Headache, Chest Pain, Rash, Cramps, Abdominal pain, Fatigue, Malaise.

    Depending on a number of factors your symptoms may well manifest into a disease. We’ve added some more diseases too: Flu, Dysentery, Gout, Food Poisoning (not a disease exactly), Rabies, and Cancer.

    As we can see, Cassio was right, Orso did have Food Poisoning! I skipped over a few more symptoms appearing, and here they are removed and replaced with the Food Poisoning trait.

    At this point your Court Physician will call on you again to offer further treatment. This part is a bit more involved, and depending on the skill and traits of your Court Physician they can offer you up to 4 choices of treatment method: Experimental, Mystic, Proven, or Cautious:

    • Experimental treatments tend to involve radical methods and/or surgery and very much depend on the skill of your Court Physician. Results will likely be very good or very bad depending on how it goes.
    • Mystical treatments are offered by Court Physicians with the Mystic trait and often involves an appeal to a higher power. Because of the capricious nature of spirits, or possibly due to the mind-altering substances used to contact them, Mystical treatments may result in strange outcomes, and can even result in a change of personality in the patient. The power of faith is strong though, and when Mystical treatment goes well it can go very well indeed.
    • Proven treatments represent the tried and true methods which are well-known to work (at least for a given value of “work”). They rarely go too badly wrong, but equally they do not have a huge effect when they go right.
    • Cautious treatments are very safe, but often do little more than make you more comfortable. They will almost always be successful, but have a fairly minor effect.

    Here Orso has the choice of Experimental or Proven treatments, or of doing nothing. Since Food Poisoning isn't terribly serious, it would make sense to take the Proven treatment rather than risk the Experimental method, but Cassio is a pretty good Court Physician, so he might well succeed. So, which should I pick? If anyone would like to vote on the matter, start your post with "Experimental", or "Proven" and in a short while I will count the votes and post what happens.
    Well Experimental has won by a landslide, let's see how it goes:

    Oh dear. Cassio's experimental surgery seems to have been a total success, but the anesthesia didn't fully take hold...

    And that’s basically it, we hope that people with <secret DLC> will enjoy the process of getting sick and horribly dying. Next week Doomdark will talk about some interesting details of the 2.6 patch.

    Geändert von Großadmiral Thrawn (22. März 2016 um 15:29 Uhr)
    PBEM[296]Der letzte Kaiser
    PBEM[295] Im Osten nichts Neues

    PBEM[294] Ich einfach unerschrecklich

    Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen!

    Achtung Spoiler:
    Oder auch nicht

  3. #843
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Mir wäre ein neues Szenario lieber als so ein Feature, zumal ich das ziemlich wenig finde, um dafür Geld zu zahlen.

    Vote 4 Magyarensturm oder 632 - arabische Expansion.

  4. #844
    sehr selten Avatar von Kakapo
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    Ein neues Entwicklertagebuch.

    Well people, what do you know? I needed a break from the Stellaris crunch, so here’s an unscheduled dev diary! All the hubbub about Defensive Pacts and Shattered Retreats got me thinking about an old ambition I’ve had to improve the game set-up screens in order to allow players to customize their experience without having to resort to modding. The idea is inspired by games like Civilization and the Second Wave DLC for XCOM: Enemy Unknown, which allow players to change various advanced options and settings for a different experience in the game. I really like such options and typically make good use of them myself.

    Now, of course there is such a thing as “the way the game was meant to be played”. That is, how the designers made the game and like to play it themselves. However, variety is the spice of life, and after 11 Crusader Kings II expansions things are not as clear-cut anymore. It’s actually pretty funny that I’ve been using a small personal mod for CK2 for awhile myself. There are some downsides to modding and using mods though:

    •It requires awareness that it’s possible, and where to find existing mods. The modding scene is a jungle.
    •It takes a modicum of extra effort and skill.
    •It might not feel quite legitimate (it can feel a bit like cheating) and you might not get any Achievements.
    •Mods typically do not have the same level of support as the base game. Many become fossilized or are otherwise problematic.

    For these reasons especially, I think that adding a bunch of Paradox-approved, fully supported in-game rule variations is a good idea. Thus, when you start a new game, you are now presented with several interesting options. Most of them are simple flavor variations, but some are more fundamental and will disable Achievements in Ironman mode. Here’s the list of options we are currently showing in the new screen (still a work in progress though):

    Sandbox vs Ironman
    •Shattered Retreats: On/Off
    •Defensive Pacts: On/Off
    •Gender Equality: Default/Historical/All/Players
    •Sunset Invasion: 13th Century/Random/Off
    •Mongol Invasion: Historical/Random/Off
    •Raiding: Historical/Unrestricted/None
    •Epidemics: Dynamic/Historical/Deadly
    •“Supernatural” Events: On/Off
    •Adventurers: Normal/Rare/None
    •Provincial Revolts: Normal/Rare/None
    •Regencies: On/Off
    •De Jure Drift: Default/Restricted/Off
    •Dynamic Kingdoms and Empires: On/Off
    •Diplomatic Range: On/Off

    Red options disable Achievements.

    Our new rule system is itself fully moddable, so that modders can use the same system with pretty much any options they might want!

    I look forward to your thoughts and comments. Are there any rule variations you think we’ve missed, or that you would really like to see?

  5. #845
    belgische Holzlackfirma Avatar von v33l3dn3M
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    Shattered Retreat wieder abstellbar? Jetzt könnte ich tatsächlich mal auf 2.5 updaten... moment, das kommt ja erst in 2.6...
    2.4.5 for Life (wobei ich momentan eh nicht wirklich spiele )
    Geändert von v33l3dn3M (27. April 2016 um 16:09 Uhr)

  6. #846
    Neigt zur Überreaktion Avatar von DerMonte
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  7. #847
    Neigt zur Überreaktion Avatar von DerMonte
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    Der neue DLC heißt The Reaper's Due. Uns es geht wohl scheinbar um Seuchen.

