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Thema: Der Master of Magic - Thread

  1. #256
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Blake00
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    (Apologies for English, I'm not German but this forum is full of so much great content I just had to sign up! )

    OH MY GOD!!!
    Looks like I don't have to worry about that unfinished fan remake anymore as it appears we've got an official Master of Magic sequel or Remake on way (courtesy of Slitherine who've bought the rights from Atari's IP dungeon and just made the announcement on their site)!!!

    Guess this explains the mysterious Atari activities I noticed recently. Clearly they reacquired MoM so they could sell it to Slitherine for $$$.

    I'm such a super fan of this 25 year old game that I run a MoM fans facebook group so as you can image I'm SUPER EXCITED about this news lol.

    I can't can't believe that after all these years a real sequel just might be happening now. Sadly most of the old MoM forums are long dead so if there's any fans here who know of a good old MoM2 wishlist/feature request list out there please let me know and I'll go post it over on the Slitherine forums (which I've just signed up to).
    They've probably barely started the project yet so now is the time to get fan feature requests and wish list items in front of their faces. If the remaining fan base doesn't speak up now then god knows what sort of game we'll end up with. So now is the time to act!

    Blakes Sanctum:
    - Total Conversion mods: Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen, Star Trek Doom 2, & Star Wars Civilization 2
    - Game Shrines: Age of Wonders, Babylon 5 Fan Games, Civilization, Command & Conquer, Elder Scrolls, Dune Games, Final Fantasy, Freelancer, Heroes of Might & Magic, Imperium Galactica, Master of Magic, Quest for Glory, Starflight, & Star Trek Games
    - MovieTV Shrines: Lord Of The Rings & Hobbit, & Star Trek
    - Emulation

  2. #257
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Blake00
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    Forgot to say that as well as posting other peoples wish lists & suggestions I of course also gave them a copy of my own personal wish list below:

    • BIG ONE - More than 4 enemy players. Implode's MoM HD Multiplayer Remake allowed EVERY wizard in one game for super 14 player games which would have bee EPIC and so much fun had he finished the project.
    • Larger maps (Insectiside fan patch added huge map size to the original)
    • Limited Spying (most fantasy rpgs have thieves/rogues so it fits and stealing spells would be fun)
    • Time limit and bigger cost on time stop spell (if you're planning on having that annoying spell again)
    • Demand or give cities in Diplomacy (most 4x games have this now and I like using it to play god/peacekeep and save bullied Civs and minor factions from deaths door)
    • Expand Grey Neutral Faction into lots of minor factions with identities and race affiliations (eg a minor Elven race with a minor elf wizard that likes Elven main civs and makes trouble for others.. this is another thing done in modern 4x fantasy and space games)
    • More worlds and/or an underground world (although this has already been done before in AoW, HoMM & Warlock series)
    • More ocean content eg HoMM series filled oceans with shipwreck lairs and treasures (even Morrowind had underwater caves filled with creatures and treasure so this is not new to fantasy games). You could even have a Merfolk faction with cities in the ocean. The fun Fantasy and Midgard scenarios for Civilization 2 Test of Time had a good underwater Merfolk faction with lots of sea based units/creatures.
    • Not essential but some cool weather effects would be a fun immersion factor (especially as you can tie spells into them for gameplay events such as huge storms and earthquakes etc). The Official Playstation remake of Master of Magic has clouds rolling over and some cool weather effects from spells. The new Civ6 addon Gathering Storm is another good example of world changing weather effects.
    • Talk to Seravy, he's da man on all things MoM and the creator of the super popular MoM overhaul mod Caster of Magic
    Blakes Sanctum:
    - Total Conversion mods: Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen, Star Trek Doom 2, & Star Wars Civilization 2
    - Game Shrines: Age of Wonders, Babylon 5 Fan Games, Civilization, Command & Conquer, Elder Scrolls, Dune Games, Final Fantasy, Freelancer, Heroes of Might & Magic, Imperium Galactica, Master of Magic, Quest for Glory, Starflight, & Star Trek Games
    - MovieTV Shrines: Lord Of The Rings & Hobbit, & Star Trek
    - Emulation

  3. #258
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Blake00
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    Well this is big news! Seravy has done a deal with Slitherine (the new MoM license holder working on a new MoM game) and Caster of Magic is now a buyable ‘officially approved’ Master of Magic addon on Steam & GoG! Naturally Seravy has promised to continue doing more amazing improvements to the mod now that he’s receiving financial reward for his hard work. Caster of Magic is already amazing enough as it changes & improves MoM so much but my god if he ever finds a way to exceed the 4 enemy player limit I’ll have his baby lol!

