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Thema: Civ4 Patch 1.74 und Warlords Patch 2.13 erschienen!

  1. #16
    the cosmos rocks Avatar von Caesium
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    Nur mal so nebenbei: Gibts da keinen Link auf eine MS-Seite?

    Nicht, dass ich dir misstraue, aber ich traue keinem weiter, als ich ihn werfen kann.

  2. #17
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Nadus
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    Also das Setup hilft schon mal nicht danach starten Warlords genauso wenig

  3. #18
    Replikant Avatar von Cloud
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    Zitat Zitat von MatzeHH Beitrag anzeigen
    1) Was steht in der Readme, also dem Changelog?

    * Cossack gets only 25% bonus versus mounted
    * Can no longer upgrade Marines and SAM Infantry to Mech Infantry
    * Fixed MP Retire crash
    * MP - Can no longer bypass the delay timer
    * Pitboss fix for the bug where you would not get the free tech from the Oracle if you were not online
    * Fixed forced specialist bug
    * Fixed bug preventing AI from building ICBMs
    * Fixed exploit allowing you to build unique unit of a different civ by saving it in your build queue from a different game
    * Game no longer crashes when you load a save with the diplomacy screen open
    * First strike combat bug fix
    * Fixed transported unit gifting bug
    * Fixed pop-rush rounding bug
    * Widescreen Laptop video resolution 1280x720 is supported
    * Fixed multiple missions exploit from the same Great Person

    - randomized processing order when multiple players try to move on the same turn slice...
    - only the host can set the admin password...
    - Horseback Riding now a classical tech...
    - Kremlin now gives -33% hurry production cost...
    - can't airlift from foreign cities...
    - expanded subject for PitBoss e-mail...
    - lightened the color of some civs' text...
    - mp retire fix...
    - less hammers from chops the farther away from a city...
    - reduced hammer yield from forest chops to 20…
    - Mathematics increases forest chop yields by +50%...
    - SDI cannot be built before the Manhattan Project...
    - increased SDI cost...
    - marines and SAM Infantry now upgrade to Mech Infantry...
    - better AI-to-human diplo in team games...
    - no more diplo penalty for helping to end wars...
    - city production popups stay on city when entering/exiting...
    - can now set units to Sleep and Intercept in wbs...
    - Continents map script now produces large continents
    - game options and victory conditions now saved in ini file...
    - invalid buildings now removed from city queues...
    - Free Trade: Medium Upkeep
    - State Property: Low Upkeep
    - Representation: +2 happy in X biggest cities
    - Hereditary Rule: Low Upkeep
    - Representation: Medium Upkeep
    - Slaver: Low Upkeep
    - Nationhood: No Upkeep
    - firepower is now average of curr and max strength...
    - Gunships now move faster over rails...
    - No Cheating option renamed to Lock Modified Assets...
    - city management no longer uses "forced" specialist states when not automated...
    - Expansive: +3 Health
    - Financial: No longer give production bonus for Banks
    - Prompt for admin password when loading a game containing one in LAN, Internet, or Pitboss play
    - Don't allow players to play non-playable civs in Pitboss
    - Do not display SP only mods in Pitboss
    - Allow hotseat/PBEM scenario host to select which civ s/he will play
    - Force non-playable civs to be AI in Hotseat/PBEM games
    - Allowing for AI slots in player defined scenarios for Hot Seat, PBEM, and Pitboss games
    - Do not display duplicate buddy request popups from the same guy
    - Peer address handling improvements
    - Number keys perform leaderhead actions on Civilopedia leader screen.
    - Custom game SP screen remembers difficulty level last played
    - Reduced rounding error for population and land victory condition test
    - Loading a multiplayer game as a PBEM/hotseat converts it to non-simultaneous turns
    - When the city names of your civ are all taken, choose a default name from a random civ
    - Timelines more uniform across game speeds
    - Military Advisor shows Barbarians
    - Tech chooser screen now observes CvGameInterface.cannotResearch() and shows the tech in a red pane if the function returns true
    - Fixed American Revolution scenario to work with Pitboss
    - PBEM password reminder popup no longer disappears when the game starts
    - Wonder description on Wonder Movie screen more legible
    - Top Civs screen no longer appears in online multiplayer
    - Civilopedia main page sorted in columns rather than in rows
    - Pressing escape when selecting goto points now cancels the goto waypoints
    - Military advisor now works like foreign advisor: clicking on leader buttons clears previous leader selections unless you hold down the shift key.
    - Teams in multiplayer once again share all the players' starting techs, not just the last player's
    - Great person point generation from Wonders continues after Wonder has become obsolete
    - quicksave doesn't prompt for overwrite