  8. #848
    Forenquösi Avatar von Austra
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    Ein DevDiary zum Thema Folter und Exekutionen...

    Zitat Zitat von Darkrenown
    Hello and welcome back to another DD about The Reaper's Due! Ha! I can finally use the name! If all is going to plan you should be reading this while I am on my third, and sadly final, week of vacation, so I may or may not show up to answer questions. For this DD we are getting back to the core values of The Reaper's Due: Death and Suffering!

    Being a prisoner is never a fun experience, and frankly, with The Reaper's Due it only gets worse. We have added several fairly unpleasant ways to interact with your captives:

    Humiliate. The prisoner is degraded in some fashion; such as being tarred and feathered, or forced to do a “walk of shame”. This also causes them to lose prestige and be generally looked down on.
    Torture. The prisoner is caused a certain amount of pain; such as being whipped, or stretched on the rack. May cause them to become Stressed or even Depressed, and can cause you to lose the Kind trait.
    Mutilate. Only available to rulers with certain traits, such as Cruel or Impaler, this causes the permanent loss of a body part. May lead to you becoming Cruel if you are not already, and can cause them to gain Stressed or even Lunatic.
    Bad poetry. Rulers with the Poet trait may deploy their very worst poems against a prisoner. While a comparatively mild punishment, it nonetheless has a slight chance to drive them mad.
    Consume. Rulers who are either Possessed or Lunatic and also have the Cannibal modifier may simply eat their prisoners. If you haven’t disabled fantasy content, this may lead to you “gaining the power” of your victim.

    All of these options, besides Consume, release the victim afterwards as they are considered to be their punishment, and while you choose the category you do not choose the exact method. Needless to say, your former prisoner will not think kindly of you after any of these punishments, and in the more extreme cases their close family may also be outraged.

    Of course, sometimes a mere punishment is not enough and you simply have to Execute your prisoner. Well, we have added content for this eventuality too! You still simply press the Execute button, as before, but the actual execution method employed is chosen from a list based on your location/culture/religion/traits as well as the imprison reason you have on your prisoner, their religion/gender/traits, and things. Different execution methods come with different death reasons, and as you may have heard in an earlier DD, different death sounds. We have 31 execution methods, including Hanging, Crushing, Sawing, and Bear. It’s all in an easily moddable file too, just in case modders think we have been insufficiently creative.

    I should also mention that with the 2.6 patch it is no longer possible to escape from House arrest unless someone with the Intrigue focus breaks you out, so if for some reason you want to be nice to your prisoners they are no longer virtually guaranteed to escape.

    Since Death is a big theme for The Reaper's Due, we have also added several reactions events to the death of your lovers, friends, and rivals. For the first two, these can result in things like you turning to drink, finding a new friend, taking comfort in the arms of another, or finding a keepsake of them. For the latter, you may miss having a rival and start a new feud, resolve to become a better person, or if you are a particular type of person you might sneak out and desecrate their corpse. We don’t judge!

    That’s all for now. Next week I’ll be back at work and writing these “live” again, so I’ll decide the topic closer to the time. It's quite possible the subject will be cats though.
    Zitat Zitat von Kendogan Beitrag anzeigen
    Wer Pokémon für ein Kinderthema hält, hat halt einfach keine Ahnung wovon er spricht :sz:

  9. #849
    Grünkohlgroßmaul Avatar von Bassewitz
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    Ich bin nur froh, dass man Fantasy abstellen kann. CK2 bezieht seinen Charme aus dem Spiel als mittelalterlicher Herrscher. Das braucht keine Zombies.
    Zitat Zitat von Azrael Beitrag anzeigen
    Was Basse sagt. :D
    Zitat Zitat von Simato Beitrag anzeigen
    Passe, wenn nicht Basse :schwaerm:
    Zitat Zitat von Der Gevatter Tod Beitrag anzeigen
    Da will ich mich einmal im Leben anpassen (...) und BasedBasse rückt mich direkt zurecht :D

  10. #850
    Neigt zur Überreaktion Avatar von DerMonte
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    Was!? Zombies haben gar nicht gegen Azteken und Kreuzritter im 14.Jahrhundert um Frankreich gekämpft. Jetzt Zerstörst du mein ganzes Weltbild.

  11. #851
    Bachelor of CIV (B.CIV.) Avatar von Daverix
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    Pennsylvania (US)
    ... ob diese Heilprozeduren einen auch zum "Genie" machen können? .. n schlag aufn Kopf hatte ja schon bei manchem ne überraschende Wirkung

  12. #852
    Rebellenschreck Avatar von Großadmiral Thrawn
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    PBEM[296]Der letzte Kaiser
    PBEM[295] Im Osten nichts Neues

    PBEM[294] Ich einfach unerschrecklich

    Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen!

    Achtung Spoiler:
    Oder auch nicht

  13. #853
    Neigt zur Überreaktion Avatar von DerMonte
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  14. #854
    Bereichsmoderator Avatar von Brynhild
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    Hat jemand den Livestream heute verfolgt?

  15. #855
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Die neuen Ereignisse von dem DLC sind ganz lustig und mir gefällt gut, dass Verletzungen jetzt Auswirkungen auf das Porträt haben.
    Ein Arzt kann ganz schön gefährlich werden.

    Gut gefällt mir auch, dass Gebiete jetzt davon profitieren, wenn lange kein Krieg geherrscht hat oder es lange keine Krankheiten gegeben hat.

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