    Announcement thread:

    The only downside is all previous copies of CoM have been wiped! Don’t think I’ve grabbed a copy since 5.6, which must have been a while back as he’s now up to 6.0 lol!

    EDIT: Sure enough here they are! They’ve gone live!

    EDIT 2:
    I just realised.. Master of Magic wasn’t even on steam until now.. they’re doing a joint release of both MoM & CoM on steam! Wow!

    Blakes Sanctum:
    - Total Conversion mods: Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen, Star Trek Doom 2, & Star Wars Civilization 2
    - Game Shrines: Age of Wonders, Babylon 5 Fan Games, Civilization, Command & Conquer, Elder Scrolls, Dune Games, Final Fantasy, Freelancer, Heroes of Might & Magic, Imperium Galactica, Master of Magic, Quest for Glory, Starflight, & Star Trek Games
    - MovieTV Shrines: Lord Of The Rings & Hobbit, & Star Trek
    - Emulation

  4. #259
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Seulessliathan
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    Was genau macht die Steam Version besser als die alte Version? Ist die KI in der Steam Version überarbeitet? Ist sie wirklich besser als vorher?

  5. #260
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von WeissNix
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    Hansekontor Lübeck
    Soweit ich das verstanden habe, wurde das Original nicht angefasst, nicht einmal grafisch. Die Neuerungen (die mal als Mod anfingen) sind alle im Addon/DLC:

    Improved wizard customization to provide maximal replayability
    Improved diplomacy system
    Extra emphasis on magic spells and fantastic creatures
    Even more spells and units
    New city buildings
    New AI that provides a challenge for even veteran players
    More difficulty levels
    Many more map generation options
    Building queue system for convenient and faster gameplay
    Furcht führt zu Wut, Wut führt zu Hass, Hass führt zu unsäglichem Leid.

  6. #261
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Blake00
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    I believe it's a triple release of sorts.. you get the original vanilla MoM game with the last official patch 1.31, you get the original vanilla MoM game with Insecticide & Seravys fan patches up to 1.51 (adds some nice features like bigger maps and lots of bug fixes), and of course the Caster of Magic DLC mod that heavily converts the game into a different (but very fun) experience although CoM is a separate purchase.
    Blakes Sanctum:
    - Total Conversion mods: Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen, Star Trek Doom 2, & Star Wars Civilization 2
    - Game Shrines: Age of Wonders, Babylon 5 Fan Games, Civilization, Command & Conquer, Elder Scrolls, Dune Games, Final Fantasy, Freelancer, Heroes of Might & Magic, Imperium Galactica, Master of Magic, Quest for Glory, Starflight, & Star Trek Games
    - MovieTV Shrines: Lord Of The Rings & Hobbit, & Star Trek
    - Emulation

  7. #262
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Blake00
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    Oh and more good news. Slitherine have setup an official Master of Magic forum! And they've kindly moved my ever growing MoM2 wishlist thread into there too.

    Blakes Sanctum:
    - Total Conversion mods: Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen, Star Trek Doom 2, & Star Wars Civilization 2
    - Game Shrines: Age of Wonders, Babylon 5 Fan Games, Civilization, Command & Conquer, Elder Scrolls, Dune Games, Final Fantasy, Freelancer, Heroes of Might & Magic, Imperium Galactica, Master of Magic, Quest for Glory, Starflight, & Star Trek Games
    - MovieTV Shrines: Lord Of The Rings & Hobbit, & Star Trek
    - Emulation

  8. #263
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Blake00
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    WOAH!!! The good news keeps coming for MoM fans. After years Implode has returned from his self imposed exile (think kungfu movie where the bad guy bests the good guy so the good guy climbs up a mountain and learns better kungfu with some old guy with a grey beard who never speaks and then the good guy comes back and kicks the bad guys ass lol) and released a new version of his HD Multiplayer remake of Master of Magic with for the first time FUNCTIONING AI!! This is the moment many like me have been waiting/hoping for.. hopefully people try it and give him some feedback!