    - exploit fix that allowed multiple players to extract the same gold/resources from the AI...
    - Don't set localhost address as public addr for peers on same computer
    - fixed gunships capturing cities bug...
    - game doesn't end on ties...
    - fixed mp UN voting bug...
    - Leaderheads on a radeon 9000 64mb - fix for strange skin shading.
    - Fixed crash that happened when a spy sabotaged an improvement outside cultural borders.
    - The full mod path is no longer stored in the save when the mod is installed under the user folder.
    - Double-clicking on a save of a mod now loads the proper DLL.
    - fixed Out-of-Sync from exiting to main menu...
    - fixed anarchy/specialist resetting bug...
    - fixed bug where environmentalism doesn't affect new cities...
    - fix for missing head mission crash...
    - fixed stack attack bug with groups of units with more than one move...
    - fixed premature end-turn unit cycle bug...
    - fixed State Porperty cumulative effect in team game...
    - fixed plot list button scrolling for multiple resolutions...
    - fixed some AI attitude issues for team games...
    - Strip chat messages of color tags before displaying in Pitboss
    - Fixed logic bug that determines the number of open slots in a Pitboss game
    - Improving how the host determines if the game is full - number of connections rather than number of players - before, the host wasn't considering joining players when determining if the game was full
    - Set status to CLOSED when a computer player dies in the game
    - The full mod path is no longer stored in the save when the mod is installed under the user folder.
    - Load proper DLL when a mod is specified in the ini file
    - fix for tech chooser showing known techs as unknown
    - Clear map data (like latitudes) when you exit to main menu
    - Fixed error in combat calculations when a zero-strength unit was involved.
    - Fixed bug in Info screen "rival worst" calculation
    - End of game sequence plays correctly for hotseat/pbem
    - Diplomacy screen no longer allows end-turn events to go through
    - Diplomacy screen gold popups respond to ESCAPE and RETURN
    - Right-click select-all no longer causes large stacks to slide off the screen
    - No longer possible to attempt to take over unplayable civs in multiplayer scenarios
    - Fixed PBEM infinite movement exploit
    - Fixed rush production per population for game speeds other than normal
    - GNP graph is now consistent with demographics table
    - Fix Gunship being almost invisibile in Frozen mode
    - fix mod name in progress bar
    - New DX9 code takes screenshot without requiring lockable back buffer
    - Fixed the vertically launching torpedo for the submarine unit
    - Movie playback optimized
    - Significant reduction in video and system memory usage
    - Fixed some memory leaks
    - Fixed crashes with modified SDK
    - Fixed XML failures with non-default locale
    - Many translation fixes
    - Memory related crash fixes
    - Fixed diplomacy crash fix (when expanding an empty tree control with space bar)
    - Internet lobby -> LAN fix
    - fixed pedia and menu buttons disappearing after leaving tech chooser
    - PitBoss no longer crashes on victory
    - can no longer see number of units in darkened tiles by moving the flag
    - No more Archers holding all their weapons and Workers holding all their tools
    - No more fog of war missing from the southern ice and from trees/jungle on the dateline
    - Pushing "go back" while joining a mp game, no longer causes background music to disappear
    - Wonder movie effect and zoom no longer happens when you have disabled Wonder movies
    - City billboards no longer choke on text formatting
    - Many tutorial issues fixed…
    - Fixed checksum folder order difference between NTFS and FAT32 filesystems
    - Many worldbuilder issues fixed…
    - Fix: Black eye shadows
    - Fix: Some leaderheads appear to have white eyes when the low-res textures option is on
    - fixing crack in huge globe view maps
    - fixes the problem where animals were not animating in the fog
    - Prevent Terrain crash when reloading EarthMap twice
    - fixed crash on too quick quickload
    - fixed city yields being revealed in FOW
    - fixed ability to see cities in FOW via defense modifiers
    - ICBM no longer flips upside-down when fortified/awaken
    - Fix for combat bug across a map seam

