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Thema: 88 naufragar ist Montezuma

  1. #31
    Rabulist Avatar von Claus E. Witz
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    Hansestadt Herford
    Your detailed plans are not boring. Sometimes it will help you to find a better solution for your target.
    I'll follow your story.
    "Wir behaupten (...), der Krieg ist nichts als eine Fortsetzung des politischen Verkehrs mit Einmischung anderer Mittel." Carl von Clausewitz

  2. #32
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Maugitar
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    That‘s true. Often I just need to talk/ write about a subject to think more in detail. Sometimes that is a better way of doing something.

  3. #33
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von naufragarRB
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    Willkommen alle! Ich wollte Sandkastenfotos posten, aber es scheint jetzt ueberfluessig...
    Ich hat vergessen, ein Foto zu machen, das Ziankalis Hauptstadt zeigt. Vom Spaeher liegt es 6 ziegel genau westlich. (I'm not sure what the right word for "tile" is, and I couldn't find it in the Zivilopaedie.)

    Instead of planning, I will only be reacting. If Ziankali moves his warrior into my borders, he can prevent me from improving tiles for a very long time. I'm continuing to build a worker, and I'll move my scout around his borders. If he invades me, I'll invade him. He moved his settler on turn 0, probably to a plains hill, so he can easily make a warrior to drive my scout back. If Ziankali does invade, I'll need to decide how many warriors I need to kill his. Luckily, I am Agg. I'm not very happy at finding Joao is my neighbor. I'm one of the slowest leaders, and he is just about the fastest. Hopefully, he'll be content to use his speed to beat me and not screw me up with that warrior.

    Does anybody have thoughts on him as a player? I see he has played in (or at least written stories for) 3 other games. I'll look at them but it will be a while.

    Ist er der Typ, der mit Krieger erwuergt?
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  4. #34
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Maugitar
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    Hey naufragarRB,
    You can translate tile with „Feld“.

  5. #35
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Maugitar
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    Ok now I have a little bit more time.

    I don‘t know Ziankali, but in general I haven‘t seen Warriorrushes very often. But as you have written, you‘re in a very difficult position. Jao can settle quicker than you. Additional he starts with Mining and reaches Bronze Processing(?) quicker. So if he decides to visit you with an axe you can‘t really do something against. Of course you could try to develop bows, but in this case you fall further behind.

  6. #36
    25 Jahre verheiratet Avatar von Papa Bear
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    Bronze Working
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    Eine Runde Nostalgie...

    Wie kam der Papa zum FCB? Des Rätsels Lösung

    Star Wars Episode I-III doch irgendwie nachvollziehbar? Wie der Papa das sieht

    Zitat Zitat von Klipsch-RF7II
    "Streaming ist für die breite Masse und denen ist HDR piepschnutzegal. Wenn man denen HDR erklärt, verstehen sie eh' nur Bahnhof"

  7. #37
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von naufragarRB
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    Zitat Zitat von Maugitar Beitrag anzeigen
    So if he decides to visit you with an axe you can‘t really do something against.
    You're right. In my original plan, I finished a settler on turn 33 and finished Bronzeverarbeitung on turn 37. I might slow down the settler so I can see where the copper is. I had an earlier plan in which I went Mining->Bronze Working->Agriculture instead of Agriculture->Mining->BV. It was slower but would have been safer. Now I have some regret...

  8. #38
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Maugitar
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    In the last game the first country "died" ~round 26. I keep my fingers crossed that you will survive longer.

  9. #39
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von naufragarRB
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    Zitat Zitat von Maugitar
    In the last game the first country "died" ~round 26. I keep my fingers crossed that you will survive longer.

    This is a man planning a rush:
    15 minutes on Round 7?

    But in the game, he was peaceful. He moved his warrior away, and for the second turn in a row, I forgot to take the appropriate screenshot.
    It is still a tense moment.

    If I have free time today, I'll update my sandbox. My original plan was BT->Warrior->Settler but I might try to get two workers out first, so I can connect copper faster. Since people asked, if I update my plans, I'll make a post about them.
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  10. #40
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Maugitar
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    Two BT before the settler or the first warrior? Don‘t you think that slows your start to much? Of course I do not know the map but after the restart the starting positions should be more of less equal. Therefore I assume that everyone will have copper and maybe also in the capital.
    Geändert von Maugitar (11. Januar 2020 um 14:09 Uhr)

  11. #41
    Rabulist Avatar von Claus E. Witz
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    Hansestadt Herford
    If copper is not in your FC, your 2nd BT is senseless until you will have founded your second city.
    "Wir behaupten (...), der Krieg ist nichts als eine Fortsetzung des politischen Verkehrs mit Einmischung anderer Mittel." Carl von Clausewitz

  12. #42
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von naufragarRB
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    Zitat Zitat von Maugitar
    Therefore I assume that everyone will have copper and maybe also in the capital.
    This is my assumption, too. My fear is that the copper is in the FC of the original city site (on the grass hill) and won't be inside my borders because I moved. But the mapmakers aren't that cruel, right?

    Zitat Zitat von Claus E. Witz
    If copper is not in your FC, your 2nd BT is senseless until you will have founded your second city.
    You're right. Plus, I was double counting: I was counting the workers as speeding up my settler by chopping, but they obviously can't chop before BV.

    Here are some plans.
    This is my current, normal plan. There are two weird places. On turn 12, I stop working a 3 foodhammer tile and work the silver. This means my BT takes 13 turns instead of twelve, but without this change, I kept missing BV by 1 beaker. All that I lose is some food at size 2. The picture above is the turn we discover BV. If it's not near the capital, I don't found the second city. I probably still shouldn't found the city, since it slows down time to wheel.

    In this plan, I finish Landwirtschaft before going to Archery. This is not a good plan.

    For this plan, I log back in to this round before it ends and switch from Agriculture to Archery. Ziankali and I will see each other's graphs on turn 14 approximately. I don't want to archer rush him. I really, really don't. It might keep me safe in the short term, but it kills my long-term development. [Edit: I should add that our capitals are 10 tiles away.]

    I put Joao into my sandbox to get a rough estimate of when he could get BV. This is the turn he discovers the tech. I think he can connect copper around turn 36 at best. I would be surprised if he were any faster.

    Now what do I do with these plans? So much for a nice relaxing game of Sid Meier's Civilization 4.
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  13. #43
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Maugitar
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    You haven‘t really expected a relaxing game against 51 HI, have you?

    And with Jao... as a Jao Player I would try to settle and occupy as much land as possible first. Otherwise I maybe conquer you, but have lost the land against others. I would loose the advantage of my trait. Additional you play as god. Cities are so expansive that I wouldn‘t try to get cities without a solid economy.
    Geändert von Maugitar (12. Januar 2020 um 13:33 Uhr)

  14. #44
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von naufragarRB
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    Ich moechte Ziankalis Hauptstadt sehen aber ein Uebergriff mit dem Spaeher scheint zu aggressiv.
    It looks like our starts are pretty similar.
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  15. #45
    Civ-Rentner Avatar von HeymlicH
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    Zitat Zitat von naufragarRB Beitrag anzeigen
    It looks like our starts are pretty similar.
    Sind sie nicht. Sein Schwein ist im Flachland, des ist ein 6 Feld, deins ist nur ein 5er.

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