    Blakes Sanctum:
    - Total Conversion mods: Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen, Star Trek Doom 2, & Star Wars Civilization 2
    - Game Shrines: Age of Wonders, Babylon 5 Fan Games, Civilization, Command & Conquer, Elder Scrolls, Dune Games, Final Fantasy, Freelancer, Heroes of Might & Magic, Imperium Galactica, Master of Magic, Quest for Glory, Starflight, & Star Trek Games
    - MovieTV Shrines: Lord Of The Rings & Hobbit, & Star Trek
    - Emulation

  9. #264
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Blake00
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    Recently posted the great news above about Implodes Master of Magic HD Multiplayer remake getting a new release (and he's since done another release after teaching his AIs to build roads!), well recently there's been more awesome Master of Magic related news that I forgot to post here (shame on me I know lol). Seravy has started semi-public alpha testing of his new Caster of Magic 2 sequel game! This is not another mod of MoM and is actually a rebuild from the ground up!

    Seravy showed me a private screenshot of an older build earlier this year and have been super excited about this going public due to it being a total rebuild of the MoM engine allowing him to have far more control over things so he can do the sort of things he couldn't with assembly hacks of the original MoM in CoM1 (eg fight more than 4 players). Sadly he has no interest in increasing the viewing resolution to modern ones (like Implode has done) though.. but if he releases the source code one day others could do that in a mod!

    Here's his thread about CoM2 if people are interested in playtesting and want more info (you have to msg him to get a copy as it's not a true public free for all test):

    And here's a video he made for the announcement (You may need to fast forward the intro as I think he needs to buy a Microphone haha):
    Blakes Sanctum:
    - Total Conversion mods: Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen, Star Trek Doom 2, & Star Wars Civilization 2
    - Game Shrines: Age of Wonders, Babylon 5 Fan Games, Civilization, Command & Conquer, Elder Scrolls, Dune Games, Final Fantasy, Freelancer, Heroes of Might & Magic, Imperium Galactica, Master of Magic, Quest for Glory, Starflight, & Star Trek Games
    - MovieTV Shrines: Lord Of The Rings & Hobbit, & Star Trek
    - Emulation

  10. #265
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Blake00
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    Big news! Looks like Seravy's Caster of Magic 2 (possibly renamed to 'Caster of Magic for Windows' now probably by Slitherine lol) is coming out of private beta and going public on steam soon.

    What is also very interesting is that it says on the announcement that it supports custom resizable windows and presumably resolutions! I'll try to confirm that since that would be awesome news as Seravy had zero interest in higher viewing resolutions when I last talked to him about it (eg he was gonna keep it at 320x200 still lol). Maybe Slitherine or all his beta testers kept pestering him about it and he found a way to do it lol. Either way it's great news. Modern resolutions plus full 13 Wizard slaughterthon games are gonna be epic! Have wishlisted! Before anyone asks no it is not multiplayer lol (try Master of Magic - Implodes Multiplayer edition remake for that).

    Blakes Sanctum:
    - Total Conversion mods: Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen, Star Trek Doom 2, & Star Wars Civilization 2
    - Game Shrines: Age of Wonders, Babylon 5 Fan Games, Civilization, Command & Conquer, Elder Scrolls, Dune Games, Final Fantasy, Freelancer, Heroes of Might & Magic, Imperium Galactica, Master of Magic, Quest for Glory, Starflight, & Star Trek Games
    - MovieTV Shrines: Lord Of The Rings & Hobbit, & Star Trek
    - Emulation

  11. #266
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Blake00
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    Seravy's new Caster of Magic 2 (or Caster of Magic for Windows as Slitherine are calling it) has been officially released on Steam, GoG & Slitherine's own store a few days ago! Sadly my hopes for modern resolutions were dashed (it just stretches 320x200 in a window) so Implodes fan game above is still the only one that does true HD stuff, however CoM has so many other benefits eg a gazillion bug fixes & balance changes, super smart AI opponents, more spells, more buildings, more advanced game modes & options, and best of all NO MORE 5 PLAYER LIMIT!! So umm 14 Wizards going at it in one game? Yes please!

    Feel free to drop by the Master of Magic fans Facebook and Discord groups to discuss. Seravy himself is kindly answering questions and bug reports on the discord too!

    I know some people aren't huge fans of CoM's changes but maybe Slitherine will take Seravy's new engine source and do a 'MoM for Windows' one day too. Probably wishful thinking but you never know!