    - PitBossSleep ini setting...
    - unit cycling optimization...
    - Africa, Europe, East Asia, Eastern U.S., and South America maps
    - Fantasy_Realm, Fractal, and Shuffle map scripts
    - unit health bar for plot list buttons...
    - Require Complete Kills game option
    - No Movies is now a graphical option (instead of an ini option)...
    - Warn all users when a player with a different version of files joins the game
    - Display a popup warning the host when a joining player has different versions of XML/Python files so he can make sure this guy can be trusted
    - Indicate which players have an active turn in the Pitboss admin screen
    - Synch Logging now an .ini option
    - Able to load mods from the Pitboss
    - Hotseat and PBEM scenarios
    - Display name of peer you are contacting in join screen if available
    - Saving DirectIP join address
    - Added culture rate popup help to culture bar in city screen
    - Added Admin password field in PBEM/Hotseat staging screens
    - Added HideMovieBackground ini option for further movie speedup
    - Added HideOutOfVRamWarning ini option
    - Exposed many more functions to Python
    - Hooked up modern whaling boats
    - support for movies in customAssets folder

    Troubleshooting Connectivity
    If you are encountering problems when connecting to multiplayer games over the internet, chances are strong that you are not the cause of the problem. It is likely that players running firewall software that rejects incoming connection attempts may have already joined the game. Since these players do not have their firewall configured correctly, their computers are rejecting your attempt to connect. Therefore, it is vital that all players who wish to play multiplayer games ensure that their firewall is set up to allow Civilization IV to construct the necessary peer-to-peer network.
    If you are running firewall software, please verify that Sid Meier’s Civilization 4 is listed on the "Exception List" of your firewall, and that incoming messages will be accepted for this process. If your firewall software does not offer an exception list, please open port 2056 for UDP traffic on your firewall. This will allow the required traffic through.
    Although Civilization IV contains logic to negotiate around many firewalls and NAT devices (routers), it can run into trouble under certain circumstances. The solution Civilization IV employs works with a vast majority of routers, but does not work with all brands. Very old models may have more problems than newer ones. Additionally, Civilization IV will have problems negotiating through 2 levels of network address translation (ie. a router behind a router). Also, negotiation may fail if you or an existing peer is running the game on a very large and busy LAN.

    edit: Wenn ich das richtig sehe sind einige Balanceänderungen in Vanilla gemacht worden, die erst später in Warlords dazu gekommen sind.
    Aber wer spielt denn jetzt noch Vanilla

    edit 2: Hier der Changelog von Warlords 2.13

    # Ship combat odds no longer affected by crossing a river
    # Game no longer crashes when you load a save with the diplomacy screen open
    # Fixed bug where ships could sometimes attack ground units
    # When the user is the last human player in a multiplayer game, the retire option now works properly
    # Forts act as cities only if they within friendly (ally or vassal) to the defender borders
    # GameCore DLL no longer loaded from CustomAssets folder. Mods can still have their own DLL
    # Fixed pop-rush rounding bug
    # Fixed absenece of production popup for conquered city under certain circumstances
    # Fixed multiple missions exploit from the same Great Person
    # GNP graph shows total commerce generated, not only raw commerce
    # Just one Cathedral required for OCC
    # Barbarian Spearmen and Galleys appear as intended
    # Fixed crop yield history reset on load
    # Fixed removed spy teleportation mission :-)
    # Fixed hotseat tech chooser bug
    # Game no longer hangs when you retire from a one-player hotseat game
    # Widescreen Laptop video resolution 1280x720 is supported
    Geändert von Cloud (19. Juli 2007 um 22:59 Uhr)

  4. #19
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Zitat Zitat von Cloud Beitrag anzeigen
    Aber wer spielt denn jetzt noch Vanilla

    Hab mir noch kein BtS geordert

  5. #20
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Nadus
    Registriert seit
    Okay mit der installation über MS funkt es wieder

  6. #21
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Yggdrasil
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    Zitat Zitat von Nadus Beitrag anzeigen
    Okay mit der installation über MS funkt es wieder
    In dem von dir verlinkten Zip ist die "D3DX9_32.DLL" nicht enthalten Ist ein veraltetes Archiv. Auf die Idee bin ich nat. nicht gekommen, weil bei mir im Archiv gleichen Namens auch alle aktuellen DLLs waren...

    @Caesium: Vllt kannst du meine Beiträge durch einen Verweis auf das DirectX Update ersetzen oder ganz löschen, da sie ja eigentli ch nix mit dem Thema zu tun haben.

  7. #22
    the cosmos rocks Avatar von Caesium
    Registriert seit
    Gib mir einen Link und ich ersetze sie gerne

  8. #23
    David Hume Avatar von JSCH
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    Bei mir steht irgendwas von "shader libraries" und es funktioniert nicht. Wie komme ich an diese blöde D3DX9_32.DLL dran?
    Gentle Man

  9. #24
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Yggdrasil
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    5.982 ? ungetestet und nur mit diesem Originalcheck

    deutschsprachiger Link


  10. #25
    Wee Free Man Avatar von Rob Anybody
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    Hier ist jeweils eine deutsche Liste mit den Patch-Änderungen für Vanilla und für Warlords.
    Aber an jenem Morgen war es Magie gewesen. Und es hörte nicht auf, Magie zu sein,
    nur weil man [inzwischen] eine Erklärung dafür hatte ...
    (Terry Pratchett)

    Brandstifter benötigen keine Streichhölzer, sie zündeln mit Worten.
    Wer Brandstifter im Internet duldet und nicht wieder und wieder widerspricht,
    darf sich nicht wundern, wenn auch bald sein wahres Leben brennt.
    (frei nach Max Frisch)

  11. #26
    User Avatar von Roter Erik
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    Zitat Zitat von Rob Anybody Beitrag anzeigen
    Hier ist jeweils eine deutsche Liste mit den Patch-Änderungen für Vanilla und für Warlords.
    Danke Rob

    Aber was zum Teufel ist eine "Entfernte Spionsteleportationsmission"

  12. #27
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Nemesis666
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    Zitat Zitat von Roter Erik Beitrag anzeigen
    Danke Rob

    Aber was zum Teufel ist eine "Entfernte Spionsteleportationsmission"

    Geile Übersetzung

    Bei diesem Bug wurden feindliche Einheiten aus dem eigenen Kulturgebiet gebeamt wenn man mit einem Spion das selbe Feld besetzt hatte.
    Im MP als Spy-Bug bekannt.
    Diskutiere nie mit Idioten - sie holen Dich auf ihr Niveau und
    schlagen Dich dort mit Erfahrung


  13. #28
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Zitat Zitat von Nadus Beitrag anzeigen
    Wo kommen die Dateien hin? Oder ist das ein Setup?

    danke auch für den Tipp
    Man Leute das Problem hab ich behoben, und das spiel startet wieder aber kurz vor dem ende kommt die Meldung (error loading shader libraries).

    Wie kann ich das beheben?

  14. #29
    Minion Avatar von Tzu Iop
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    Im EG ohne Aufzug *schulterzuck*
    Zitat Zitat von Yggdrasil Beitrag anzeigen ? ungetestet und nur mit diesem Originalcheck

    deutschsprachiger Link


  15. #30
    SDK-Gott Avatar von MatzeHH
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    Hier ist noch eine schlechte Nachricht für alle "Memory Allocation Error"-geplagten:

    Bunt ist das Dasein und granatenstark...Und: Volle Kanne Hoschie!!!

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