    Familiar but not quite the same

    14 Wizard carnage incoming

    Cool new options

    Looks the same but apparently the new combat AI is naaaasty
    Blakes Sanctum:
    - Total Conversion mods: Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen, Star Trek Doom 2, & Star Wars Civilization 2
    - Game Shrines: Age of Wonders, Babylon 5 Fan Games, Civilization, Command & Conquer, Elder Scrolls, Dune Games, Final Fantasy, Freelancer, Heroes of Might & Magic, Imperium Galactica, Master of Magic, Quest for Glory, Starflight, & Star Trek Games
    - MovieTV Shrines: Lord Of The Rings & Hobbit, & Star Trek
    - Emulation

  12. #267
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Blake00
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    OMG.. The day has finally come and we have confirmation on the Slitherine mystery MoM project I’ve posted about here before!! Slitherine are working with Thea series creators MuHa games on a Official Master of Magic Remake!!! MuHa are a small indie studio so sure enough it's nothing AAA however the new remake already looks and sounds pretty good! I can already see people complaining about the hexes and lack of multiplayer but neither of those bother me. You can find the announcement videos (they've remade the old intro!), some nice pictures, and game info on their new Steam and GoG pages!

    But I'll stick a few here too!

    Blakes Sanctum:
    - Total Conversion mods: Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen, Star Trek Doom 2, & Star Wars Civilization 2
    - Game Shrines: Age of Wonders, Babylon 5 Fan Games, Civilization, Command & Conquer, Elder Scrolls, Dune Games, Final Fantasy, Freelancer, Heroes of Might & Magic, Imperium Galactica, Master of Magic, Quest for Glory, Starflight, & Star Trek Games
    - MovieTV Shrines: Lord Of The Rings & Hobbit, & Star Trek
    - Emulation

  13. #268
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Blake00
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    MuHa appear to be doing monthly (or at least trying to do monthly lol) developer diaries for the official Master of Magic remake... looks pretty good although some of the Wizard redesigns are not as good plus everything seems a bit bland and lacking colour compared to the original.

    First dev diary

    Second dev diary

    Third dev diary

    Blakes Sanctum:
    - Total Conversion mods: Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen, Star Trek Doom 2, & Star Wars Civilization 2
    - Game Shrines: Age of Wonders, Babylon 5 Fan Games, Civilization, Command & Conquer, Elder Scrolls, Dune Games, Final Fantasy, Freelancer, Heroes of Might & Magic, Imperium Galactica, Master of Magic, Quest for Glory, Starflight, & Star Trek Games
    - MovieTV Shrines: Lord Of The Rings & Hobbit, & Star Trek
    - Emulation

  14. #269
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Blake00
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    Haven't updated this thread in a while with all the latest official Master of Magic remake dev diaries and I thought I'd better post about their latest 9th dev diary as that has a application link for people to apply to be involved in beta testing! So if there's any lurking MoM fans here who want in on that, go apply now!

    Ninth Dev diary:

    For those who haven't seen all the previous dev diaries here they are...

    Eight dev diary

    Seventh dev diary

    Sixth dev diary

    Fifth dev diary

    Fourth dev diary

    Earlier dev diaries are in the thread posts above this one!

    Blakes Sanctum:
    - Total Conversion mods: Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen, Star Trek Doom 2, & Star Wars Civilization 2
    - Game Shrines: Age of Wonders, Babylon 5 Fan Games, Civilization, Command & Conquer, Elder Scrolls, Dune Games, Final Fantasy, Freelancer, Heroes of Might & Magic, Imperium Galactica, Master of Magic, Quest for Glory, Starflight, & Star Trek Games
    - MovieTV Shrines: Lord Of The Rings & Hobbit, & Star Trek
    - Emulation

  15. #270
    nonchalant Avatar von max2k
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    I registered. I was a big fan of the original game. Got it on release on my old 486er. Played it for hundreds of hours and even tryed Caster of Magic mod a few years back. Or was it a decade? The biggest draw back was the bad AI and the missing multyplayer to compensate for it. If i rember right, Caster of Magic activated some AI functions that wher already in the original game, but deactived because of hardware limitations of the 90s. Hope i get a chance to test this new version.
    Geändert von max2k (30. März 2022 um 19:38 Uhr)
    There's no semi-perfect. You're either perfect, or you not me.

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